Unknown2008-08-08 18:19:05

But you're not my type.
Jack2008-08-08 18:22:49
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Aug 8 2008, 06:13 PM) 542546
Are you dating him IRL? 'cuz that'd rock. The combine amount of funny in one relationship would be off the funny-charts.
Nah, I've just got him on MSN and we talk a lot, so like, he's got a lot of opportunity to purloin my display pics.
EDIT: And I've got a lot of opportunity to raid his photobucket for avatars, tee-hee.
EDIT2: I like women
EDIT3: we are talking about yrael and not jack nicholson i hope
edit4: as time progresses i become steadily more italicised and less grammatical
Unknown2008-08-08 18:26:29
Wait, do you actually know Jack, Jack?
Unknown2008-08-09 03:44:11

Unknown2008-08-09 03:46:21
Nice pocky picture!
Yrael2008-08-09 03:56:39
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Aug 9 2008, 03:13 AM) 542546
Are you dating him IRL? 'cuz that'd rock. The combine amount of funny in one relationship would be off the funny-charts.
Yeah. Well, phone sex, anyway.
Diamondais2008-08-09 03:58:48
Hair cut!

Unknown2008-08-09 04:02:06
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 8 2008, 11:58 PM) 542895
Hair cut!

Pretty hair cut! Then again, diamondais is pretty in general.

I should get one sometime.
Unknown2008-08-09 05:58:19
Well there finally breaks the pattern of Dy looking younger the more recent the picture.
Everybody in lusternia is too pretty. I thought this was for nerds and geeks
Everybody in lusternia is too pretty. I thought this was for nerds and geeks

Jack2008-08-09 09:40:39
Esano2008-08-09 09:56:52
What, no hair?
And those black lips/eyes would look really stupid with your skin tone.
And those black lips/eyes would look really stupid with your skin tone.
Diamondais2008-08-09 12:20:01
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Aug 9 2008, 01:58 AM) 542964
Well there finally breaks the pattern of Dy looking younger the more recent the picture.
Everybody in lusternia is too pretty. I thought this was for nerds and geeks
Everybody in lusternia is too pretty. I thought this was for nerds and geeks

My plan, it works.
Aramel2008-08-09 13:26:20
More recent pics, because I'm vain and enjoy photographing myself in front of a mirror.

Me in one of my mom's hand-me-downs, trying to get my hair in some sort of order so I can show off my earrings.

Looking ghost-like because of the bathroom light.

Bored in my dorm.

First aid class, the hands-on (head-on?) style.

Me in one of my mom's hand-me-downs, trying to get my hair in some sort of order so I can show off my earrings.

Looking ghost-like because of the bathroom light.

Bored in my dorm.

First aid class, the hands-on (head-on?) style.
Gregori2008-08-09 19:23:32
Aramel is very pretty.
There, can't say I never said anything nice about you.
There, can't say I never said anything nice about you.

Gregori2008-08-10 00:54:07
People asked what I looked like when I shave... This is it... and this is why I like my goatee.
Yay for bad cell phone pictures in the mirror.

Yay for bad cell phone pictures in the mirror.

Unknown2008-08-10 00:56:40
Aramel, you're so pretty!! 

Unknown2008-08-10 02:21:04
Gregori looks like he's going to beat me up 

Diamondais2008-08-10 02:38:59
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Aug 9 2008, 10:21 PM) 543414
Gregori looks like he's going to beat me up 

But he's just a sweety at heart.

Gregori2008-08-10 02:47:47
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 9 2008, 08:38 PM) 543435
But he's just a sweety at heart. 

Laysus2008-08-10 14:19:36
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Aug 8 2008, 12:03 AM) 542163
About 5'8, with no neck 
Well, I do, but I'm built like an NFL player whose been off the field for a year or two.

Well, I do, but I'm built like an NFL player whose been off the field for a year or two.
I love being 6'5 at 165lb.