Unknown2005-01-30 21:42:57
Your avatar is scary.
Unknown2005-01-30 21:43:27
W00t, page 28!
Mine, my precious.
Mine, my precious.
Aebrin2005-01-30 22:50:45
whose avatar?
Unknown2005-01-30 23:13:15
Aebrin2005-01-30 23:45:27
You don't know Father Jack?!

Rauros2005-01-31 04:57:06
Bears a striking resemblence to Jim Carrey
Unknown2005-01-31 08:53:52
Jim Carrey is not scary.
Aebrin2005-01-31 11:46:02
No Jim Carrey is not scary, just absolutely terrible in acting.
Father Jack, part of the "Father Ted" comedy series from BBC. Google it.
Father Jack, part of the "Father Ted" comedy series from BBC. Google it.
Unknown2005-02-01 08:08:26
Ohh, I remember Father Ted.
Jim Carrey is a good actor.
Jim Carrey is a good actor.
Akraasiel2005-02-01 08:31:14
BBC is scary. They speak English, but I still cant understand a damn word they're saying.
Unknown2005-02-01 08:36:04
Hehehe, luckily we don't have much here.
Shiri2005-02-01 12:49:11
0_o Whaddya mean you don't understand?? BBC English is even better than my English, and I'm from Lincolnshire, which even objectively speaking isn't BAD for accent (just a little odd.
) 'cept in Boston.
Father Ted rocks.

Father Ted rocks.
Laysus2005-02-01 15:53:54
QUOTE(Shiri @ Feb 1 2005, 12:49 PM)
0_o Whaddya mean you don't understand?? BBC English is even better than my English, and I'm from Lincolnshire, which even objectively speaking isn't BAD for accent (just a little odd.
) 'cept in Boston.



Shiri2005-02-01 16:06:36
*glad he's from the east midlands* 

Laysus2005-02-01 16:30:59

Shiri2005-02-01 16:31:29
East Midlander, ya silly bugger! 

Unknown2005-02-01 16:36:37
I can't believe a southerner, believes they are superior to a northerner. We don't all speak like Geordies, Yorkshiremen and Scousers you know? Some of us speak RP english 

Shiri2005-02-01 16:39:09
...wait, RP English? Is that what I speak?
I BET Laysus is from Essex. It'd be just like him, it would.

Unknown2005-02-01 16:41:36
Nah hes from the West Country *horror*
Parts of Lincolnshire, parts of nottinghamshire,parts of Cheshire and parts of Kent, and few other places speak nice accentless english, and its all well and good.
Parts of Lincolnshire, parts of nottinghamshire,parts of Cheshire and parts of Kent, and few other places speak nice accentless english, and its all well and good.
Shiri2005-02-01 16:49:37
HAH, ACCENTLESS. Y'hear that, Yepela? (Well, okay, she doesn't play anymore, but I can wish.)