Laysus2007-01-15 13:48:53
Nymy's being eatered by a corset 

Nymerya2007-01-15 14:00:15
You're such a nerd.
Unknown2007-01-15 14:07:06
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Jan 2 2007, 01:47 AM) 368559

Me, my boyfriend, and one of my best friends.

My boyfriend. I took this photo and I think it's really awesome, so I'm just bragging

You know... I usually don't mind the lifestyle of anyone... they can do whatever the heck they want... but that's horrible... I may sound like a biggot or something like that, but I have to express my anger towards this

Genevieve2007-01-15 14:17:28
I generally find it's nicer to insult a gay man's sexuality than his hairstyle.
Unknown2007-01-15 14:19:05
QUOTE(Genevieve @ Jan 15 2007, 08:17 AM) 373567
I generally find it's nicer to insult a gay man's sexuality than his hairstyle.
Oh.. no.... If I see emo hairstyle.. I'm going for the jugular vein

Unknown2007-01-15 14:54:13
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Jan 16 2007, 12:19 AM) 373569
Oh.. no.... If I see emo hairstyle.. I'm going for the jugular vein

I've had a long fringe since before emo was hip. The emos copy me, I can't help being fantastic.
Unless you're talking about my boys hair? Cause that isn't emo. It's actually naturally very very curly, he straightens it every day.
Unknown2007-01-15 18:34:20

Some more pictures of me.
And leave Quidgy alone. He's fine as he is, emo hair and all.

Unknown2007-01-16 02:30:14
And leave Quidgy alone. He's fine as he is, emo hair and all. 

Awww, bless your cotton socks

Diamondais2007-01-16 02:36:38
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Jan 15 2007, 01:34 PM) 373659
And leave Quidgy alone. He's fine as he is, emo hair and all.

All pics of Quidgy look pretty damn good.

Tzekelkan2007-01-21 01:03:44
'tis I, equipped for skiing. Quick, get out of the way!

Kharaen2007-01-21 01:06:49
QUOTE(tzekelkan @ Jan 20 2007, 08:03 PM) 375519
'tis I, equipped for skiing. Quick, get out of the way!

FEAR the taurian! Less it gets enraged!!!
Diamondais2007-01-21 01:08:27
You wear more outter wear than I ever did skiing. Have fun!
Tzekelkan2007-01-21 01:10:44
It's just that I've already been skiing, it's a photo from early January. I'm actually supposed to be sleeping right now, except I've lost my sense of morality due to the lack of sleep. Vicious circle, really.

It's just that I've already been skiing, it's a photo from early January. I'm actually supposed to be sleeping right now, except I've lost my sense of morality due to the lack of sleep. Vicious circle, really.

Jillian2007-01-21 01:22:25
Nice hat 

Lysandus2007-01-21 01:24:36
Good thing there's no snow here in the Philippines.
Though sometimes I hate the rain, hate being wet...
Though sometimes I hate the rain, hate being wet...
Richter2007-02-13 05:54:01
Richter2007-02-13 07:04:26
And to answer a recent message, the bulge is merely a fold in the pants, you can even see where the fold creates it. In no way am I showing or implying any part of anything. >_<
Arkzrael2007-02-13 10:14:08
For the couple people who have asked about the ren fencing thing...a friend of mine found a few of my pics from Guardian of the Gauntlet tournament last January in Texas (for you SCA folk, that's Ansteorran territory). First pic is (from the left) Ember, me, Erin, and Don...Edward Mercer, I think, getting suited up for the first half of the event, the second pic is the Lover's Quarrel match. That was a special match set up by two of the Dons present (Don=amazing fighter, nationally recognized rank), between my fiance and myself (he's left, I'm right), where his target was my heart, and mine was to hit him in 'a head' -titter-. But yeah, that's me, in the green demon painted mask, under several layers of garb, chest protector, and doublets. Yay!
Unknown2007-02-13 10:49:12
QUOTE(Richter @ Feb 13 2007, 06:04 PM) 382827
And to answer a recent message, the bulge is merely a fold in the pants, you can even see where the fold creates it. In no way am I showing or implying any part of anything. >_<
Damnit Richter, you didn't even give me a chance to make one of my jokes.
Unknown2007-02-13 11:26:44
Just me, 21, pics maybe a year old. Tacky shirt I know, but it fit the decor of the day.
And there's a very good reason I'm glaring at the camera(or rather person behind it). I'll devulge if anyone cares.
Just me, 21, pics maybe a year old. Tacky shirt I know, but it fit the decor of the day.

And there's a very good reason I'm glaring at the camera(or rather person behind it). I'll devulge if anyone cares.