Unknown2004-12-31 02:42:16
Should we have 10 sample rooms of an area? Or just 10 random rooms, no connection between them neccessary?
Probably up to our preference, but I thought I'd ask.
Probably up to our preference, but I thought I'd ask.
Unknown2004-12-31 02:50:03
I did them as sample rooms of an area with no exits or objects.
Best of luck to everyone who applied, by the way.
Best of luck to everyone who applied, by the way.
Isune2004-12-31 03:11:44
Either-or would work fine. Having them linking as an area can show how cohesively you can write rooms together, which is a plus, but writing relatively sporadic ones can show skill in describing varied environments. Could do a few linked and the rest randomish just to show off both, if you feel like. It's really up to you.
Unknown2004-12-31 08:07:37
Do they have to be for Lusternia, or could I use rooms I'm making for another game?
Lisaera2004-12-31 12:11:43
They need to be acceptable within Lusternia. They need to be something you wouldn't mind seeing in some random room when you looked.
Unknown2004-12-31 12:53:23
Any complaints about reusing some rooms that some of us might have used in the Ephemeral Applications? I had one at least that I rather liked and wanted to submit again.
Raezon2004-12-31 14:33:10
As long as they're not rooms in actual use in another game they should be okay. Thus a room you submitted on a prior application would be allowable.
Auseklis2004-12-31 16:00:37
OK, what I'd prefer to see:
-10 rooms not in another application.
-Rooms that are inventive but fit in with the ethos and background of Lusternia.
-Preferably rooms that could potentially fit within the same area. It's easy to write ten rooms with different environments, and much harder to write ten rooms of wasteland. I'd be more inclined to use a builder who has that kind of inventiveness.
EDIT: And obviously, someone who has used a spell-checker before submitting.
-10 rooms not in another application.
-Rooms that are inventive but fit in with the ethos and background of Lusternia.
-Preferably rooms that could potentially fit within the same area. It's easy to write ten rooms with different environments, and much harder to write ten rooms of wasteland. I'd be more inclined to use a builder who has that kind of inventiveness.
EDIT: And obviously, someone who has used a spell-checker before submitting.
Unknown2004-12-31 16:09:24
I'll be done in a few days I hope - spending a lot of time with g/f this weekend before going back to work 

Unknown2004-12-31 17:50:57
I'm not overly confident in my chances considering my complete lack of experience.
With my entries I tried to be as varied as possible. I even used a different weather/environemnt lead in for each room. I didn't included any exits because it wasn't included in the guidelines. I hope that wasn't a mistake.
Good luck to everyone.
With my entries I tried to be as varied as possible. I even used a different weather/environemnt lead in for each room. I didn't included any exits because it wasn't included in the guidelines. I hope that wasn't a mistake.
Good luck to everyone.
Unknown2004-12-31 18:41:33
Ahhh... I see... thank you Auseklis, that's a good point. Writing up 10 areas of wasteland that differ sufficiently from each other, yet still link together fluidly is going to be a more realistic test of ones abilities since it is true to what a builder would actually be doing.
And is Raezon's avatar Arcanis the Omnipotent there? Sure looks like it to me
And is Raezon's avatar Arcanis the Omnipotent there? Sure looks like it to me

Shiri2004-12-31 18:46:34
Yeah, I thought it was Arcanis, but I didn't want to say in case I was wrong. You know, it could have just been some random wraith or what have you. 

Lisaera2004-12-31 19:07:59
Don't worry about exits. We're really looking for descriptive abilities here, in the real thing exits are going to be determined by how you're laying out your area, which may well be forced by certain other things that you can't possibly predict at this point (quests, etc.).
Richter2004-12-31 20:35:05
Well, right now, it's still the holiday season, I still have family over, and my computer still doesn't have a new cord.
What's the deadline? If it's due in a day or two, I'll -find- a way to do it. No more missing out on application submissions (guide, ephemeral *thwap self*).
What's the deadline? If it's due in a day or two, I'll -find- a way to do it. No more missing out on application submissions (guide, ephemeral *thwap self*).
Sabriel2004-12-31 20:39:09
I'm confused. So do we need to submit an area that we would want to add to Lusternia? I was just making up random rooms.
Soril2004-12-31 20:40:36
QUOTE(Auseklis @ Dec 31 2004, 04:00 PM)
OK, what I'd prefer to see:
-Preferably rooms that could potentially fit within the same area. It's easy to write ten rooms with different environments, and much harder to write ten rooms of wasteland. I'd be more inclined to use a builder who has that kind of inventiveness.
-Preferably rooms that could potentially fit within the same area. It's easy to write ten rooms with different environments, and much harder to write ten rooms of wasteland. I'd be more inclined to use a builder who has that kind of inventiveness.
Hmmm... That's exactly what I *didn't* do in my application. Since it didn't say anything like that in the Announce post, I decided to just create some random rooms.
Like Isune said, rooms of a variety of types and environments can show off your ability at writing for different types of area. That's what I was thinking when I wrote mine up. Five indoor, five outdoor, in a variety of environments, all different - except for two of the indoor rooms, which were connected parts of the same larger 'room' area.
I added exits to all of my rooms. While I was writing, I had an idea in mind of the 'context' of each room within a larger area, so I put exits in. There wasn't a real way to add the 'context' into the application without writing about it or making the rest of the rooms, which would have made the application a bit *too* long... The descriptions took up two pages as it was!

Best of luck to everyone that took the time to enter, though!
- Soril
Estarra2004-12-31 21:11:26
Don't worry too much about if your rooms were of the same or different environments. Different admins looking at your application may look for different things. I look for grammar and creativity mainly. Be warned, however, that first assignments usually are rooms of the same environment which is a talent we definitely desire in builders. (Writing 50 rooms of "bare mountains" or "deep desert" is harder than it sounds--really.)

Daganev2004-12-31 21:17:02
Any word on the deadling? Its so hard to sit and write when your friends and family are pulling you 3 ways.
Soril2004-12-31 21:21:32
Deadline is in the latest announce post... Monday 3rd January 2005 apparently.
- Soril
- Soril

Unknown2004-12-31 22:07:38
Urgh, that's gonna be tough to pull off. Good luck to me.
Edit: Lot of holiday stuff
Edit: Lot of holiday stuff