Unknown2008-07-21 18:07:31
Evette's hotter than Kinson or Liam. Sorry, guys!
Myndaen2008-07-21 18:08:56
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Jul 21 2008, 11:07 AM) 536064
Evette's hotter than Kinson or Liam. Sorry, guys!
You can have her, I'll even throw in Bellarin, for Kinson and Liam.
Evette2008-07-21 18:15:44
@Myndaen Aww, you're suppost to be my buddy..... *nolove*
Lokin2008-07-21 18:20:14
Pssssh, Evette's skirt looks better on me 

Druken2008-07-21 19:23:44
Jeeze. I'm moving to Serenwilde. C'mon, Evette!
Ashai2008-07-21 19:25:17
You can't leave Glomdoring. It has me. 

Druken2008-07-21 19:26:41
Oh crap. And Arel and Kaervas.
I am a conflicted Druken.
I am a conflicted Druken.
Myndaen2008-07-21 19:27:51
Seren has me, and Kinson and Liam (I guess)
Druken2008-07-21 19:30:11
There's only one way to decide this.
All of you- begin posting hotter pictures. Go!
All of you- begin posting hotter pictures. Go!
Myndaen2008-07-21 19:51:47
Here's an oldie but a goodie. 

Ashai2008-07-21 20:02:45
Is that a fake tan?
/commence gay-off

/commence gay-off
Unknown2008-07-21 20:05:35
Gay-off made me think of that episode of Southpark with Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
Ashai is a crab person!
Ashai is a crab person!
Nariah2008-07-21 20:08:52
What is with all the hot people playing MUDs?
Are they so harassed in the streets that they have to be in hiding?

Are they so harassed in the streets that they have to be in hiding?

Shaddus2008-07-21 20:38:51
QUOTE(Nariah @ Jul 21 2008, 03:08 PM) 536096
What is with all the hot people playing MUDs?
Are they so harassed in the streets that they have to be in hiding?

Are they so harassed in the streets that they have to be in hiding?

Hey, don't forget about we fat older people, we're here too!
Myndaen2008-07-21 20:43:53
QUOTE(Ashai @ Jul 21 2008, 01:02 PM) 536090
Is that a fake tan?
/commence gay-off

/commence gay-off
Actually, it's not! 100% pure natural!
Evette2008-07-21 20:57:38
QUOTE(Druken @ Jul 21 2008, 02:23 PM) 536080
Jeeze. I'm moving to Serenwilde. C'mon, Evette!
Quick!!! Tie them up in corsets and drag them to Serenwilde with us! They cant really breathe so they wont put up a fight! Together... We could currupt Serenwilde....

Jigan2008-07-21 20:59:57
QUOTE(Selverad @ Jul 20 2008, 06:11 PM) 535878
They are padded arrows for Dagorhir, a combat re-enactment sport. Thus the outlandish garb.
And yes, I am any good. Not excellent, but occasionally amazing. (That is to say, I'm not exceptional. But I can make my bow do some pretty neat tricks that tend to impress people.)
Licensed instructor, five years running.
Took first in traditional instinctive archery in the 13-18 age range in New York and New England at a school convention at age 14.
Capable of 12 aimed shots at different targets within 60 seconds.
My resume of killing. Let me show you it.
And yes, I am any good. Not excellent, but occasionally amazing. (That is to say, I'm not exceptional. But I can make my bow do some pretty neat tricks that tend to impress people.)
Licensed instructor, five years running.
Took first in traditional instinctive archery in the 13-18 age range in New York and New England at a school convention at age 14.
Capable of 12 aimed shots at different targets within 60 seconds.
My resume of killing. Let me show you it.
In my old Belegarth realm, I'm banned from flails because I'm a danger to myself and others with them. Every so often was restricted from javelins due to my ability with them and love of them. Once managed to throw a javelin under someone's arm as they scratched their head and right in the nose.
Too bad not many realms where I am within easy distance. Ever go to Octoberfest? I understand some Dagohir go.

Laysus2008-07-21 21:00:39
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Jul 21 2008, 08:51 PM) 536085
Here's an oldie but a goodie. 

That picture reminds me of Dale Winton.
Ashai2008-07-21 21:02:11
Here's my slutty addition. I think I trump Myndaen because I'm not wearing a shirt, or a fake tan.
Selverad2008-07-21 21:16:37
QUOTE(Jigan @ Jul 21 2008, 04:59 PM) 536127
In my old Belegarth realm, I'm banned from flails because I'm a danger to myself and others with them. Every so often was restricted from javelins due to my ability with them and love of them. Once managed to throw a javelin under someone's arm as they scratched their head and right in the nose.
Too bad not many realms where I am within easy distance. Ever go to Octoberfest? I understand some Dagohir go.

Too bad not many realms where I am within easy distance. Ever go to Octoberfest? I understand some Dagohir go.

Never been to Octoberfest, but most Dagorhirrim love getting drunk just as much (if not more) as they love beating face with a club. So Dagorhirrim at Octoberfest doesn't surprise me.
My best shot with a bow so far was over a shieldman's shoulder to take the spearman behind him in the forehead. Did that one kneeling.