Caffrey2008-04-18 23:53:34
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Apr 19 2008, 12:51 AM) 503718
Hey Jack is that some seamen on your poopdeck?
(yeah I couldnt resist saying it)

bad, so very bad.... and yet amusing... I approve

Jack2008-04-19 21:13:33
Goddamn you guys. It's from my granddad. I can't exactly say "hey thanks for the model ship Mr 76 year old guy with a heart condition but SCREW YOU, IT'S NEVER SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY IN MY HOUSE"
Desitrus2008-04-20 00:13:43
QUOTE(Jack @ Apr 19 2008, 04:13 PM) 503852
Goddamn you guys. It's from my granddad. I can't exactly say "hey thanks for the model ship Mr 76 year old guy with a heart condition but SCREW YOU, IT'S NEVER SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY IN MY HOUSE"
Sure you can, you just go to hell afterwards.
Unknown2008-04-20 01:44:51
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Apr 20 2008, 12:13 AM) 503884
Sure you can, you just go to hell afterwards.
Yeah, it's not like you were going anywhere else anyway.
Saran2008-04-20 16:25:32
Well let's see what Saran did at work today
"Can you go to start, run and then type cm..."
"Umn, why not?"
"If I type anything the computer will crash... that's not a problem is it?"
And why oh why must it only real in anime
"Can you go to start, run and then type cm..."
"Umn, why not?"
"If I type anything the computer will crash... that's not a problem is it?"
And why oh why must it only real in anime

Munsia2008-04-21 01:58:32! You have a death note!!! <3 I always hated you but now I like you a little better
Unknown2008-04-21 14:47:47
Welp Here's some of my kids so you guys can awww then one of me and my kids so you guys can ewww. Apparently i'm an ass and can't upload photos correctly so these will be in two posts
Unknown2008-04-21 14:52:27
2 and 3 of 3
EDIT: Yes I have Twins
EDIT: Yes I have Twins
Unknown2008-04-21 16:07:07
awwww what a cute family!
Munsia2008-04-21 20:46:42
I lol'd at the last one
Bashara2008-04-21 20:57:32

The twins almost too cute! Nice beard, too

Unknown2008-04-21 21:02:37
His wife does not look amused, lol.
Where have you been anyways, kidchex, haven't seen you post in ages.
Where have you been anyways, kidchex, haven't seen you post in ages.
Unknown2008-04-21 21:27:03
My wife loathes pictures I think it has something to do with old people who take waaaaaaaaaaaay to long to snap the damn photo. The beard was a beard nine hours before that shot. And I've been trying out a bunch of different games I got bored and moved on for a year or so. Lusty's one of the 4 games ever to hold my attention span for longer then two weeks
Fionn2008-04-23 20:49:56
Fionn in the flesh! Yeah, I need a hair cut, or a comb, or something.
Or am I really Hippolyte Aucouturier, as my avatar suggests? You decide.
Or am I really Hippolyte Aucouturier, as my avatar suggests? You decide.
Bashara2008-04-24 20:11:33
QUOTE(Fionn @ Apr 23 2008, 08:49 PM) 505164
Hippolyte Aucouturier
Ashteru2008-04-26 15:30:30
Part of my bargain to discover the man behind the Kaervas.

(Yes, it's terribly emberrassing, but the only real new pic I got with cut hair.)

(Yes, it's terribly emberrassing, but the only real new pic I got with cut hair.)
Jack2008-04-26 15:43:38
You got a pointy face. You look a bit like early Freddie Mercury.

Ashteru2008-04-26 15:48:31
QUOTE(Jack @ Apr 26 2008, 03:43 PM) 506290
You got a pointy face. You look a bit like early Freddie Mercury.
There's a statue of Freddie Mercury in the world. There's not one of ugly Jack MacUglyskie.
Jack2008-04-26 15:51:28
True, my friend, true.
But there is one of Lance "McManly" Manthrob, bear-wrestling sky-diver extraordinare.
And to avoid unnecessary "Y BRING ME UP, JAKK??" from Ashteru's corner of the ring, yes, that is my alias.
But there is one of Lance "McManly" Manthrob, bear-wrestling sky-diver extraordinare.
And to avoid unnecessary "Y BRING ME UP, JAKK??" from Ashteru's corner of the ring, yes, that is my alias.
Saaga2008-04-26 15:58:50
Ash, you look a bit like my ex boyfriend. I'm scared.