Unknown2012-04-21 07:43:45
Love that beard thing you have going on. :)
Zyphora2012-05-12 06:52:56
You make me so sad, hacking cough. Why can't you let me concentrate on finals? Now this is turning into an all-nighter.
Unknown2012-06-18 04:21:21
After a full day of SCIENCE! Cooking and Movies, we finally remembered to take a picture. L to R, Orventa, Maellio & Liz.
Unknown2012-06-18 11:09:42
Bigger than I would like it to be and I'm not uploading again.
You can view a new picture of me here: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/599829_10150984159535909_1750990730_n.jpg
(since I -did- get my hair cut... sort of?)
You can view a new picture of me here: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/599829_10150984159535909_1750990730_n.jpg
(since I -did- get my hair cut... sort of?)
Zyphora2012-08-15 19:50:02
Relaxing in an armchair, waiting for the wedding reception.
Those are my favorite shoes. Dancing in them was worth the pain.
Tacita2012-08-16 21:18:16
I was very nervous but I'm so, so pleased with this! <3 It's actually much greener than the photo makes it appear.
Arsalil2012-08-16 21:42:14
I was very nervous but I'm so, so pleased with this! <3 It's actually much greener than the photo makes it appear.
Ohhhh...I like it!
Rancoura2012-08-17 10:48:16
I was very nervous but I'm so, so pleased with this! <3 It's actually much greener than the photo makes it appear.
It looks as blue as your avatar... but still, interesting style.
But what happened to purple?
Tacita2012-08-17 23:05:39
Okay, this is much truer to colour :)
As for the purple, I loved it, but I went blonde about 2 months ago so that I could do crazy things like this. Woo!
Lyora2012-08-29 20:30:34
My trip to Austin, Texas =)...Shotguns and Waterbikes ^^
Enyalida2012-08-29 21:54:55
And you saw my villain's la- I mean the frost bank building.
Lyora2012-08-29 23:51:21
I did?? >.> one of those buildings in the background? Hehe I wasn't paying much attention but the view was really nice =)
Enyalida2012-08-30 00:49:32
The tall glass/blue one that is second from the right. The top looks like it shoots lasers at the moon.
Unknown2012-08-30 07:59:13
That building belongs in Hallifax. Presumably with moon lasers intact.
Eventru2012-08-30 16:08:24
Pretty sure 'moon laser' is the sole territory of Serenwilde.
Unless it's /attacking/ the moon, then it might be Glomdoring...
Unless it's /attacking/ the moon, then it might be Glomdoring...
Enyalida2012-08-30 16:17:24
It would be Serenwilde's if it was a laser coming FROM the Moon. I'm alright with Hallifax using a SPACE COMMUNICATIONS LASER (did you see battleship? Best way of intergalactic information relay, space lasers. In visible light.) to talk to the moon.
Unknown2012-08-30 16:57:49
Though of course... that's no moon. >.=.> ~flee~
Lyria2012-10-07 00:26:21
So I realized that it's been almost 3 years (in a couple weeks) since my kiddo (with Vathael) was born! Figured I should put up an updated pic of her.
Lyria2012-10-07 00:40:28
And, since nobody's seen me either, meh. Here.