Unknown2004-12-03 14:29:48
Cause I like hearing more than just stuff from lusternia and I feel like being a goose. Post some other stuff youve written here. Doesnt have to have a thing to do with lusternia, but if you insist - go right ahead! Have fun reading!! 

Unknown2004-12-03 14:36:53
*gets the ball rolling with a series of her old stuff from imperian* Sorry if the formattings off. darn copy and paste from journals
***The Birth of a Golden Pup***
The sun shown brightly high within the sky, the tips of the drying grass
turning a golden hue. A sea of green and gold swaying in the afternoon
breeze was calming, a sense of tranquility pervading through the
northern meadows. The songs of birds fill the air combating the growls
of predators, the croaks and guttural sounds of the pond life, the
sounds creating an orchestra of life.
A shewolf lies within a sheltered knoll, enjoying the day. Her fur
ruffles in the gentle wind, offering her comfort from the heat of the
summer - especially in this high noon. It is a light brown, almost
caramel color, long in length and thick in strand. Lying back upon the
side of the hillock, her belly is swollen... enough to suggest twins
even. Despite her seemingly unpleasant condition –being pregnant in the
open heat that is- is contradicted by her brilliant smile and pleasant
The sun rises higher in the sky and to the east a pack can be seem
running towards the expectant shewolf. All but one slow as they trot
nearer to the knoll, the leader still running towards the woman only to
halt and pant before greeting her with a gentle nuzzle. As the pack
circles round the hill, preparing fires and roasting their various prey,
the sun begins to fall.
Summer fades to autumn with the passing of days and weeks. The
grasslands are silent this cool fall morning all for the symphony of
crickets. The sun peaks over the mountains in the East, the Moon of Life
begins to shy into the background with the oncoming dawn.
A howl fills the air, halting the chirping of crickets and splicing the
morning silence in two. The pack gathers round the hill, all awaiting
the coming of the newest member of the pack.
The hours begin to fade away, the silence within the grasses continuing
throughout them all. As the sun begins to set beyond the western sea, a
whimpery cry breaks the silence.
Cries and grunts continue to be heard from the hillock for many moments
before being drowned by hollers and howls. The new one has arrived, but
much to the surprise of the pack, she is without the common traits of
her people. The russet fur is missing, the green eyes unfound. However
this is not a disappointment, or something that they do not fear... the
pack is filled with more delight, the news spreading throughout the area
as the birds begin to sing and the crickets begin to chirp once more,
splashes come from nearby pond and the croaks return to the sunset air.
A golden pup has been born within the pack, a trait said only to be
given to those who will bring knowledge and life. Fires burn bright this
night and all crowd around the new mother and cub. They talk of what
they years may bring, of what they shall teach her first, and a new
chapter within the Golden Pack begins.
***The Birth of a Golden Pup***
The sun shown brightly high within the sky, the tips of the drying grass
turning a golden hue. A sea of green and gold swaying in the afternoon
breeze was calming, a sense of tranquility pervading through the
northern meadows. The songs of birds fill the air combating the growls
of predators, the croaks and guttural sounds of the pond life, the
sounds creating an orchestra of life.
A shewolf lies within a sheltered knoll, enjoying the day. Her fur
ruffles in the gentle wind, offering her comfort from the heat of the
summer - especially in this high noon. It is a light brown, almost
caramel color, long in length and thick in strand. Lying back upon the
side of the hillock, her belly is swollen... enough to suggest twins
even. Despite her seemingly unpleasant condition –being pregnant in the
open heat that is- is contradicted by her brilliant smile and pleasant
The sun rises higher in the sky and to the east a pack can be seem
running towards the expectant shewolf. All but one slow as they trot
nearer to the knoll, the leader still running towards the woman only to
halt and pant before greeting her with a gentle nuzzle. As the pack
circles round the hill, preparing fires and roasting their various prey,
the sun begins to fall.
Summer fades to autumn with the passing of days and weeks. The
grasslands are silent this cool fall morning all for the symphony of
crickets. The sun peaks over the mountains in the East, the Moon of Life
begins to shy into the background with the oncoming dawn.
A howl fills the air, halting the chirping of crickets and splicing the
morning silence in two. The pack gathers round the hill, all awaiting
the coming of the newest member of the pack.
The hours begin to fade away, the silence within the grasses continuing
throughout them all. As the sun begins to set beyond the western sea, a
whimpery cry breaks the silence.
Cries and grunts continue to be heard from the hillock for many moments
before being drowned by hollers and howls. The new one has arrived, but
much to the surprise of the pack, she is without the common traits of
her people. The russet fur is missing, the green eyes unfound. However
this is not a disappointment, or something that they do not fear... the
pack is filled with more delight, the news spreading throughout the area
as the birds begin to sing and the crickets begin to chirp once more,
splashes come from nearby pond and the croaks return to the sunset air.
A golden pup has been born within the pack, a trait said only to be
given to those who will bring knowledge and life. Fires burn bright this
night and all crowd around the new mother and cub. They talk of what
they years may bring, of what they shall teach her first, and a new
chapter within the Golden Pack begins.
Unknown2004-12-03 14:41:09
.:*:..:*:.....Ascension of the Butterfly.....:*:..:*:.
/ Transcribed by Kiarakiska Virs, The Golden Pup \\
| |
* Deep in the southwest region of the world, there is a *
| forest of wonderful greenery. Within this redwood |
* wonderland there lived a woman. Within the confines of *
| her grove is where she spent her days, secluded and |
* alone; just the way she liked it. However, one day a *
| stranger came upon her sheltered home who was very |
* handsome and charming. In her years of solitude she’d *
| not given thought to finding one to spend her long life|
* with. Yet, fate it seemed would smile upon her this day*
| as the gentlemen wandered into her grove, asking for |
* shelter. She had not noticed that she was in fact *
| longing for a companion until one came upon her home. |
* In this realization, she could not refuse him shelter *
| in the comfort of her secluded circle. As the day went |
* on, they learned much of each other, getting along *
| quite harmoniously; the conversations flowing like a |
* smooth melody, never breaking and filled with laughter *
| The days passed by with ease and soon the woman found |
* herself enthralled by her new companion, as he hunted *
| for her and created many crafts to fill her barren |
* home; her grove filled with furs and a swing that she *
| could lie within and gaze at the stars. |
* *
| The days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and the two |
* feel deeply in love. An afternoon came, the sun slowly *
| dropping into the horizon, where he could no longer |
* keep his feelings hidden. She rest within her grove, *
| lying within her swing, as her walked in – without his |
* usual prey. Hands behind his back, he approached her *
| with care, arousing her curiosity with each step. From |
* behind him came a woven cage of ivy and redwood. Within*
| the confines of the cage fluttered a dozen indigo |
* nightfire butterflies. Her emerald eyes lit up with *
| sheer excitement and amusement as his gift. He set it |
* next to her within the swing, lowering himself onto a *
| knee before her. His words did flow, like the calmest |
* river up to her elven ears as he confessed his undying *
| love for her. Her face did lighten with her excitement |
* and joy as his words fell upon her ears, serenading her*
| heart much to her delight. All his fears faded as she |
* shed a single tear in her happiness as he asked her to *
| be his bride; the other half of his soul. Gladly she |
* accepted his proposal, wrapping her arms about him in *
| an ecstatic state. |
* *
|That night as they sat side by side before a small fire,|
* having finished the evenings meal she glanced within *
| the ivy cage to gaze upon the tiny creatures within. |
* She gazed so long at them that he had to ask if she was*
| happy with her gift. She of course replied with much |
* enthusiasm, explaining her fascination with the grace *
| in which butterflies flit about and the miraculous |
* transformation that occurs to bring them to this state.*
| |
* Dutifully noted within his mind she received a new *
| butterfly every week, any type that he could find. Soon|
* they wed, beneath the starry sky, and within the month*
| she was blessed with a gift; a child began to grow |
* within her womb. Throughout the months of pregnancy *
| she would lie within her hammock swing, singing songs |
* and examining the intricate patterns of butterflies *
| wings. Each week, when she’d examine all that dwelled |
* within the cage, she would wait until nightfall and *
| glance up at the stars before freeing them within the |
* forest. *
| |
* Her belly swelled with each day that passed and she *
| soon found herself sleeping away the days while her |
* loyal lover hunted and caught her new butterflies; *
| often remaining awake from dusk till dawn, studying |
* her specimens beneath a blanket of stars. As the time *
| approached when she would be ready to give birth, an |
* awful sickness fell upon her. She could no longer do *
| anything but lie within her grove, praying that she |
* would recover. As her health deteriorated, however, *
| she no longer prayed for her own safety but rather |
* that of her unborn child. She had become quite found *
| the night sky and prayed to the Lady of the Stars, to |
* save the child within her. Her prayers went without *
| answer but she kept faith that the Lady would not turn|
* a deaf ear on her plea. *
| |
* As the sun peeked over the horizon, the day of labor *
| began. Her one and only love, sat beside her with |
* worry, mopping her forehead with cool water as the sun*
| rose higher in the sky. Till dusk did this continue on|
* till finally a cry was heard within the wood. Her *
| husbands face did light up with joy at the sight of a |
* new baby girl, blessed with the beauty of her mother. *
| The woman lie spent, though still alive and elated as |
* she held her daughter into the deepest of night. *
| |
* Quietly she sang of the wind and trees, of butterflies*
| who love the breeze. And as the dawn neared her voice |
* did fade, her soul rising from its tired cage to rise *
| into the heavens above. The cage of nightfire and |
* and summerstorm butterflies that lie next to her and *
| her child opened as the almost invisible form of her |
* soul rose towards the sky. Butterfly after butterfly *
| flew after her into the heavens. And since that day a |
* a group of stars do shine, high within the skies in *
| the west in the shape of a butterfly. |
* *
\\ The End /
*peers* No cracks on my sweet side *eye*
PS: sorry bout the yucky formatting - stupid not wanting to use spaces thingy.
/ Transcribed by Kiarakiska Virs, The Golden Pup \\
| |
* Deep in the southwest region of the world, there is a *
| forest of wonderful greenery. Within this redwood |
* wonderland there lived a woman. Within the confines of *
| her grove is where she spent her days, secluded and |
* alone; just the way she liked it. However, one day a *
| stranger came upon her sheltered home who was very |
* handsome and charming. In her years of solitude she’d *
| not given thought to finding one to spend her long life|
* with. Yet, fate it seemed would smile upon her this day*
| as the gentlemen wandered into her grove, asking for |
* shelter. She had not noticed that she was in fact *
| longing for a companion until one came upon her home. |
* In this realization, she could not refuse him shelter *
| in the comfort of her secluded circle. As the day went |
* on, they learned much of each other, getting along *
| quite harmoniously; the conversations flowing like a |
* smooth melody, never breaking and filled with laughter *
| The days passed by with ease and soon the woman found |
* herself enthralled by her new companion, as he hunted *
| for her and created many crafts to fill her barren |
* home; her grove filled with furs and a swing that she *
| could lie within and gaze at the stars. |
* *
| The days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and the two |
* feel deeply in love. An afternoon came, the sun slowly *
| dropping into the horizon, where he could no longer |
* keep his feelings hidden. She rest within her grove, *
| lying within her swing, as her walked in – without his |
* usual prey. Hands behind his back, he approached her *
| with care, arousing her curiosity with each step. From |
* behind him came a woven cage of ivy and redwood. Within*
| the confines of the cage fluttered a dozen indigo |
* nightfire butterflies. Her emerald eyes lit up with *
| sheer excitement and amusement as his gift. He set it |
* next to her within the swing, lowering himself onto a *
| knee before her. His words did flow, like the calmest |
* river up to her elven ears as he confessed his undying *
| love for her. Her face did lighten with her excitement |
* and joy as his words fell upon her ears, serenading her*
| heart much to her delight. All his fears faded as she |
* shed a single tear in her happiness as he asked her to *
| be his bride; the other half of his soul. Gladly she |
* accepted his proposal, wrapping her arms about him in *
| an ecstatic state. |
* *
|That night as they sat side by side before a small fire,|
* having finished the evenings meal she glanced within *
| the ivy cage to gaze upon the tiny creatures within. |
* She gazed so long at them that he had to ask if she was*
| happy with her gift. She of course replied with much |
* enthusiasm, explaining her fascination with the grace *
| in which butterflies flit about and the miraculous |
* transformation that occurs to bring them to this state.*
| |
* Dutifully noted within his mind she received a new *
| butterfly every week, any type that he could find. Soon|
* they wed, beneath the starry sky, and within the month*
| she was blessed with a gift; a child began to grow |
* within her womb. Throughout the months of pregnancy *
| she would lie within her hammock swing, singing songs |
* and examining the intricate patterns of butterflies *
| wings. Each week, when she’d examine all that dwelled |
* within the cage, she would wait until nightfall and *
| glance up at the stars before freeing them within the |
* forest. *
| |
* Her belly swelled with each day that passed and she *
| soon found herself sleeping away the days while her |
* loyal lover hunted and caught her new butterflies; *
| often remaining awake from dusk till dawn, studying |
* her specimens beneath a blanket of stars. As the time *
| approached when she would be ready to give birth, an |
* awful sickness fell upon her. She could no longer do *
| anything but lie within her grove, praying that she |
* would recover. As her health deteriorated, however, *
| she no longer prayed for her own safety but rather |
* that of her unborn child. She had become quite found *
| the night sky and prayed to the Lady of the Stars, to |
* save the child within her. Her prayers went without *
| answer but she kept faith that the Lady would not turn|
* a deaf ear on her plea. *
| |
* As the sun peeked over the horizon, the day of labor *
| began. Her one and only love, sat beside her with |
* worry, mopping her forehead with cool water as the sun*
| rose higher in the sky. Till dusk did this continue on|
* till finally a cry was heard within the wood. Her *
| husbands face did light up with joy at the sight of a |
* new baby girl, blessed with the beauty of her mother. *
| The woman lie spent, though still alive and elated as |
* she held her daughter into the deepest of night. *
| |
* Quietly she sang of the wind and trees, of butterflies*
| who love the breeze. And as the dawn neared her voice |
* did fade, her soul rising from its tired cage to rise *
| into the heavens above. The cage of nightfire and |
* and summerstorm butterflies that lie next to her and *
| her child opened as the almost invisible form of her |
* soul rose towards the sky. Butterfly after butterfly *
| flew after her into the heavens. And since that day a |
* a group of stars do shine, high within the skies in *
| the west in the shape of a butterfly. |
* *
\\ The End /
*peers* No cracks on my sweet side *eye*
PS: sorry bout the yucky formatting - stupid not wanting to use spaces thingy.
Unknown2004-12-03 14:49:33
Unknown2004-12-04 06:28:19
This is something my wytchen wrote.
~~~The Legend of Bali~~~
No one knows just how old Bali is, he kept to himself in the early days.
He liked to watch mortals and would sometimes scare them just for fun.
One day, as he was sitting in his wood and waiting for someone to scare,
he saw something that infuriated him. He saw an Arboreal kill an animal
then leave it's corpse to rot. He understood that mortals must sometimes
hunt for food and clothing, but this person left without taking any part
of the animal. And what angered him more was that this was supposed to
be a guardian of Nature!
He began to watch the mortals that came into his valley more carefully.
He saw that more and more people started hunting animals just for sport.
They would leave the bodies to rot and come back when the population
rose again. He knew he had to find some way to keep an eye on his
territory at all times.
So he took on the form of a man who was quite handsome by human
standards. It's said that his smile could charm any woman and make her
do anything he wanted. He traveled all the way to Khandava looking for
anything that might help him watch hs domain. As he traveled through the
forest, he was often joined by small colorful butterflies. He thought
that these would be perfect spies for him.
He sat and watched them for a while, when suddenly they all took to the
air and began flying to the council. He followed by land and they led
him to a beautiful woman who was surrounded by butterflies. He realized
that these were her friends and he didn't want to steal them away from
her without her knowledge. He smiled at her and she fell deeply for him.
Bali spent many months with the woman, but he knew he should get back to
his valley, for being away from it for so long was draining him. The
woman was heartbroken when he told her he had to leave, but she gave him
some of her butterflies anyways.
He returned to his valley with his spies, who turned out to be very
effective. Some travelers say that while walking through Modin Valley,
they spotted a cheetah surrounded by butterflies, almost as though they
are companions.
As for the woman, she still lives in Khandava and is known to seek the
help of travelers to catch her butterflies and bring them back to her,
hopefully luring Bali back to her as well.
Note: For those who don't play Imperian, Modin valley is full of butterflies and there's always one room that has a cheetah and like 5 butterflies, which ss what inspired this story. And for those of youm who still haven't gotten it, the lady is Mariposa, Khandava's tutor.
~~~The Legend of Bali~~~
No one knows just how old Bali is, he kept to himself in the early days.
He liked to watch mortals and would sometimes scare them just for fun.
One day, as he was sitting in his wood and waiting for someone to scare,
he saw something that infuriated him. He saw an Arboreal kill an animal
then leave it's corpse to rot. He understood that mortals must sometimes
hunt for food and clothing, but this person left without taking any part
of the animal. And what angered him more was that this was supposed to
be a guardian of Nature!
He began to watch the mortals that came into his valley more carefully.
He saw that more and more people started hunting animals just for sport.
They would leave the bodies to rot and come back when the population
rose again. He knew he had to find some way to keep an eye on his
territory at all times.
So he took on the form of a man who was quite handsome by human
standards. It's said that his smile could charm any woman and make her
do anything he wanted. He traveled all the way to Khandava looking for
anything that might help him watch hs domain. As he traveled through the
forest, he was often joined by small colorful butterflies. He thought
that these would be perfect spies for him.
He sat and watched them for a while, when suddenly they all took to the
air and began flying to the council. He followed by land and they led
him to a beautiful woman who was surrounded by butterflies. He realized
that these were her friends and he didn't want to steal them away from
her without her knowledge. He smiled at her and she fell deeply for him.
Bali spent many months with the woman, but he knew he should get back to
his valley, for being away from it for so long was draining him. The
woman was heartbroken when he told her he had to leave, but she gave him
some of her butterflies anyways.
He returned to his valley with his spies, who turned out to be very
effective. Some travelers say that while walking through Modin Valley,
they spotted a cheetah surrounded by butterflies, almost as though they
are companions.
As for the woman, she still lives in Khandava and is known to seek the
help of travelers to catch her butterflies and bring them back to her,
hopefully luring Bali back to her as well.
Note: For those who don't play Imperian, Modin valley is full of butterflies and there's always one room that has a cheetah and like 5 butterflies, which ss what inspired this story. And for those of youm who still haven't gotten it, the lady is Mariposa, Khandava's tutor.