Genos2006-08-06 01:26:51
It was only because she had babies, it's like when birds push the chicks out of the nest so they can learn how to fly (or fall to their death). That or it might just be I have an adverse effect on animals. 

Nepthysia2006-08-06 23:30:34
yeah yeah I know... I can't help it, it was such a cool pic. 
And yes, thats a quarter around my neck

And yes, thats a quarter around my neck

Dysolis2006-08-07 00:50:03
ok here's my current pic, I was in a hurry
and yes my hair is wet and not drying because I need a hair cut >.>
and for somereasson it's blurry. I promise a decent one next time.
I feel dumb ,someone show me how to post it later. I have to go
and yes my hair is wet and not drying because I need a hair cut >.>
and for somereasson it's blurry. I promise a decent one next time.
I feel dumb ,someone show me how to post it later. I have to go
Unknown2006-08-07 02:50:48
QUOTE(Nepthysia d'Iasani @ Aug 6 2006, 04:30 PM) 316111
yeah yeah I know... I can't help it, it was such a cool pic.

And yes, thats a quarter around my neck

That's a felony!

Dysolis2006-08-07 04:02:50
argh , Nep. I can't get the stupid pic to 500kb . bah
Nepthysia2006-08-07 20:52:01
QUOTE(Fallen @ Aug 6 2006, 10:50 PM) 316170
That's a felony!

What is??? >.<
Unknown2006-08-07 20:55:19
QUOTE(Nepthysia d'Iasani @ Aug 7 2006, 01:52 PM) 316437
What is??? >.<
Destroying/defacing money

Nepthysia2006-08-07 21:02:09
its not destroyed! lol Still perfectly usable in anything other than a vending machine rofl
Unknown2006-08-07 21:58:16
I like to pretend that that's Nepth in her signature banner.

Nepthysia2006-08-07 22:45:57
lol I'm actually planning to take a shot much like that at next months photoshoot. Possibly even one that will be like.. super personified neppy... without the whips and chains though 

Dysolis2006-08-08 04:10:27
ok here we go
This is me, being current. It's not that great in quality, the best thing I have so far is paint which is pure crap. Anyway im a dummy, always gotta select jpg for 500kb and below.
I hope that this doesn't take up all the space.
This is me, being current. It's not that great in quality, the best thing I have so far is paint which is pure crap. Anyway im a dummy, always gotta select jpg for 500kb and below.
I hope that this doesn't take up all the space.
Jack2006-08-09 03:38:36
There is now a picture of me in lieu of my seizure-inducing OMGWTFBBQ.gif avatar. (I'm not posting the large version here because close-up it looks really weird.) I'll take a bigger and less stoned-looking version tomorrow and post it up.
Gelo2006-08-09 06:29:09
QUOTE(Shakaya @ Aug 5 2006, 02:27 PM) 315354
Squibbles is Viravain's, isn't he?
Squibbles is loyal to "Gods" If she's viravain's pet then

Unknown2006-08-09 15:15:38
QUOTE(Shiri @ Aug 5 2006, 03:28 AM) 315388
I was just wondering if that was my bad memory. I wonder who that offended that they had to change it.
If you look at the beginning of the clip, you can see that Tom is missing his leg still. It just isn't blood stained anymore.
I just assumed that he chose not to watch Midnight Spank and the guinea pig came back to eat more body parts. But now that you say that someone probably got offended, I guess it's really just that they were too cheap to re-shoot the commercial.
Nepthysia2006-08-11 15:36:29
Dont make fun of my fat -pout-
Just got it done last night
Feels weird but didn't hurt a bit.

Just got it done last night

Richter2006-08-11 17:35:23
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 7 2006, 02:58 PM) 316461
I like to pretend that that's Nepth in her signature banner.

Nil, it's pretty close. She's got a gorgeous body, but it can't be her, because she's shorter than Monica Bellucci. I did ask her to take some in that position though... We'll see if I get my wish.

Shyshaeia2006-08-11 19:31:04
Yes, I had to show my baby Amber again. Gotta love the natural mohawk there.

And a pic of me. You wont find one without her attached to me, heh.

And a pic of me. You wont find one without her attached to me, heh.

Ildaudid2006-08-11 19:43:35
She does has the cutest little mohawk 

Unknown2006-08-11 19:56:06
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Aug 11 2006, 08:43 PM) 318238
She does has the cutest little mohawk


We really need an "Awwwww" emoticon.
Saran2006-08-12 16:36:56
Aww cutie (of course I'm baised into believing my baby sister is cuter
she almost 1!)
And here are some pics that I took to mourn the horror of entering my twenties

And here are some pics that I took to mourn the horror of entering my twenties