Breaking demesnes...

by Unknown

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Thorgal2005-01-27 14:13:38
I think it's perfectly fine the way it is now...

It's like strategically capturing land, all the land flooded/forested/tainted basically belongs to the respective organization and is under their control, and as long as it isn't conquered by another organization, it remains the prior's property. Each city spent power and effort into capturing land, if you want it back, fight for it.

But I do agree each demesne should be breakable one way or another, no problems with it being hard, but it shouldn't be literally impossible. And if it means untainting 500 rooms, poo on you, the mage did the effort to demesne, you'll have to do the effort to recapture it, geomancers don't have a single advantage over aquamancers.
Sylphas2005-01-27 15:51:57
QUOTE(Thorgal @ Jan 27 2005, 09:13 AM)
I think it's perfectly fine the way it is now...

It's like strategically capturing land, all the land flooded/forested/tainted basically belongs to the respective organization and is under their control, and as long as it isn't conquered by another organization, it remains the prior's property. Each city spent power and effort into capturing land, if you want it back, fight for it.

But I do agree each demesne should be breakable one way or another, no problems with it being hard, but it shouldn't be literally impossible. And if it means untainting 500 rooms, poo on you, the mage did the effort to demesne, you'll have to do the effort to recapture it, geomancers don't have a single advantage over aquamancers.

Besides the fact that they can meld Glomdoring without tainting first, whereas Aquamancers can only do the same to the Inner Sea and some rivers. Glomdoring is a more important area, in my opinion. Not that it makes too much of a difference, but it is a slight bit of an advantage.
Thorgal2005-01-27 17:52:38
I really don't see why Glomdoring is more important than the Inner Sea and some rivers. Aquamancers meld anything that's wet, druids meld anything that's leafy and geomancers meld everything that's tainted, where is the imbalance?
Shiri2005-01-27 19:03:01
Glomdoring is a much more important area, as you have seen even fairly recently with the war on Magnagora. In THEORY there's no imbalance, but in practice, the Inner Sea isn't used a lot, and Celest isn't watery like Magnagora is Tainted and Serenwilde is a wood, so Hartstone and Geomancers both have the advantage over Aquamancers in that regard.
Shamarah2005-01-27 21:08:12
Also, you guys can meld Spectre Isle without tainting.
Shiri2005-01-28 01:34:59
I wonder why the Astral isn't tainted by default, from an RP perspective. From a balance perspective I can obviously see why.
Unknown2005-01-28 02:53:01
Yeah, astral, distorted by Kethuru's -tainted- presence? Hrm.
Raguel2005-01-29 00:23:47
Astral is the manafestation of Ketharu. For it to be tainted it would have to have normal land corrupted by the influence of Ketharu - he can't influence himself, he isn't taint incarnate in the same way that the sea is wet encarnate, he's more like a tainty midas - everything he touches turns to taint yet he himself isn't tainted.

I think it would be cool if plebs like me could dissolve demenses - say trans environment, cleanse or something - cleans foreign influence from the land.
Silvanus2005-01-29 00:26:57
Astral isn't the manifestation of Kethuru. (Its K-E-T-H-U-R-U, you have no idea how many people misspell that).
Unknown2005-01-29 00:27:17
Nah.. then anyone could fight mages on equal ground and that wouldn't be fun. That's like giving me razeslash (Well, not really.. but nothing else to compare it to.)
Raguel2005-01-29 00:33:05
Sorry for my retarded spelling - I thought they were demenses ....

Ummm trans gives you a lot of cool abilities for most skillsets - except environment which gives you crappy being able to see when its snowy (yeah i get that all the time) it would be nice to have some way to remove a random tainted room.

How about you can only remove rooms that aren't melded? That would still be cool and you mages can relax and go back to sharpening your hats
Sylphas2005-01-30 21:56:10
That would be a nice skill in other realms (save you buying an arti), but here, I have yet to see snow. Breaking demesnes might be too powerful, but it would fit the skillset and be useful.
Summer2005-01-31 01:08:16
I've seen snow a few times. Not often though, and mostly in the mountains. Rarely the roads.
Shiri2005-01-31 01:17:59
Environment badly needs work -all around-. I'd rather have windtalk than blizzardsight, if nothing else. I mean, come on. That's like...225 lessons you spent getting BLIZZARDSIGHT. That is BEYOND pathetic.
Raguel2005-01-31 10:07:37
the idea of cleaning a room of influence is like if it has been tainted or flooded or forested but isn't linked to anyone so isn't a demense then we can clear it. It would just get rid of stuff like tainted rooms which are being used for the regen, flooded rooms which are killing herbs and forested rooms with people hiding in the trees, but nothing melded