Kaylee2008-08-07 11:34:37
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 6 2008, 09:40 PM) 541825

I wish I looked that good at 180 lol You dont look anything like it..I think YOU'RE the crazy one.
And yeh she knew she had a great ass, that's why the pic is there

Now hush with that bull, or the REAL big girls will squish you

Saaga2008-08-07 12:01:34
But Myrkr, I don't like my hair now, meeh. It has gone slowly from dark red to my natural and now it's pretty... orange.
Unknown2008-08-07 15:51:02
QUOTE(Saaga @ Aug 7 2008, 08:01 AM) 541929
But Myrkr, I don't like my hair now, meeh. It has gone slowly from dark red to my natural and now it's pretty... orange.
For every two recent pics you upload, I'll upload one, how's that?

I'd like to see you try. I've had my 5'3" 250 pound sister sit on me before. Aside from my losing circulation to my feet, I was actually able to pick her up and carry her around.
So, threaten me all you like with sitting on me.
Besides. Cows are my second favorite land animal.

Desitrus2008-08-07 16:25:03
Saaga looks so angry.
Jack are you wearing his face in order to mourn the loss of "best joker"?
Jack are you wearing his face in order to mourn the loss of "best joker"?
Unknown2008-08-07 16:52:20
I want to know what Mydaen's personal attack was and how quickly the CFDB got wind of it.
EDIT: Oh wait, isn't Myndaen part of the CFDB by default? They're turning agaisnt their own?
I'm joking guys, gawd.
EDIT: Oh wait, isn't Myndaen part of the CFDB by default? They're turning agaisnt their own?
I'm joking guys, gawd.
Saaga2008-08-07 17:01:35
Nuu, Saaga wasn't angry. Slightly stressed out perhaps, when that photo was taken.
Unknown2008-08-07 17:06:51
QUOTE(Saaga @ Aug 7 2008, 05:01 PM) 541993
Nuu, Saaga wasn't angry. Slightly stressed out perhaps, when that photo was taken.
You look like Terentia.
Insult or Compliment; You Decide!
Saaga2008-08-07 17:20:25

Desitrus2008-08-07 21:52:10
Zap me.
Shaddus2008-08-07 22:26:11
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Aug 6 2008, 08:52 PM) 541793
Are you an anorexic-admirer? You aren't big at all! I would know, I AM a big girl. No, you've got a good body, and a nicely rounded, cute butt.
I know this is a bit late, but it came to me today, a line from one of my favorite movie.
Myrkr, was your daddy a meat burglar?
Unknown2008-08-07 22:32:30
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 7 2008, 06:26 PM) 542149
I know this is a bit late, but it came to me today, a line from one of my favorite movie.
Myrkr, was your daddy a meat burglar?
Myrkr, was your daddy a meat burglar?

For what it's worth, I don't know who my daddy is at all.
If anyone should see a man that looks like me, please call 1-800-FOUND-UR-DAD.
Thank you.
PS: The phone number was a joke.
Shaddus2008-08-07 22:39:56
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 7 2008, 05:32 PM) 542152

For what it's worth, I don't know who my daddy is at all.
If anyone should see a man that looks like me, please call 1-800-FOUND-UR-DAD.
Thank you.
PS: The phone number was a joke.
:facepalm: You ruined my joke.
Anyway, what I WAS going to say, was,
"Cause it looks like he stole two FINE ass hams, and stuck them down the back of your pants"

Unknown2008-08-07 22:42:32
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 7 2008, 06:39 PM) 542155
:facepalm: You ruined my joke.
Anyway, what I WAS going to say, was,
"Cause it looks like he stole two FINE ass hams, and stuck them down the back of your pants"
Anyway, what I WAS going to say, was,
"Cause it looks like he stole two FINE ass hams, and stuck them down the back of your pants"

Shaddus2008-08-07 22:46:41
QUOTE(Kaylee @ Aug 7 2008, 06:34 AM) 541926
I wish I looked that good at 180 lol You dont look anything like it..I think YOU'RE the crazy one.
And yeh she knew she had a great ass, that's why the pic is there
Now hush with that bull, or the REAL big girls will squish you

And yeh she knew she had a great ass, that's why the pic is there

Now hush with that bull, or the REAL big girls will squish you

Oh, and the chick part aside, I'm a guy at 240, and I look DAMN good.
(Boosting self esteem)
Unknown2008-08-07 22:53:08
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 7 2008, 06:46 PM) 542158
Oh, and the chick part aside, I'm a guy at 240, and I look DAMN good.
(Boosting self esteem)
(Boosting self esteem)
How tall are you?
I'm 5'9"

Shaddus2008-08-07 23:03:22
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 7 2008, 05:53 PM) 542159
How tall are you?
I'm 5'9"
I'm 5'9"

About 5'8, with no neck

Well, I do, but I'm built like an NFL player whose been off the field for a year or two.
Unknown2008-08-07 23:05:26
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 7 2008, 07:03 PM) 542163
About 5'8, with no neck 
Well, I do, but I'm built like an NFL player whose been off the field for a year or two.

Well, I do, but I'm built like an NFL player whose been off the field for a year or two.
:: Looks down at Shaddus. ::
... why am I always taller than the men not related to me...
I have a long neck, though, so maybe I'm cheating. Anyone have an axe?
Jack2008-08-08 13:00:01
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Aug 7 2008, 05:25 PM) 541980
Jack are you wearing his face in order to mourn the loss of "best joker"?

The loss of that coveted title has also driven me emo on his behalf. So if Yrael shows you any photos of me with a big ol' fringe, that's why.
Disclaimer: I hate emos.
Myndaen2008-08-08 17:13:28
QUOTE(Jack @ Aug 8 2008, 06:00 AM) 542477
The loss of that coveted title has also driven me emo on his behalf. So if Yrael shows you any photos of me with a big ol' fringe, that's why.
Disclaimer: I hate emos.

The loss of that coveted title has also driven me emo on his behalf. So if Yrael shows you any photos of me with a big ol' fringe, that's why.
Disclaimer: I hate emos.
Are you dating him IRL? 'cuz that'd rock. The combine amount of funny in one relationship would be off the funny-charts.
Unknown2008-08-08 17:17:06
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Aug 7 2008, 07:05 PM) 542164
:: Looks down at Shaddus. ::
... why am I always taller than the men not related to me...
I have a long neck, though, so maybe I'm cheating. Anyone have an axe?
... why am I always taller than the men not related to me...
I have a long neck, though, so maybe I'm cheating. Anyone have an axe?
I'm 6'3", if that helps you any?