The Divine

by Richter

Back to Common Grounds.

Iridiel2004-12-14 18:11:58
Hiri, hun, you forgot to take your pills again? Or Somebody finally gave you the Amnesia cookie? :-)
Shiri2004-12-14 18:25:01
It was just talcum powder! Not amnesia dust! *shifty*
Hiriako2004-12-14 19:00:22
Amnesia cookie? That'd explain a lot. I still can't find that pair of pants.
Richter2004-12-14 20:52:01
You left them at my place. *nudge*
Hiriako2004-12-15 14:27:28
I may have forgotten some things, but you're not my type Richter. If those are my pants, you stole 'em.
Iridiel2004-12-15 15:03:28
I wonder which female left Hiriako's pants in Richter bedroom...