Unknown2005-01-23 21:48:16
Unknown2005-01-23 21:50:01
QUOTE(daganev @ Jan 24 2005, 10:48 AM)
I have no interest to ever do it again, and will just smile at everyone who copies me.
I enjoy my orginality and uniquenes.
I enjoy my orginality and uniquenes.
Your originality.


Daganev2005-01-23 21:52:47
ummm no
if you look at page 6 I said I was trying to and you interupted me... you merely allowed me to do it on page 8, and for that I am gratefull.
if you look at page 6 I said I was trying to and you interupted me... you merely allowed me to do it on page 8, and for that I am gratefull.
Daganev2005-01-23 21:53:46
sorry, my bad.. page 5
Unknown2005-01-23 21:53:58

*goes and checks previous pages*
Unknown2005-01-23 21:56:23
My bad.... I only said "Please try again."
(I wonder what Auseklis is going to say?...)
(I wonder what Auseklis is going to say?...)
Unknown2005-01-23 22:07:41
What? Auseklis was on this topic for like 20 minutes... then he didn't reply?...
I suppose he was probably reading through the thread, that's why he was on so long. Or should I say, "He".
I suppose he was probably reading through the thread, that's why he was on so long. Or should I say, "He".
Shiri2005-01-23 22:15:36
You should indeed. And He was probably relieved that every other post was Zaltan/Daganev/Silvanus instead of me for a change. *inno*
Unknown2005-01-23 22:37:51
No, you've posted a fair amount here.
Oooh, did you know that if you click on the number of posts in a thread, it shows a pop-up window which displays how often everyone has posted in that thread... I'll do it now.
W00t, my 300th post!
Oooh, did you know that if you click on the number of posts in a thread, it shows a pop-up window which displays how often everyone has posted in that thread... I'll do it now.
W00t, my 300th post!
Unknown2005-01-23 22:39:50
This is from before I posted, so you should actually add 1 to me:
See, you're wrong. You've posted more than thrice that of Silvanus.
daganev 69
Zaltan 59
Shiri 38
Silvanus 12
Richter 4
Aebrin 4
Manjanaia 4
Kaervas 3
Dan 3
Iggy 3
Iridiel 3
Lisaera 3
Aris 3
Isntinuse 3
Shoshana 2
Jack 2
AlyssandraAbSidhe 2
Hiriako 1
Maedhros 1
KidHendrix 1
Nika 1
dlanod 1
Summer 1
Briseis Nerianstar 1
Amaru 1
Etanru 1
Zaltan 59
Shiri 38
Silvanus 12
Richter 4
Aebrin 4
Manjanaia 4
Kaervas 3
Dan 3
Iggy 3
Iridiel 3
Lisaera 3
Aris 3
Isntinuse 3
Shoshana 2
Jack 2
AlyssandraAbSidhe 2
Hiriako 1
Maedhros 1
KidHendrix 1
Nika 1
dlanod 1
Summer 1
Briseis Nerianstar 1
Amaru 1
Etanru 1
See, you're wrong. You've posted more than thrice that of Silvanus.
Shiri2005-01-23 22:41:24
...eh, whatever, I just saw the post-burst and assumed. 

Unknown2005-01-23 22:43:34
Do you sleep-post?
Shiri2005-01-23 22:45:11
I suspect I would, but I turn my PC off at the wall and trying to sleep-turn-it-on would get me quite a clonk on the head from my desk.
Unknown2005-01-23 22:46:11
So that's how you post 24/7...
Unknown2005-01-23 22:46:55
Wait.... I would have assumed that you never slept at all...
Shiri2005-01-23 22:49:37
People occasionally knock me out to stop me posting after a few days of constant activity.
Daganev2005-01-23 22:53:55
i'm often reading multiple threads at the same time because I have three different computers that I read this from and rarely turn them off or close unused windows... go fig.
Unknown2005-01-23 23:01:09
Press "Caps Lock" or "Shift", Daganev. Hehe, no matter how hard you try you can't spell "I" as "i"
Daganev2005-01-23 23:04:33
huh, I'm confused. I'm finding that the first charachter I type is always lowercase for some reason.. except when I go back and change it.
Unknown2005-01-23 23:20:22
Pressing "Shift" converts it to uppercase...