Niara2004-12-19 11:29:24
So there were really a few that had fun? I mean those not on Magnagora's side.....I wonder what the motivation of this was...something like: Hey, it's Saturday, let's piss off someone..or what? Or rather: Hey, Celest got boring, let's screw those treehuggers.
I wouldn't mind this trouble, or at least not much, if there would be any reason..other than to piss others off.
And no, I am not whining, I am just disappointed. Skillwise Serenwilde could probably stand up against Magnagora but most there don't know and especially don't want to fight and I think you will drive away many people with this sudden attack....and don't tell me the reason was to gain more power, that's ridicilous.
I wouldn't mind this trouble, or at least not much, if there would be any reason..other than to piss others off.
And no, I am not whining, I am just disappointed. Skillwise Serenwilde could probably stand up against Magnagora but most there don't know and especially don't want to fight and I think you will drive away many people with this sudden attack....and don't tell me the reason was to gain more power, that's ridicilous.
Bricriu2004-12-19 11:33:07
Niara - how about Serenwilde not fulfilling an agreement made?
Shiri2004-12-19 11:43:26
They did have fairly good reason, yes. Well, we took the village, but didn't give them the commodities, so it's our fault really, right? And it's fun to actually have Serenwilde get into some conflict. There's still annoying people like Arwillian ranting just because that's how they are, but the rest of the Wilde has actually pulled itself together somewhat, incredibly.
Organisation skills still need work though. Me + Ibaesha alone influencing Vs Daevos, Ixchilgal, Arilyon and Co. = not good thing. And then Saraxus and Elaria come and lead us to victory...just before Magnagora wins the village. Hmm.
EDIT: Oh, and just to clarify. I KNOW it wasn't just Ibaesha and I the whole time through, and there were loads of people doing it before (albeit being killed), but for a fair while it was just us two.
Organisation skills still need work though. Me + Ibaesha alone influencing Vs Daevos, Ixchilgal, Arilyon and Co. = not good thing. And then Saraxus and Elaria come and lead us to victory...just before Magnagora wins the village. Hmm.
EDIT: Oh, and just to clarify. I KNOW it wasn't just Ibaesha and I the whole time through, and there were loads of people doing it before (albeit being killed), but for a fair while it was just us two.
Gwynn2004-12-19 11:44:00
It could have something to do with Magnagora's public gloating over "Haha, we're pulling Serenwilde's strings, look at them dance!" which caused SO MUCH FRICKIN ARGUMENT in the commune its not funny.
You probably would've gotten the agreement fullfilled if you hadn't started the public showofferey.
You probably would've gotten the agreement fullfilled if you hadn't started the public showofferey.
Daevos2004-12-19 11:59:25
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 19 2004, 11:43 AM)
Organisation skills still need work though. Me + Ibaesha alone influencing Vs Daevos, Ixchilgal, Arilyon and Co. = not good thing. And then Saraxus and Elaria come and lead us to victory...just before Magnagora wins the village. Hmm.
Uh, Saraxus and Elaria led you to what victory? We didnt even fight because you all ran immediately after we won the village without a engagement.
But on the issue of Magnagora's role in this conflict. It had little to do with Dairuchi and more to do with a perceived threat. We attempted to lessen the effect of that threat, by presenting a certain idea, that was altered and instead turned that threat into a realization before we were ready to deal with it, as we had wanted to. Now though, we will fight to the death, and we do not accept defeat.
Shiri2004-12-19 12:01:37
QUOTE(Daevos @ Dec 19 2004, 12:59 PM)
Uh, Saraxus and Elaria led you to what victory? We didnt even fight because you all ran immediately after we won the village without a engagement.
But on the issue of Magnagora's role in this conflict. It had little to do with Dairuchi and more to with a perceived threat. We attempted to lessen the effect of that threat, with a certain idea, that was altered and instead, turned that threat into a realization before we were ready to deal with it, as we had wanted to. Now though, we will fight to the death, and we do not accept defeat.
But on the issue of Magnagora's role in this conflict. It had little to do with Dairuchi and more to with a perceived threat. We attempted to lessen the effect of that threat, with a certain idea, that was altered and instead, turned that threat into a realization before we were ready to deal with it, as we had wanted to. Now though, we will fight to the death, and we do not accept defeat.
As for the first part, yes, but the INTENT was to lead us to victory. I suppose sardonicism doesn't come across well on message boards. *g*
Niara2004-12-19 12:23:04
Uhm, Daevos..would you please translate your words into something understandable? What threat? Did paranoia hit you or what happened?
Daevos2004-12-19 12:27:57
The threat of Serenwilde and Celest uniting against us.
Elryn2004-12-19 12:46:29
Heh, well, congratulations to the Magnagorans for winning Estelbar. They fought fairly and won. Unfortunately, against such numbers, I am beginning to understand the hopelessness Celest must have been feeling for a while.
A question... will all the villages revolt one at a time from now on? For our sakes, I certainly hope not.
A question... will all the villages revolt one at a time from now on? For our sakes, I certainly hope not.
Shiri2004-12-19 12:55:14
Chances are that's the case, Elryn. It was just a huge fluke all 5 went last time. I'd rather like if it they DID revolt simultaneously though. It'd add more interest to things, so that Magnagora wouldn't just win all the time. Granted, they earnt it, but still.
Lisaera2004-12-19 12:58:31
QUOTE(SirVLCIV @ Dec 19 2004, 06:51 AM)
I would like moonbeam to take balance and/or eq to stop it from being spammed like that... ::coughs::
It does, generally.
As for the bounty thing, that was just Me, the admin me doesn't care about it.
Also, ICly, Lisaera didn't tell Hinagar to kill you, he just gets angry when people disrespect his Mistress. Nice wolfie.
I also enjoyed our little chat, Guido, though I did feel like I was talking to a rabid dog at times with all the growling and snarling and feral gleaming...
Each to their own!
Shiri2004-12-19 13:00:23
QUOTE(Lisaera @ Dec 19 2004, 01:58 PM)
It does, generally.
I think it TAKES equilibrium, so to speak, but it doesn't USE equilibrium. That is to say, you need to have eq to use it, but using it does lose eq. Rather like healing. So it can still be spammed. (I think that was actually more than one beam going on Guido, though.)
Elryn2004-12-19 13:02:40
Though, we did have Rage broken at the time, so maybe when that is fixed we might fare better.
Ah well, at least this pulled us together as a commune. I was so proud of everyone working so hard.
Plus, maybe when Magnagora finishes creating its global tainted Empire we'll have some real isolationism going on.
Ah well, at least this pulled us together as a commune. I was so proud of everyone working so hard.
Plus, maybe when Magnagora finishes creating its global tainted Empire we'll have some real isolationism going on.

Alger2004-12-19 13:53:05
I dont think Magnagora did this to annoy people or because of some broken little deal... though some of us like parading with our big egos the players behind the characters arent idiots and when it comes to a choice of fighting a two front war there would be a better reason than oh celest got boring...
Unknown2004-12-19 14:43:59
There are reasons that will eventually be unveiled.
Roark2004-12-19 16:20:17
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 19 2004, 06:05 AM)
Oh, we had a circle. It's just that even though there were about 12 of us there, only the circle leader, Tuek, was actually capable of throwing things through it. I'd have assumed it was just all the rest of us doing the wrong command, like there was some special thing to go through rage, but everyone who was there said it wasn't working like it used to.
Only the circle leader can call down the killing moon (rage). Once it is in place, anyone in the circle should be able to use it. I'll double check to see if this is still the case.
Shiri2004-12-19 16:25:07
Yeah. We got our coven of 13, Tuek was the leader, and Narsrim was there too, amongst others. Tuek called down the Killing Moon, all fine. Then we assumed it was because they were shielded that was the problem, so I went off to die (because I was retarded, various things) while trying to nullify them, but one of them was moving, so I yelled back to Tuek to start raging through the thing at him. Okay, so Tuek can then moonburst through, but no one else can. I'd have thought we just did it wrong, but Tuek was able to do it,
Unknown2004-12-19 17:24:23
I'm sooo glad Serenwilde got involved, although I wasn't able to get on. (Stupid lost password).
We lost Estelbar? I haven't signed in yet, but if we did...Cronus will be mighty upset

We lost Estelbar? I haven't signed in yet, but if we did...Cronus will be mighty upset
Shiri2004-12-19 17:27:26
Yeah, we lost Estelbar, Sonata made a post about it on the public, saying how sad she is they let themselves be brainwashed and so forth. And yeah, Serenwilde was -involved.- And that's not just like 3 people as with the nodes, it was more like the whole lot of us. Still scrambling madly all over the place, but some of us are working on better organisational techniques 

Unknown2004-12-19 17:28:30
Hope lives on for the people of the Seren to fullfill their goals and dreams!