Saran2006-03-13 10:48:11
eww short hair...
Oh and just a warning but i might be posting another pic of my baby sister,
if she gets near a computer she tries to hit the keys and the like it's kinda cute especially when i'm playing lusternia.
Oh and just a warning but i might be posting another pic of my baby sister,

Aiwendil2006-03-14 07:09:45
I thought I might as well post it up, now that I've seen so many pics of others... I wanted to post a different pic, but this is the only close-up one that I have with me alone. I think I look slightly different in pics than in real life, so the only way you'll know what I REALLY look like is to meet me in RL.
Here I go... *posts and freaks out*

Edit: Thought I should slip in my age before anyone wonders... I'm 18 this year.
Edit2: Then I realised later that I should mention this pic was taken at least a couple years ago.
Here I go... *posts and freaks out*

Edit: Thought I should slip in my age before anyone wonders... I'm 18 this year.
Edit2: Then I realised later that I should mention this pic was taken at least a couple years ago.

Joli2006-03-14 07:12:48
Most people do look cute on their webcams and some digi cams, because most of them are cheapo ones and take very poor quality pictures. They don't capture all of the blemishes one might have, causing their faces to look almost perfect. So.. of course they look good online.
For example..
My webcam is of semi decent quality(for a webcam, which isn't very good anyway) and most of the pictures I take with it leave out a few of my facial flaws. I have a scar on my lip that you can't even see with the webcam.
My digital cam is kinda old, so it isn't top of the line anymore, but you can still tell where the scar is, what color my eyes are(which the webcam always effs up), and other little things.
My dad's expensive digi cam is almost brand new and is top of the line right now. Some of the things this stupid camera shows are things that I can't even see unless I get a magnifying glass. If you have anything wrong with your face this camera will make it seem so out there that you will never ever ever want to be in front of a camera again.
Yes, I am bored. That is all.
'd Yay, another cute asian.
For example..
My webcam is of semi decent quality(for a webcam, which isn't very good anyway) and most of the pictures I take with it leave out a few of my facial flaws. I have a scar on my lip that you can't even see with the webcam.
My digital cam is kinda old, so it isn't top of the line anymore, but you can still tell where the scar is, what color my eyes are(which the webcam always effs up), and other little things.
My dad's expensive digi cam is almost brand new and is top of the line right now. Some of the things this stupid camera shows are things that I can't even see unless I get a magnifying glass. If you have anything wrong with your face this camera will make it seem so out there that you will never ever ever want to be in front of a camera again.
Yes, I am bored. That is all.

Diamondais2006-03-14 19:44:00
I couldnt help it, me with my little kitten Arla. And the one in my Avator is Agnes, my other kitten.
Unknown2006-03-14 23:23:19
These kitties look frighteningly similiar to my cat.
ferlas2006-03-15 00:26:40
Aww thats such a cute picture of the kitten all curled up
Diamondais2006-03-15 00:36:37
My little twin girls, so cute, ones evil. Like to pounce on me while I sleep, but theyre so cute you can forgive em. 

Unknown2006-03-15 00:36:51
Yup. And Diamondais is cute, too.
EDIT: Ninja-posted! And my kitty is almost pure evil. I can take pictures of my claw-scars and post 'em if you want.
EDIT: Ninja-posted! And my kitty is almost pure evil. I can take pictures of my claw-scars and post 'em if you want.
Saran2006-03-15 12:54:00
Whee using a 1000 dollar video camera for a web cam!
This is your last warning to avoid photos of me
I mean it
Look away
Still here?
Ok here they are
this one is me after work (eww uniform) and the other was little later to show just how long my hair is and why i need it cut/straightened removed tho. Sorry about the lighting tho (bah my room has spotlights and they are only good for blinding people comming in)
This is your last warning to avoid photos of me
I mean it
Look away
Still here?
Ok here they are
this one is me after work (eww uniform) and the other was little later to show just how long my hair is and why i need it cut/straightened removed tho. Sorry about the lighting tho (bah my room has spotlights and they are only good for blinding people comming in)
Saran2006-03-16 17:23:13

Ialie2006-03-16 17:28:11
QUOTE(Saran @ Mar 16 2006, 12:23 PM) 270304

WHy? You are incredibly cute.
Saran2006-03-16 18:03:34

Unknown2006-03-16 18:46:33
me and my girlfriend
Saran2006-03-17 05:44:15
Now i know i said playing on the computer but... oh well
Here is my 7 monthish old sister with a PS2 controller
Here is my 7 monthish old sister with a PS2 controller

Bau2006-03-18 11:29:43
Small of my back, early today, yes it's a towel, and that's why.
Didn't move a muscle

Didn't move a muscle

Unknown2006-03-26 07:12:45
My horribly awful pics, one half baked, the other half-nekkid.
Half baked
File Not Found
half nekkid
File Not Found
Sadly the only two pics of me in existance that are less than half a decade old.
Half baked
File Not Found
half nekkid
File Not Found
Sadly the only two pics of me in existance that are less than half a decade old.
Unknown2006-03-30 22:00:07
So finally, my mom uploaded the pictures on her digital camera, and this is me with uber short hair.

Ashteru2006-03-30 22:51:01
Pretty cute. If I was 5 years younger and lived nearby, I might fall for you. ^^
Richter2006-03-31 21:11:07
QUOTE(Morridin Darksbane @ Mar 25 2006, 11:12 PM) 273620
My horribly awful pics, one half baked, the other half-nekkid.
Half baked

half nekkid

Sadly the only two pics of me in existance that are less than half a decade old.
If you're going to the trouble of changing your name, you might not want to post pics of yourself that people might recognize. Glad to have you back, if you are indeed back.
Yrael2006-03-31 23:55:26