Richter2004-12-17 06:46:20
So there I was. In a good mood. Decided to randomly teleport to people and hand them carnations. Just... I was in a good mood.
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A rat wanders into view, nosing about for food.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You teleport along the aether strands to Gray.
The Moonhart Mother Tree.
N, NW, W, NW to commune
S to guildhall
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Singing
a hauntingly beautiful melody, Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, stands here.
Towering high above is the Moonhart Mother Tree, stretching her enormous
branches heavenwards. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome
presence of a living totem. There are 2 tame wakabis here. There are 4 moon
maidens here. A humble donkey stands here, twitching its long ears. There are 2
elfen guards here. Neighing softly, a dappled grey horse trots here. A white
and brown speckled pony grazes nearby. A giant jovial wombat stands here on all
fours. The body of a dead fat green weevil lies here. Harpuia, The Stoic
Watcher is here. He wields a flanged mace in his left hand and a heavy mace
resembling taurian horns in his right. Flynt is here. He wields a dwarven
battleaxe in his left hand and a shining steel longsword in his right. Master
Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots is here. He wields an eloquent silver
rapier in his left hand and an elegant silver rapier in his right. Jilseponie
"Pony" Wyndon is here. She wields a leather sling in her right hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
You look about yourself, frenzied and wild-eyed.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
An odd sensation descends upon you.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo licks his lips.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Her dress shifting against her legs, a moon maiden floats in from the south.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You blink for a moment, then instantly, all about you is darkness.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You use your right foot to stomp on your left as hard as possible.
2136h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-say ow
You gasp as your fine-tuned reflexes disappear into a haze of confusion.
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You say, "Ow."
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
Vines and grasses writhe upwards from the ground, lashing out at you like
living whips.
An elfen guard opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
You howl as an elfen guard hacks into you.
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You gasp and stumble as part of your precious energy reserves are sapped from
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
"Eep!", Jilseponie screams in fright.
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
441h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You realize that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you
take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
441h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You bleed 135 health.
306h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-sip health
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
844h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You realize that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you
take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
844h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Hair swishing in the breeze, an elfen guard strolls in from the north.
Her dress shifting against her legs, a moon maiden floats in from the north.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You feel ugliness radiating from you.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Eyes blazing with fire, a moon maiden points a finger at you, and blasts you
with a bolt of pure energy.
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
You have been slain by a moon maiden.
You writhe in pain as you fall to level 55.
You sigh in frustration as you fall to the level of Idolized.
The corpse of an old rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an old rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
All your golden sovereigns fall out of your hands.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
An elfen guard says, "This had better be good, I haven't finished brushing my
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo picks up some gold sovereigns.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo puts some gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You are dead, perhaps you should "Pray for Salvation".
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-say do me a favor marcalo?
You say, "Do me a favor marcalo?"
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Harpuia picks up the corpse of Richter.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Flynt blinks.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Her head raised high, a moon maiden floats out to the north.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
With a final flick of his hair, an elfen guard saunters out to the north.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Master Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots says, "Wahts up."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-say see, I was giving carnations to random people
You say, "See, I was giving carnations to random people."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-say wasnt looking where I was going
You say, "Wasnt looking where I was going."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Master Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots says, "So we noticed."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo smirks.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Flynt Ama'nar'isil sticks out his tongue and says, "So you were flirting with
random girls?"
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You notice Flynt's eyelids are beginning to droop.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say uh, gimme that gold later
You are dead, perhaps you should "Pray for Salvation".
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You say, "Uh, gimme that gold later."
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say oh yes
You must wait a short while to use a say-like command again.
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say oh yes
You say, "Oh yes."
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-pray for salvation
You shuffle off the last remaining ties to your mortal coil and set your soul
free to begin its journey...
Random acts of kindness = death!
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A rat wanders into view, nosing about for food.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You teleport along the aether strands to Gray.
The Moonhart Mother Tree.
N, NW, W, NW to commune
S to guildhall
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Singing
a hauntingly beautiful melody, Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, stands here.
Towering high above is the Moonhart Mother Tree, stretching her enormous
branches heavenwards. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome
presence of a living totem. There are 2 tame wakabis here. There are 4 moon
maidens here. A humble donkey stands here, twitching its long ears. There are 2
elfen guards here. Neighing softly, a dappled grey horse trots here. A white
and brown speckled pony grazes nearby. A giant jovial wombat stands here on all
fours. The body of a dead fat green weevil lies here. Harpuia, The Stoic
Watcher is here. He wields a flanged mace in his left hand and a heavy mace
resembling taurian horns in his right. Flynt is here. He wields a dwarven
battleaxe in his left hand and a shining steel longsword in his right. Master
Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots is here. He wields an eloquent silver
rapier in his left hand and an elegant silver rapier in his right. Jilseponie
"Pony" Wyndon is here. She wields a leather sling in her right hand.
You see exits leading north and south.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
You look about yourself, frenzied and wild-eyed.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
A living totem unleashes a bolt of energy that slams into you.
An odd sensation descends upon you.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo licks his lips.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Her dress shifting against her legs, a moon maiden floats in from the south.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You blink for a moment, then instantly, all about you is darkness.
2540h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You use your right foot to stomp on your left as hard as possible.
2136h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-say ow
You gasp as your fine-tuned reflexes disappear into a haze of confusion.
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You say, "Ow."
1652h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
Vines and grasses writhe upwards from the ground, lashing out at you like
living whips.
An elfen guard opens a gash in your arm with a skillful blow.
You howl as an elfen guard hacks into you.
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You gasp and stumble as part of your precious energy reserves are sapped from
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
"Eep!", Jilseponie screams in fright.
648h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
441h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You realize that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you
take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
441h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You bleed 135 health.
306h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-sip health
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
844h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You realize that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you
take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
844h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
A moon maiden mutters some words under her breath. You feel your bones grate
together as a band of white fire arcs across your body.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Hair swishing in the breeze, an elfen guard strolls in from the north.
Her dress shifting against her legs, a moon maiden floats in from the north.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You feel ugliness radiating from you.
428h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Eyes blazing with fire, a moon maiden points a finger at you, and blasts you
with a bolt of pure energy.
A moon maiden reaches out towards you, arms wreathed in white energy. A moment
later you feel a blast hit you in the chest as a blue fireball smashes into
You have been slain by a moon maiden.
You writhe in pain as you fall to level 55.
You sigh in frustration as you fall to the level of Idolized.
The corpse of an old rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an old rat falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
All your golden sovereigns fall out of your hands.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
An elfen guard says, "This had better be good, I haven't finished brushing my
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo picks up some gold sovereigns.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo puts some gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You are dead, perhaps you should "Pray for Salvation".
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-say do me a favor marcalo?
You say, "Do me a favor marcalo?"
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Harpuia picks up the corpse of Richter.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Flynt blinks.
0h, 643m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Her head raised high, a moon maiden floats out to the north.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
With a final flick of his hair, an elfen guard saunters out to the north.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Master Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots says, "Wahts up."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-say see, I was giving carnations to random people
You say, "See, I was giving carnations to random people."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-say wasnt looking where I was going
You say, "Wasnt looking where I was going."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Master Hunter, Marcalo De'Unnero, Puss'n'Boots says, "So we noticed."
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Marcalo smirks.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Flynt Ama'nar'isil sticks out his tongue and says, "So you were flirting with
random girls?"
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You notice Flynt's eyelids are beginning to droop.
0h, 493m, 2540e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say uh, gimme that gold later
You are dead, perhaps you should "Pray for Salvation".
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-
You say, "Uh, gimme that gold later."
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say oh yes
You must wait a short while to use a say-like command again.
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-say oh yes
You say, "Oh yes."
0h, 343m, 2540e, 10p ex-pray for salvation
You shuffle off the last remaining ties to your mortal coil and set your soul
free to begin its journey...
Random acts of kindness = death!
Unknown2004-12-17 09:32:10
I hope you learned your lesson. "Don't be nice to anyone."
Did he give you back the gold?
Did he give you back the gold?
Richter2004-12-17 21:08:36
Yeah, Marcalo and Richter are "tight". Yo.
He's one of the few Serenwilders that talks to me, heh.
He's one of the few Serenwilders that talks to me, heh.
Unknown2004-12-17 23:46:32
Those Elfen guards are funny.
Shiri2004-12-17 23:55:23
They're not picky, either. *suspicious*
Richter2004-12-18 00:47:02
Well I -am- a commune enemy.
Murphy2004-12-18 08:32:19
Yeah I'm a commune enemy too. I was out killing Terentia Order Filth....and next minute i port into estelbarr and get killed chasing furloch......lost 30k too.
Really I never did anything to estelbar and what the hell is wrong with a little violence in the commune???
damn pacifists all of you
Really I never did anything to estelbar and what the hell is wrong with a little violence in the commune???
damn pacifists all of you
Richter2004-12-19 11:32:36
Yeah, I hate randomly walking around, and you hit a village you're enemied to. I hope no one is enemied to Magnagora... Watch where you're walking.
Shiri2004-12-19 11:46:50
QUOTE(Murphy @ Dec 18 2004, 09:32 AM)
Yeah I'm a commune enemy too. I was out killing Terentia Order Filth....and next minute i port into estelbarr and get killed chasing furloch......lost 30k too.
Really I never did anything to estelbar and what the hell is wrong with a little violence in the commune???
damn pacifists all of you
Really I never did anything to estelbar and what the hell is wrong with a little violence in the commune???
damn pacifists all of you
Yes, because we're clearly pacifists for you being killed in our village.