Unknown2005-01-01 00:37:09
I think that the places to live in which aren't available (yet) are going to have, well, guilds with the same archetypes as the old ones. That is, warrior for all of them, and a guardian and mage guilds for cities, wiccans and druids for communes... if it's true, I hope they will add one thing...
That is, how about giving each of the cities/communes one additional guild, based on an unique archetype? For example:
Magnagora: assasins (perhaps)
Gaudiguch: monks, of course (but they'd have normal warriors as well, as every city)
Hallifax: maybe psionics?
Celest or Ackleberry: bards (we need that empty Performance pool for something)
Serenwilde: somebody who uses spears and/or shooting weapons (ranger is such a mundane name...)
Glomdoring: no idea here
Sorry if this post is a little chaotic, I'm fresh out of celebrating the new year, and still stunned after being hit by a concussion bomb... or something.
That is, how about giving each of the cities/communes one additional guild, based on an unique archetype? For example:
Magnagora: assasins (perhaps)
Gaudiguch: monks, of course (but they'd have normal warriors as well, as every city)
Hallifax: maybe psionics?
Celest or Ackleberry: bards (we need that empty Performance pool for something)
Serenwilde: somebody who uses spears and/or shooting weapons (ranger is such a mundane name...)
Glomdoring: no idea here
Sorry if this post is a little chaotic, I'm fresh out of celebrating the new year, and still stunned after being hit by a concussion bomb... or something.
Aebrin2005-01-16 15:44:24
Drunken Cuber writing posts *snigger*
Let me try and elaborate on Cuber's idea, which I think is a good one
Note none of my skills are in any particular order except the order they come out of my.... mind
Darkness is the cloak they wear and the shadows their kin. These killers of no remort stands as a secret society, allowing their knowledge to pass to those who are worthy. They are bound to none in obeisance but allied with Magnagora in a sharing brotherhood. They answer to none bar their Grandmaster.
Some examples of their skills:
- WRAP (Must be night to perform)
In the darkness, so shall the Walker reign. Wrapping the Shadows of the Night around them, they may stand undetected. They must stand still for a short while before attuned to the Night. Should any movements be caused, they will be viewed to the world.
POWER: 1 (Megalith)
Drawing on the Brotherhood derived from their city, they are able to use the demesne of Tainted Geomancers and lie undetected as part of the land until time to strike.
(A long elongated pipe is crafted expertly from a piece of wood with a malleable mouthpiece. The pipe is stained in various dark poisons, helping the Shadowwalker to hide in the darkness)
- CRAFT DARTS (1 Wood) Makes 10
(A small thin dart has been crafted here with a sharpened end for easy penetration.)
(By carefully wrapping a piece of cloth at the head of the dart, you are able to enhance the dart's speed, allowing you faster dart projections, however reducing accuracy/By stripping the cloth, you attach it to the end of the dart allowing higher accuracy but reducing speed)
For a short period of time, you swear to kill your enemy by slicing yourself along both of your arms. By doing so, your purpose is enhanced and you are afforded greater damage and speed while engaging your target. However, due to your wounds, you will maintain a small amount of bleeding until the Pact wears off or you have completed your foresworn and have bounded yourself up.
Mastering your dartsmanship, you are able to effectively enhance your previous darts skills-
(An further elongated pipe enhances accuracy and speed of your projections)
- CRAFT DARTS (1 Wood) Makes 15
Due to your continual darts creation, you are able to devise a method to save more wood.
With your abundance of darts and experience, you can now colour your specific darts so to be able to discern the difference with colour.
So masterly is your applications, you can now apply two poisons onto each dart.
That's all I can think of for this at the moment - to the others!:
I'm ignoring Gaudiguchy and Hallifaxy until I can see more about their city.
SONGWEAVERS (Celest) Because I think Bards has been overused in the other IRE games.
By crafting a resonator, any song you sing may be sung onto the resonator thus making the song last within the room even when you have left. All songs sung will target either your allies or enemies.
Being well-known in the musical arts you can identify the songs you hear from the resonator. Should you have not yet learnt the song, you will not be able to identify it.
- SING (AT )
SERENADE - Afflicts Lust
MARCH - Makes the Target follow you
WALTZ - So entrancing is the dance, the person is afflicted with amnesia
NURSERY - So reminisce of their childhood, the target is stunned to inactivity.
and so on and so forth
- CRAFT BONGOS (2 Wood, 1 Cloth)
Playing a song so alike in the rocklike texture of the ground, your target stands entranced and their body reflects the stationary-likeness. Afflicts Paralysis
SCREECH (Cannot be tuned onto the resonator)
So well trained is your voice that you can reach a resonation of natural crystal. Those who hear you resonate in pain.
So bloodcurdling is your scream that those who hear it runs away with fear.
- CRAFT MASTER RESONATOR (1 Silver, 1 Platinum)
You have discovered better materials for resonators and is able to allow the resonator to resound two songs, rather than the previous one.
GRANDMASTER RESONATOR (1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Platinum)
As a peak of your craft, you are now able to craft a superb resonator which can resonate 4 songs.
CRAFT TRUMPET (2 Iron, 1 Silver)
Blast it out like a mighty elephant for all your allies who hear you become empowered with extra strength.
CRAFT HARP (2 Wood, 1 Steel, 1 Silver)
So gentle is your melody, your allies who hear it regenerate health and mana.
CRAFT FLUTE (2 Silver)
The lifting melody of the flute allows the hearer to fly.
Requires: 1 Flute player, 1 Harp Player, 1 Trumpet Player, 1 Bongos
The power of the Symphony moves all who hear it, giving them an enlightening experience. Those who hear and play it will get for a day enhanced stats and also be granted experience for hearing and playing so sweet a sound.
First one Songweaver is assigned as the Conductor. They will then issue a price for the concert. Any who has not paid for the concert will not recieve the benefits of it. This will be done by ISSUEPRICE. If the price is free, the conductor will ISSUEPRICE FREE where all those in the room will recieve the benefits. Once the price has been issued, to be allowed to listen to the symphony (if it is not free), audience must be in the conductor's presense to PAY FOR CONCERT while having the gold in their inventory. The gold will then be transferred over to the conductor and the audience member would then be allowed to attain the benefits.
Each instrumentalist must be playing the instruments (PLAY) for the symphony to begin. The assigned conductor should have already crafted a baton (CRAFT BATON, 1 Wood) and should begin to CONDUCT. Once this has been done, there must be 4 other Songweavers who is present to be singers - 2 Male and 2 Female. Each of the singers must be assigned a singing part - the females must SING SOPRANO/ALTO and the males SING TENOR/BASS. Once all this is in place, the symphony will begin to move, and start to enhance the audience and the musicians. When the melody wanes, the conductor must CEASE SYMPHONY or else the symphony will not be completed successfully. There can only be one attempt of Symphony per month.
and so on and so forth...
Last of all:
FORESTWALKERS (since Cuber hates Rangers)... actually this is derived from German which there is no word as Rangers.. they call it "Waldläufer" or Forestwalkers.
Abhoring anything to do with the so-called civilisation, the Walker finds all his materials for his crafts in the Wild.
Silver (shown as gathered silver): The Walker must venture into the dwarven mines and there he must SEARCH FOR ORE. There is a 10% chance of finding raw ore. When he has an ore, he must have a tinderbox, and then in a trained method, purify the ore. This must be done in a mountinous location.
Bone (shown as bone): Having killed a living being and have sent it into the next world with prayers to the Green Mother, the Walker will strike off the outer coating of the body to find the pure bone within. First he must SKIN , then CUT MEAT OFF BONE. Once done, the Walker will find a bone, though unpurified and still rather dirty. He must then venture to a river with running water, and then CLEAN BONE until the bone is cleaned and ready to use.
Wood (shown as gathered wood): The Walker, attuned to the Woods, will not harm the living forest. He will venture into a forest where he must remain there. First he must ATTUNE TO FOREST KIN, where his soul would align itself with the forest around. Once connected with the forest, he then must PLEAD FOR ASSISTANCE. In time, the Forest will acklowledge his kinship and one of the nearby trees will produce a piece of lumber for the Walker. Once collected, the Walker must THANK FOREST, for should he forget, the Forest will distrust him and disallow him to take another lumber for a year.
WALKERKNIFE (require 1 wood, 1 silver, 1 bone)
Special: Comms must come from GATHERINGS
Must have full of everything to craft the knife (hp, mana, etc. etc)
The Walkerknife is the first and foremost tool of the Forestwalker. It is used as many of his crafts and also as a weapon. Because of this, the Walker will take special care into crafting his knife.
In a forest location, he would drop the piece of Wood. In this location, none must venture into, for should the Walker be disturbed, the ceremony is spoilt and the Walker must restart from the beginning. He would now BEG FOR BLESSINGS. The forest hearing his calls would see the piece of wood to be crafted. They would send their forest spirits into the wood and slowly crafting it into the handle of the knife. Once the handle is completed, the Walker would take the piece of Silver, PLANT SILVER into the ground, and the begin to BEAT THE GROUND. As the Earth hears his calls, the Earth would refine the silver into the curved blade of the Forestwalker knife. Once refined the Walker must REMOVE BLADE FROM GROUND and then ATTACH BLADE TO HILT. Once attached the Walker would then drop the Bone then SLICE ARM with the half-completed knife. The blood would drench the knife whereas the Walker would then DRIP BLOOD ONTO BONE. As the Bone drinks the blood of the Walker, the Bone would arch itself into obeisance of the Walker, which then the Walker would MOULD BONE ONTO KNIFE. Once done the Knife is empowered and can only be used by the Walker who crafted it. Thus signifying the link between the Walker and the Forests, the Earth and the Living.
By reading the tracks on the ground and smelling of the air, the Forestwalker can ascertain the directions to move to find their target. Only works on natural grounds.
By using the materials at hand, the Forestwalker is able to build a temporary shelter to rest which helps regenerate their health and mana at an accelerated speed. Not only this, the shelter would afford the Forestwalker a certain amount of defense depending on the area they are in.
- Forest locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of wood and foliage. It hides the Forestwalker from casual eyes during the night but makes them more vulnerable to fire.
- Mountinous locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of rocks and stones. It gives the Forestwalker greater defense against physical attacks and fire, but makes them more vulnerable other attacks due to their visibility against the rocks.
- Water locations
You can't build shelter in water!
- Desert Locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of Sand. Although it gives them a general defense against all except wind, there is a danger of the shelter collapsing, causing the walker some damage and afflicting them with stun and blindness.
BUILD CAMPFIRE (Require tinderbox)
(Special: If crafting campfire within Forest location, no wood is required except may lose control of the fire and allow flames to burn in the location causing the walker to burn. Other locations require 5 wood to begin the fire and 1 wood to maintain it)
- STOKE FIRE (Require commoditiy as per above)
- PUT OUT FIRE (Require Bucket with Water) *** I was actually going to allow PEE ON FIRE which would put out the fire but makes noxious gas, but thought naaaa, besides, I like to see girls trying to do that. ***
If you do not put out the campfire in a forest location, the fire can spread causing forest fires.
CAMPFOOD (Require Campfire)
Eating campfood is less satisfying than most foods made by cooks and also may afflict person with food poisoning (ie vomiting).
COOK MEAT (Require 1 Wood)
EXAMINE MEAT To check if the meat is cooked. If eating uncooked meat, the chance of getting food poisoning is much higher. Cooking too long will cause the meat to burn and become inedible.
TURN MEAT allows the meat to cook thoroughly and thus reducing the chance of food poisoning.
FORAGE (Must have Walkerknife)
With a mastership of native plants, you are able to find roots, nuts and fruits to satiate your hunger somewhat.
As an alignment of the Forestwalker and the Basin of Life, the Walker may call upon aid from the Nature at any time. This effect will differentiate in different environments:
- Waving your Walkerknife in the air, you call upon the spirits of the Wild, asking for assistance.
Forest Environment: The Branches of the trees remove you from danger by lifting you quickly into their arm.
Mountain Environment: Giant walls of stone rises in all directions preventing any from entering your location.
Water Environment: Great currents washes you away into the distance, taking you from danger.
Desert environment: Great winds blows sands in all direction, preventing any to see you.
Casting down you Knife into the ground, the handle of the Knife begins to grow vines in all directions. Should one hit the wall they would become entangled and once free, would be deposited back in the direction they came.
Using your knife as a bridge, you channel your soul into Nature. By sacricing half of your health, you can call alive beings which would help you. These beings exist depending on their location whence you call them.
Forest: A great tree comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being old and sturdy, these trees possess great amount of constitution and can entangle your enemies. However, they are vulnerable to fire.
Wind: A great cloud of air comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being so free of mundane body, they cannot be harmed by physical means. Their greatest weakness is they cannot attack but can afflict with aeon and can be easily dissipated with the Magi gust.
Mountains: A great giant of rocks comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being so strong, they take little damage from physical attacks and possess great strength. However, they cannot afflict with anything and are vulnerable to magical attacks.
Desert: A great cloud of sand comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being like the Wind, they take no damage from physical attacks but vulnerable to gust. However, while being they would damage the enemy by striking and causing hurts and afflicting with blindness and deafness.
Water: A great being of water comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being of water, they are extremely fast but are vulnerable to fire. They damage your enemies by freezing them.
Holding your Knife above you, the spirits of the skies hear you and takes you into the air.
- Flight
5 Power (Any)
(Special: you must use the materials from GATHERINGS and also a Walkerknife and tinderbox) (3 Wood, 2 Silver, 1 Bone)
The Bow is the secondary weapon that a Walker carries, although not as spiritually binding to Nature as your Knife, it is nonetheless a powerful tool and weapon. While having the commodities, you must be wielding your knife. First, you would CRAFT BOW. Once this process has begun, you must continue to REFINE BOW until the bow is completed. At that point, you would SMELT SILVER ONTO BOW with methods taught to you you place the silver across the string attachments of the bow and the ornaments. Once completed, you then would CRAFT BONE INTO HANDLE where the bone would be fitted as the handle of the bow. Once completed you would normally require a string, however in this case of the Walker Bow, you do not. Taking your Knife in hand you place the tip of the blade at the top of the bow and then CALL STRING INTO BEING and channeling power through your knife would drag the knife down to the other end, thus creating your spirit string and completing the bow.
The bow skills would then practically copy from others in other IRE Realms. Like poisining, colouring and firing thingies. However perhaps:
Being so powerful in your arts of bowmanship, you are now able to fire off two arrows in one bow, thus making your attacks twice fold.
Sorry folks, long post but hopefully you like.
Let me try and elaborate on Cuber's idea, which I think is a good one

Note none of my skills are in any particular order except the order they come out of my.... mind
Darkness is the cloak they wear and the shadows their kin. These killers of no remort stands as a secret society, allowing their knowledge to pass to those who are worthy. They are bound to none in obeisance but allied with Magnagora in a sharing brotherhood. They answer to none bar their Grandmaster.
Some examples of their skills:
- WRAP (Must be night to perform)
In the darkness, so shall the Walker reign. Wrapping the Shadows of the Night around them, they may stand undetected. They must stand still for a short while before attuned to the Night. Should any movements be caused, they will be viewed to the world.
POWER: 1 (Megalith)
Drawing on the Brotherhood derived from their city, they are able to use the demesne of Tainted Geomancers and lie undetected as part of the land until time to strike.
(A long elongated pipe is crafted expertly from a piece of wood with a malleable mouthpiece. The pipe is stained in various dark poisons, helping the Shadowwalker to hide in the darkness)
- CRAFT DARTS (1 Wood) Makes 10
(A small thin dart has been crafted here with a sharpened end for easy penetration.)
(By carefully wrapping a piece of cloth at the head of the dart, you are able to enhance the dart's speed, allowing you faster dart projections, however reducing accuracy/By stripping the cloth, you attach it to the end of the dart allowing higher accuracy but reducing speed)
For a short period of time, you swear to kill your enemy by slicing yourself along both of your arms. By doing so, your purpose is enhanced and you are afforded greater damage and speed while engaging your target. However, due to your wounds, you will maintain a small amount of bleeding until the Pact wears off or you have completed your foresworn and have bounded yourself up.
Mastering your dartsmanship, you are able to effectively enhance your previous darts skills-
(An further elongated pipe enhances accuracy and speed of your projections)
- CRAFT DARTS (1 Wood) Makes 15
Due to your continual darts creation, you are able to devise a method to save more wood.
With your abundance of darts and experience, you can now colour your specific darts so to be able to discern the difference with colour.
So masterly is your applications, you can now apply two poisons onto each dart.
That's all I can think of for this at the moment - to the others!:
I'm ignoring Gaudiguchy and Hallifaxy until I can see more about their city.
SONGWEAVERS (Celest) Because I think Bards has been overused in the other IRE games.
By crafting a resonator, any song you sing may be sung onto the resonator thus making the song last within the room even when you have left. All songs sung will target either your allies or enemies.
Being well-known in the musical arts you can identify the songs you hear from the resonator. Should you have not yet learnt the song, you will not be able to identify it.
SERENADE - Afflicts Lust
MARCH - Makes the Target follow you
WALTZ - So entrancing is the dance, the person is afflicted with amnesia
NURSERY - So reminisce of their childhood, the target is stunned to inactivity.
and so on and so forth
- CRAFT BONGOS (2 Wood, 1 Cloth)
Playing a song so alike in the rocklike texture of the ground, your target stands entranced and their body reflects the stationary-likeness. Afflicts Paralysis
SCREECH (Cannot be tuned onto the resonator)
So well trained is your voice that you can reach a resonation of natural crystal. Those who hear you resonate in pain.
So bloodcurdling is your scream that those who hear it runs away with fear.
- CRAFT MASTER RESONATOR (1 Silver, 1 Platinum)
You have discovered better materials for resonators and is able to allow the resonator to resound two songs, rather than the previous one.
GRANDMASTER RESONATOR (1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Platinum)
As a peak of your craft, you are now able to craft a superb resonator which can resonate 4 songs.
CRAFT TRUMPET (2 Iron, 1 Silver)
Blast it out like a mighty elephant for all your allies who hear you become empowered with extra strength.
CRAFT HARP (2 Wood, 1 Steel, 1 Silver)
So gentle is your melody, your allies who hear it regenerate health and mana.
CRAFT FLUTE (2 Silver)
The lifting melody of the flute allows the hearer to fly.
Requires: 1 Flute player, 1 Harp Player, 1 Trumpet Player, 1 Bongos
The power of the Symphony moves all who hear it, giving them an enlightening experience. Those who hear and play it will get for a day enhanced stats and also be granted experience for hearing and playing so sweet a sound.
First one Songweaver is assigned as the Conductor. They will then issue a price for the concert. Any who has not paid for the concert will not recieve the benefits of it. This will be done by ISSUEPRICE
Each instrumentalist must be playing the instruments (PLAY
and so on and so forth...
Last of all:
FORESTWALKERS (since Cuber hates Rangers)... actually this is derived from German which there is no word as Rangers.. they call it "Waldläufer" or Forestwalkers.
Abhoring anything to do with the so-called civilisation, the Walker finds all his materials for his crafts in the Wild.
Silver (shown as gathered silver): The Walker must venture into the dwarven mines and there he must SEARCH FOR ORE. There is a 10% chance of finding raw ore. When he has an ore, he must have a tinderbox, and then in a trained method, purify the ore. This must be done in a mountinous location.
Bone (shown as bone): Having killed a living being and have sent it into the next world with prayers to the Green Mother, the Walker will strike off the outer coating of the body to find the pure bone within. First he must SKIN , then CUT MEAT OFF BONE. Once done, the Walker will find a bone, though unpurified and still rather dirty. He must then venture to a river with running water, and then CLEAN BONE until the bone is cleaned and ready to use.
Wood (shown as gathered wood): The Walker, attuned to the Woods, will not harm the living forest. He will venture into a forest where he must remain there. First he must ATTUNE TO FOREST KIN, where his soul would align itself with the forest around. Once connected with the forest, he then must PLEAD FOR ASSISTANCE. In time, the Forest will acklowledge his kinship and one of the nearby trees will produce a piece of lumber for the Walker. Once collected, the Walker must THANK FOREST, for should he forget, the Forest will distrust him and disallow him to take another lumber for a year.
WALKERKNIFE (require 1 wood, 1 silver, 1 bone)
Special: Comms must come from GATHERINGS
Must have full of everything to craft the knife (hp, mana, etc. etc)
The Walkerknife is the first and foremost tool of the Forestwalker. It is used as many of his crafts and also as a weapon. Because of this, the Walker will take special care into crafting his knife.
In a forest location, he would drop the piece of Wood. In this location, none must venture into, for should the Walker be disturbed, the ceremony is spoilt and the Walker must restart from the beginning. He would now BEG FOR BLESSINGS. The forest hearing his calls would see the piece of wood to be crafted. They would send their forest spirits into the wood and slowly crafting it into the handle of the knife. Once the handle is completed, the Walker would take the piece of Silver, PLANT SILVER into the ground, and the begin to BEAT THE GROUND. As the Earth hears his calls, the Earth would refine the silver into the curved blade of the Forestwalker knife. Once refined the Walker must REMOVE BLADE FROM GROUND and then ATTACH BLADE TO HILT. Once attached the Walker would then drop the Bone then SLICE ARM with the half-completed knife. The blood would drench the knife whereas the Walker would then DRIP BLOOD ONTO BONE. As the Bone drinks the blood of the Walker, the Bone would arch itself into obeisance of the Walker, which then the Walker would MOULD BONE ONTO KNIFE. Once done the Knife is empowered and can only be used by the Walker who crafted it. Thus signifying the link between the Walker and the Forests, the Earth and the Living.
By reading the tracks on the ground and smelling of the air, the Forestwalker can ascertain the directions to move to find their target. Only works on natural grounds.
By using the materials at hand, the Forestwalker is able to build a temporary shelter to rest which helps regenerate their health and mana at an accelerated speed. Not only this, the shelter would afford the Forestwalker a certain amount of defense depending on the area they are in.
- Forest locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of wood and foliage. It hides the Forestwalker from casual eyes during the night but makes them more vulnerable to fire.
- Mountinous locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of rocks and stones. It gives the Forestwalker greater defense against physical attacks and fire, but makes them more vulnerable other attacks due to their visibility against the rocks.
- Water locations
You can't build shelter in water!
- Desert Locations
The Forestwalker has built a shelter of Sand. Although it gives them a general defense against all except wind, there is a danger of the shelter collapsing, causing the walker some damage and afflicting them with stun and blindness.
BUILD CAMPFIRE (Require tinderbox)
(Special: If crafting campfire within Forest location, no wood is required except may lose control of the fire and allow flames to burn in the location causing the walker to burn. Other locations require 5 wood to begin the fire and 1 wood to maintain it)
- STOKE FIRE (Require commoditiy as per above)
- PUT OUT FIRE (Require Bucket with Water) *** I was actually going to allow PEE ON FIRE which would put out the fire but makes noxious gas, but thought naaaa, besides, I like to see girls trying to do that. ***
If you do not put out the campfire in a forest location, the fire can spread causing forest fires.
CAMPFOOD (Require Campfire)
Eating campfood is less satisfying than most foods made by cooks and also may afflict person with food poisoning (ie vomiting).
COOK MEAT (Require 1 Wood)
EXAMINE MEAT To check if the meat is cooked. If eating uncooked meat, the chance of getting food poisoning is much higher. Cooking too long will cause the meat to burn and become inedible.
TURN MEAT allows the meat to cook thoroughly and thus reducing the chance of food poisoning.
FORAGE (Must have Walkerknife)
With a mastership of native plants, you are able to find roots, nuts and fruits to satiate your hunger somewhat.
As an alignment of the Forestwalker and the Basin of Life, the Walker may call upon aid from the Nature at any time. This effect will differentiate in different environments:
- Waving your Walkerknife in the air, you call upon the spirits of the Wild, asking for assistance.
Forest Environment: The Branches of the trees remove you from danger by lifting you quickly into their arm.
Mountain Environment: Giant walls of stone rises in all directions preventing any from entering your location.
Water Environment: Great currents washes you away into the distance, taking you from danger.
Desert environment: Great winds blows sands in all direction, preventing any to see you.
Casting down you Knife into the ground, the handle of the Knife begins to grow vines in all directions. Should one hit the wall they would become entangled and once free, would be deposited back in the direction they came.
Using your knife as a bridge, you channel your soul into Nature. By sacricing half of your health, you can call alive beings which would help you. These beings exist depending on their location whence you call them.
Forest: A great tree comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being old and sturdy, these trees possess great amount of constitution and can entangle your enemies. However, they are vulnerable to fire.
Wind: A great cloud of air comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being so free of mundane body, they cannot be harmed by physical means. Their greatest weakness is they cannot attack but can afflict with aeon and can be easily dissipated with the Magi gust.
Mountains: A great giant of rocks comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being so strong, they take little damage from physical attacks and possess great strength. However, they cannot afflict with anything and are vulnerable to magical attacks.
Desert: A great cloud of sand comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being like the Wind, they take no damage from physical attacks but vulnerable to gust. However, while being they would damage the enemy by striking and causing hurts and afflicting with blindness and deafness.
Water: A great being of water comes to live to aide you against your enemies. Being of water, they are extremely fast but are vulnerable to fire. They damage your enemies by freezing them.
Holding your Knife above you, the spirits of the skies hear you and takes you into the air.
- Flight
5 Power (Any)
(Special: you must use the materials from GATHERINGS and also a Walkerknife and tinderbox) (3 Wood, 2 Silver, 1 Bone)
The Bow is the secondary weapon that a Walker carries, although not as spiritually binding to Nature as your Knife, it is nonetheless a powerful tool and weapon. While having the commodities, you must be wielding your knife. First, you would CRAFT BOW. Once this process has begun, you must continue to REFINE BOW until the bow is completed. At that point, you would SMELT SILVER ONTO BOW with methods taught to you you place the silver across the string attachments of the bow and the ornaments. Once completed, you then would CRAFT BONE INTO HANDLE where the bone would be fitted as the handle of the bow. Once completed you would normally require a string, however in this case of the Walker Bow, you do not. Taking your Knife in hand you place the tip of the blade at the top of the bow and then CALL STRING INTO BEING and channeling power through your knife would drag the knife down to the other end, thus creating your spirit string and completing the bow.
The bow skills would then practically copy from others in other IRE Realms. Like poisining, colouring and firing thingies. However perhaps:
Being so powerful in your arts of bowmanship, you are now able to fire off two arrows in one bow, thus making your attacks twice fold.
Sorry folks, long post but hopefully you like.
Unknown2005-01-16 18:46:04
I wanna be a songweaver.
Aebrin2005-01-17 17:17:09
Little update on my skills ideas:
While in darkness, you glare towards a target until he gains the prickling sense of something who is watching him. Afflicts paranoia.
Although darkness is your friend, you seek the nearby light and reflect them off your weapons into the eyes of your enemies thus blinding them.
By setting an undetectable tripwire, all that enter through the direction into your presense will lose temporary balance.
So powerful is your voice, you can channel a path through water, allowing you to walk on dry land.
SNARE (1 Rope)
Using your skills as a Forestwalker, you set a snare upon the ground so that the first to enter into the room, regardless of the person, will be tied up. Only another Forestwalker may detect such tricks and avoid them with enough skill.
10 Power
Although taking time to work, it is comparably quick to skills such as Judgement. Plunging your Forestknife into your very heart, you sacrifice your life into your Knife. Unable to withstand its Master's pain, the Knife shatters, causing all those in the room, the same damage as your maximum health. Your knife will be destroyed and Vitae will not save you.
EDIT: Ok I realised there is no affliction called paranoia... was thinking of Ego battles. Anybody know of an affliction like that?
While in darkness, you glare towards a target until he gains the prickling sense of something who is watching him. Afflicts paranoia.
Although darkness is your friend, you seek the nearby light and reflect them off your weapons into the eyes of your enemies thus blinding them.
By setting an undetectable tripwire, all that enter through the direction into your presense will lose temporary balance.
So powerful is your voice, you can channel a path through water, allowing you to walk on dry land.
SNARE (1 Rope)
Using your skills as a Forestwalker, you set a snare upon the ground so that the first to enter into the room, regardless of the person, will be tied up. Only another Forestwalker may detect such tricks and avoid them with enough skill.
10 Power
Although taking time to work, it is comparably quick to skills such as Judgement. Plunging your Forestknife into your very heart, you sacrifice your life into your Knife. Unable to withstand its Master's pain, the Knife shatters, causing all those in the room, the same damage as your maximum health. Your knife will be destroyed and Vitae will not save you.
EDIT: Ok I realised there is no affliction called paranoia... was thinking of Ego battles. Anybody know of an affliction like that?
Shiri2005-01-17 18:04:05
There's an affliction called paranoia. It puts everyone on your enemies list, to my understanding.
Shamarah2005-01-17 18:44:55
I love what happens when you have paranoia and check your enemies list. Usually, when you type ENEMIES, it just gives you the list, but if you have paranoia, there'll be a first line on the top:
Everyone is, of course, an enemy, but these people really sicken you:
Just find it funny for some reason.
Everyone is, of course, an enemy, but these people really sicken you:
Just find it funny for some reason.
Shiri2005-01-17 18:48:16
I remember something amusing about allies only being there to betray you and make it all the more painful as well.
Aebrin2005-01-17 22:07:52
Really? Quick someone hit me with paranoia!
I know you're behind me Shiri! BTW I never see you on anymore *pout*
Anyways is the paranoia affliction -that useful-? Is there something better to replace it?
I know you're behind me Shiri! BTW I never see you on anymore *pout*
Anyways is the paranoia affliction -that useful-? Is there something better to replace it?
Shiri2005-01-17 22:10:20
The paranoia is pretty sweet, yeah. (And I am on, just as Nejii, not Shiri.

Laysus2005-01-17 22:39:53
I'd be the forestwalker type, mebbe, if it came into existance *nodme*
Unknown2005-01-18 00:32:07
Problem with darts. Since venoms only come off of weapons half the time, half the time you fired a dart it would do nothing.
Not to mention, all three seem like a blatant rip off of the Imperian Idras, Bards, and Wardens respectively. At least inspired by.
Not to mention, all three seem like a blatant rip off of the Imperian Idras, Bards, and Wardens respectively. At least inspired by.
Shiri2005-01-18 00:33:48
Aebrin2005-01-18 00:43:22
I donno, maybe I've been playing IRE games for too long.
Regardless, Lusternia is still IRE based, therefore you will find copies and variations. Can you really think of skills completely off the scope?
Personally I tried to get new ideas, maybe some may seem variations from the previous IRE games, but IRE has done such a good job, it makes it hard to be able to pull an idea out and say "yay completely new". Look at most of the ideas on the board and tell me that most of them are not a) variations of ideas of Lusternia or
variations of ideas of other IRE games.
Besides, instead of just complaining, offer some good criticism about how to make it more original.
I actually never played Idras. As far as I know Idrasi does knifework that I personally didn't see the point in trying. The only thing it remotely resemble Idrasi is the bone bit.
I liked the idea of the Warden campfires and food, I tried to add a scope to it making it original from Imperian.
As for Bards... find me a music thingy that doesn't use some kind of instrument or singing.
EDIT: Sorry, it's late. I don't like to be criticized without a good backup on improvement. Criticized all you will, but back yourself up with suggestions of improvement. Just saying "It's bad" doesn't make it better.
Regardless, Lusternia is still IRE based, therefore you will find copies and variations. Can you really think of skills completely off the scope?
Personally I tried to get new ideas, maybe some may seem variations from the previous IRE games, but IRE has done such a good job, it makes it hard to be able to pull an idea out and say "yay completely new". Look at most of the ideas on the board and tell me that most of them are not a) variations of ideas of Lusternia or

Besides, instead of just complaining, offer some good criticism about how to make it more original.
I actually never played Idras. As far as I know Idrasi does knifework that I personally didn't see the point in trying. The only thing it remotely resemble Idrasi is the bone bit.
I liked the idea of the Warden campfires and food, I tried to add a scope to it making it original from Imperian.
As for Bards... find me a music thingy that doesn't use some kind of instrument or singing.
EDIT: Sorry, it's late. I don't like to be criticized without a good backup on improvement. Criticized all you will, but back yourself up with suggestions of improvement. Just saying "It's bad" doesn't make it better.
Unknown2005-01-18 02:47:30
Idras used darts too.
Aebrin2005-01-18 16:26:34
Meh stuff it all to bits, here's my next edition...
Actually I've been thinking of a Tainted version to the Forestwalker thingy called the Beastmaster. I haven't had time to think too much about it, but at the moment having a bit of a toss...
Completely ruthless, the Beastmasters control all by force. Warping the powers of nature, command the deep and buried instincts of even the most benign.
Even the common materials rot and decay when used in your arts, you must strengthen your materials by the power of the Taint.
Gathering the solidified essence of the Living Tree, you must enter into a forest location and then BITE THROUGH TREE, opening its innards for your use. As you plunge your hand into the tree, you RETRACT SAP, gathering a lump of sap which solidifies in the open air for your use.
-CAUTERIZED ORE(how do you spell this?)
By pressure of your own strength, you PLUNGE HAND INTO EARTH causing Mother Earth to cry out in pain. You quickly RETRACT ORE and taking the lump of rock into Tainted grounds. When reaching there, you being to CAUTERIZE ORE to being to strengthen the rock with the Taint.
Requiring the hide of a dumb beast, you locate a beast of stature. When found, you RIP SKIN FROM by digging deep into the hide of the beast with your teeth, thus killing the beast. The higher powered and larger the beast, the higher success for you to discover a suitable piece of hide. But be wary, should you unsuccessfully flay the beast, the beast will become enraged and will turn against you. In different circumstances, the hide may need to be drenched in the blood and sweat of the beast, and this will dry out within a few days of gathering.
(Special: must use materials from the Gatherings. 1 Sap, 1 Flayed hide and 1 Cauterized Rock)
The Masterfork is your instrument of power, enabling you to cause the greatest damage to your foes. It is your foremost channel of energies and therefore your greatest ally. To create such tool, you must venture into the Tainted Forest of Glomdoring, where none may disturb you during your ritual. Should one enter your location during the procedure, you would have to restart from the beginning. First taking the Sap, you would PLANT SAP INTO GROUND. Once planted, you would begin ROAR FOR POWER. Your call would instantly transmute the local Tainted Nature to alter the Sap into the handle for your Fork. Then ENCASE ROCK IN TREE would place the Rock painfully into the nearby Tree, taking on the living blood of the tree onto the Rock, washing it in Tainted Power and thus refining it into your Y-Shaped blade. Once completed, you must FORCE BLADE ONTO SAP so that it is forged together. Finally using the hide that has not been dried, you WRAP SKIN AROUND HANDLE thus providing you with a grip. The blood and sweat of the skin will drip onto the blade, making a blood sacrifice to the Tainted Blade.
(Just to clarify what I mean by Y-shaped: The blade is basically a large curved blade with a half-sized curve rising out of the opposite-curved bit like a Y. This is so that the blade causes more damage coming out of an opponent than going in (ie pulling innards out))
BARRICADE (only works in Forest locations)
Finding a way to escape, you take your Fork and slice quickly in the forest around you, making a barricade of trees in all directions. Should one try to enter into your location, they would be in danger of being stunned by a falling log upon them.
- CRAFT NET (Requires 4 rope)
After creating a net, you can toss this onto your unsuspecting target making them tied up.
This is a two-fold skill.
Either you may consume raw flesh from a dead beast, trained so that you reject all forms of food poisoning (similar to carrion I guess) or taking a bite out of a still-living beast will satiate you more however should the beast be too powerful, it can turn against you.
Basically the single-hit kill version of the Forestwalker’s Sacrifice, but guaranteed to kill and does not consume power or your Masterfork. Stretching your muscles and skin in your mouth, you enlarge it to such an extent to place it over the person’s head then quickly bite down, removing the head from the person thus killing the person instantly.
Again the tainted version of the Forestwalker’s skill – from Nature kin.
Taking on the power of the Green Mother and warping it with Taint, you force your body to change in order to benefit. First in the area around you, you must CONNECT TO NATURE. Once connected, you would then WARP BODY. Your body will take on the shape of the native spirits. There will be a continual drain of mana while you are in your warped shape.
-Forest location: You warp into the body of a Tainted Tree, increasing your constitution by a full two points and increasing your size by 3. However, will give you a level 2 vulnerability to fire.
-Mountinous location: You warp into the body of a monstrous rock beast. This will increase your strength by 4 points and increasing your size by 4, also may inflict stun upon the person. However this will reduce your balance recovery.
-Water locations: You warp into the body of a powerful water monster. This will increase your Dexterity by 2 and Intelligence by 2, and may afflict freeze. However, you would be vulnerable to attacks from earth.
-Desert locations: You warp into the body of a Sand beast. This will increase your dexterity by 3 and constitution by 1. You can afflict aeon and blindness and deafness. However your are vulnerable to attacks of the air.
-Wind location (i.e. in the air): You warp into the body of an aerial monster. This will increase your dexterity by 5. You can afflict aeon and have a faster recovery of balance, but you are vulnerable to attacks of air and also a reduced sized by 4 points.
Had to do something relating to the name…
You force your will upon the dumb beasts of the land. Dumb beasts in the land can know no sense, and it is time their superiors beat it into them.
(As you gain skillranks in Beastmaster, you gain new beasts to control… but let’s see…) Basically once tamed, the beasts will obey according to HELP MOB and plus the skill listed below. The number of beasts that you can control will increase with skill. The Beast will lose loyalty once you leave realm. CALL ALL BEASTS will bring those loyal back to you.
Taking a further look than probe, you see that the beast is classified into bestial categories according to your training.
This may take a while, like Influencing except draining a good bit of Willpower, but your constant yelling and abuse will bend the beast to your will. You will need to have the skill to bend the beast of your trained categories otherwise the beast will revolt and become aggressive.
Basically you have to train your new found beast to heed your commands. The higher level the beast, the longer it would take. By using ASSESS you will see how much more training the beast requires. (Those who have played with falcons or other such loyals in other IRE games, this will definitely not take as long. Basically for example of the smallest category may take, say, 5 trains. Biggies may take 30 trains, and instead of having to wait an hour between training, the training just drains Endurance and Willpower). If they are not trained properly, the commands you give may make the dumb beast, dumber and dumbfounded.
Some categories I thought of:
The most basic of all creatures, those that run across the ground and are flightless. They make poor fighting beasts and are practically useless except to drain their blood for your Fork.
This will force the dumb beast to gather food for you.
This will force the dumb beast to quickly track a person and report through the mental link of the Fork on the location of the person.
These creatures are larger than the usual ground crawlers, usually beasts of labour. They make poor fighting beasts, but have a bulk and size which can be used to your advantage.
(Apart from the skills in the SMALL FURRY CUTE THINGS
Ride it like a donkey
How high? (hehe) No… depending on the size of the beast, the ground will tremor and thus causing all to fall down on the ground.
(Actually has anybody seen birds… I mean see, not hear them or anything like that in Lusternia?)
These creatures are small and can fly, however not large enough to carry you.
Using their small beaks, they may peck another’s eyes out.
Using a high pitched scream, they may cause another to lose their equilibrium.
In a flurry of feathers and wings, the person is temporarily unable to see their stats (like hp and mana and stuff (can’t remember what the affliction is called, but Octopusses (just to spite Etanru) can do it with their ink)
These aerial creatures can carry you depending on your size verses their own.
Again depending on their size, the flyer may take the person off the ground and then dropping them making them break stuff.
Beasts of power at last. These beast can not only carry you but make excellent fighters. (Apart from the skills listed under the Crawler sections)
- TRAMPLE &T (Just like in Riding)
How scary is your beast that all will be afflicted with Fear at his voice.
Not the same as you consuming, but the beast will pick up the Player and slowly chew upon him. At each chew, the player will lose health until he is able to writhe out of the grasp. May afflict deep wounds.
(OK take your mind out of the gutter) The beast will embrace the person in a fashion so that not only is the person required to writhe from its grasp but also will afflict several broken limbs in time.
Beasts of tremendous capacity to fly. These beasts can carry any and are excellent aerial servants. (Apart from the skills listed under the Flighters sections)
Using the deep talon of the claw, the flighter will extract heavy bleeding from the person.
- ORDER &T TO EGG &PLAYER (Is this viable? I’m not much of an ornithologist except when it comes to chicken and I say I want the leg)
The flighter will swoop up into the skies and quickly lay large eggs onto the person thus stunning him and causing aeon from all the slime that encases him.
Swooping high into the air, the flighter swoops down and carries a person away up to 5 rooms.
And I thought maybe…
Your low training allows you to control only one beast.
As your training enhances, your training allows you to control two breasts.
BESTIAL MASTERSHIP (Virtuoso) – 3 Beasts
You are now master of beasts allowing you to control 3 beasts.
BESTIAL GRANDMASTERSHIP (Transcendant) – 4 Beasts
Master of all beasts, your control over them allow you to train 4 beasts at once.
I couldn’t think of a bow equivalent for the Beastmaster but maybe…
Using the Masterfork as a boomerang, attaching some attachments to it, like extending the handle or curving the blade more… I donno. Then the skills can copy over mostly from the whips in the IRE Games. But not sure.
EDIT: That's a toss as in throwing ideas together, like salad. Just to make it clear for all you sick minded people out there.
Actually I've been thinking of a Tainted version to the Forestwalker thingy called the Beastmaster. I haven't had time to think too much about it, but at the moment having a bit of a toss...
Completely ruthless, the Beastmasters control all by force. Warping the powers of nature, command the deep and buried instincts of even the most benign.
Even the common materials rot and decay when used in your arts, you must strengthen your materials by the power of the Taint.
Gathering the solidified essence of the Living Tree, you must enter into a forest location and then BITE THROUGH TREE, opening its innards for your use. As you plunge your hand into the tree, you RETRACT SAP, gathering a lump of sap which solidifies in the open air for your use.
-CAUTERIZED ORE(how do you spell this?)
By pressure of your own strength, you PLUNGE HAND INTO EARTH causing Mother Earth to cry out in pain. You quickly RETRACT ORE and taking the lump of rock into Tainted grounds. When reaching there, you being to CAUTERIZE ORE to being to strengthen the rock with the Taint.
Requiring the hide of a dumb beast, you locate a beast of stature. When found, you RIP SKIN FROM
(Special: must use materials from the Gatherings. 1 Sap, 1 Flayed hide and 1 Cauterized Rock)
The Masterfork is your instrument of power, enabling you to cause the greatest damage to your foes. It is your foremost channel of energies and therefore your greatest ally. To create such tool, you must venture into the Tainted Forest of Glomdoring, where none may disturb you during your ritual. Should one enter your location during the procedure, you would have to restart from the beginning. First taking the Sap, you would PLANT SAP INTO GROUND. Once planted, you would begin ROAR FOR POWER. Your call would instantly transmute the local Tainted Nature to alter the Sap into the handle for your Fork. Then ENCASE ROCK IN TREE would place the Rock painfully into the nearby Tree, taking on the living blood of the tree onto the Rock, washing it in Tainted Power and thus refining it into your Y-Shaped blade. Once completed, you must FORCE BLADE ONTO SAP so that it is forged together. Finally using the hide that has not been dried, you WRAP SKIN AROUND HANDLE thus providing you with a grip. The blood and sweat of the skin will drip onto the blade, making a blood sacrifice to the Tainted Blade.
(Just to clarify what I mean by Y-shaped: The blade is basically a large curved blade with a half-sized curve rising out of the opposite-curved bit like a Y. This is so that the blade causes more damage coming out of an opponent than going in (ie pulling innards out))
BARRICADE (only works in Forest locations)
Finding a way to escape, you take your Fork and slice quickly in the forest around you, making a barricade of trees in all directions. Should one try to enter into your location, they would be in danger of being stunned by a falling log upon them.
- CRAFT NET (Requires 4 rope)
After creating a net, you can toss this onto your unsuspecting target making them tied up.
This is a two-fold skill.
Either you may consume raw flesh from a dead beast, trained so that you reject all forms of food poisoning (similar to carrion I guess) or taking a bite out of a still-living beast will satiate you more however should the beast be too powerful, it can turn against you.
Basically the single-hit kill version of the Forestwalker’s Sacrifice, but guaranteed to kill and does not consume power or your Masterfork. Stretching your muscles and skin in your mouth, you enlarge it to such an extent to place it over the person’s head then quickly bite down, removing the head from the person thus killing the person instantly.
Again the tainted version of the Forestwalker’s skill – from Nature kin.
Taking on the power of the Green Mother and warping it with Taint, you force your body to change in order to benefit. First in the area around you, you must CONNECT TO NATURE. Once connected, you would then WARP BODY. Your body will take on the shape of the native spirits. There will be a continual drain of mana while you are in your warped shape.
-Forest location: You warp into the body of a Tainted Tree, increasing your constitution by a full two points and increasing your size by 3. However, will give you a level 2 vulnerability to fire.
-Mountinous location: You warp into the body of a monstrous rock beast. This will increase your strength by 4 points and increasing your size by 4, also may inflict stun upon the person. However this will reduce your balance recovery.
-Water locations: You warp into the body of a powerful water monster. This will increase your Dexterity by 2 and Intelligence by 2, and may afflict freeze. However, you would be vulnerable to attacks from earth.
-Desert locations: You warp into the body of a Sand beast. This will increase your dexterity by 3 and constitution by 1. You can afflict aeon and blindness and deafness. However your are vulnerable to attacks of the air.
-Wind location (i.e. in the air): You warp into the body of an aerial monster. This will increase your dexterity by 5. You can afflict aeon and have a faster recovery of balance, but you are vulnerable to attacks of air and also a reduced sized by 4 points.
Had to do something relating to the name…
You force your will upon the dumb beasts of the land. Dumb beasts in the land can know no sense, and it is time their superiors beat it into them.
(As you gain skillranks in Beastmaster, you gain new beasts to control… but let’s see…) Basically once tamed, the beasts will obey according to HELP MOB and plus the skill listed below. The number of beasts that you can control will increase with skill. The Beast will lose loyalty once you leave realm. CALL ALL BEASTS will bring those loyal back to you.
Taking a further look than probe, you see that the beast is classified into bestial categories according to your training.
This may take a while, like Influencing except draining a good bit of Willpower, but your constant yelling and abuse will bend the beast to your will. You will need to have the skill to bend the beast of your trained categories otherwise the beast will revolt and become aggressive.
Basically you have to train your new found beast to heed your commands. The higher level the beast, the longer it would take. By using ASSESS you will see how much more training the beast requires. (Those who have played with falcons or other such loyals in other IRE games, this will definitely not take as long. Basically for example of the smallest category may take, say, 5 trains. Biggies may take 30 trains, and instead of having to wait an hour between training, the training just drains Endurance and Willpower). If they are not trained properly, the commands you give may make the dumb beast, dumber and dumbfounded.
Some categories I thought of:
The most basic of all creatures, those that run across the ground and are flightless. They make poor fighting beasts and are practically useless except to drain their blood for your Fork.
This will force the dumb beast to gather food for you.
This will force the dumb beast to quickly track a person and report through the mental link of the Fork on the location of the person.
These creatures are larger than the usual ground crawlers, usually beasts of labour. They make poor fighting beasts, but have a bulk and size which can be used to your advantage.
(Apart from the skills in the SMALL FURRY CUTE THINGS

Ride it like a donkey
How high? (hehe) No… depending on the size of the beast, the ground will tremor and thus causing all to fall down on the ground.
(Actually has anybody seen birds… I mean see, not hear them or anything like that in Lusternia?)
These creatures are small and can fly, however not large enough to carry you.
Using their small beaks, they may peck another’s eyes out.
Using a high pitched scream, they may cause another to lose their equilibrium.
In a flurry of feathers and wings, the person is temporarily unable to see their stats (like hp and mana and stuff (can’t remember what the affliction is called, but Octopusses (just to spite Etanru) can do it with their ink)
These aerial creatures can carry you depending on your size verses their own.
Again depending on their size, the flyer may take the person off the ground and then dropping them making them break stuff.
Beasts of power at last. These beast can not only carry you but make excellent fighters. (Apart from the skills listed under the Crawler sections)
- TRAMPLE &T (Just like in Riding)
How scary is your beast that all will be afflicted with Fear at his voice.
Not the same as you consuming, but the beast will pick up the Player and slowly chew upon him. At each chew, the player will lose health until he is able to writhe out of the grasp. May afflict deep wounds.
(OK take your mind out of the gutter) The beast will embrace the person in a fashion so that not only is the person required to writhe from its grasp but also will afflict several broken limbs in time.
Beasts of tremendous capacity to fly. These beasts can carry any and are excellent aerial servants. (Apart from the skills listed under the Flighters sections)
Using the deep talon of the claw, the flighter will extract heavy bleeding from the person.
- ORDER &T TO EGG &PLAYER (Is this viable? I’m not much of an ornithologist except when it comes to chicken and I say I want the leg)
The flighter will swoop up into the skies and quickly lay large eggs onto the person thus stunning him and causing aeon from all the slime that encases him.
Swooping high into the air, the flighter swoops down and carries a person away up to 5 rooms.
And I thought maybe…
Your low training allows you to control only one beast.
As your training enhances, your training allows you to control two breasts.
BESTIAL MASTERSHIP (Virtuoso) – 3 Beasts
You are now master of beasts allowing you to control 3 beasts.
BESTIAL GRANDMASTERSHIP (Transcendant) – 4 Beasts
Master of all beasts, your control over them allow you to train 4 beasts at once.
I couldn’t think of a bow equivalent for the Beastmaster but maybe…
Using the Masterfork as a boomerang, attaching some attachments to it, like extending the handle or curving the blade more… I donno. Then the skills can copy over mostly from the whips in the IRE Games. But not sure.
EDIT: That's a toss as in throwing ideas together, like salad. Just to make it clear for all you sick minded people out there.
Jalain2005-01-18 16:42:47
The Beastmaster stuff seems a bit like what I came up with for the Bards with Puck from Achaea.
Shiri2005-01-18 16:59:20
There are small weeny birds, yeah. Look on the Ether, there's a falconer who wants some lost songbirds back. (Or something.)
Aebrin2005-01-18 17:17:30
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jan 18 2005, 04:47 AM)
Idras used darts too.
Actually isn't their darts like darts in traps like snakey people in Achaea and Sabs in Imperian?
My darts are for blowing.
(not that kind of blowing)
Aebrin2005-01-18 17:23:22
QUOTE(Jalain @ Jan 18 2005, 06:42 PM)
The Beastmaster stuff seems a bit like what I came up with for the Bards with Puck from Achaea.
Hold the phone... there's bards in Achaea now?
- tells you how long since I played Achaea... what are they like?
Manjanaia2005-01-18 19:46:26
As your training enhances, your training allows you to control two breasts<-
As your training enhances, your training allows you to control two breasts<-
Need I say more?

Sorry to pick on that I'm a silly little fool