Unknown2011-07-21 21:32:59
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 21 2011, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to note, that this is in fact a /downgrade/ from where things were before, for Celestines - barring Astral and Muud, all that undead goodness has always been there and has always been primo bashing ground for Celestines. Now they do less damage vs undead (slightly) but they do do more against all soulless-touched entities.
... that does not sound like a downgrade. At all. "Oh, they lost "slight" effectiveness against good gold mobs but got a good buff against all of the best essence/exp gaining mobs".
I don't really mind the rest of the argument, but this just comes across as silly.
Unknown2011-07-21 21:44:08
Here's my new and improved idea:
Date: 7/21/2011 at 21:25
From: Iytha
To : Everyone
Subj: Excorable v. Divinus attacks and hunting.
Currently very few high level denizens are weak to excorable damage or
resistant to divinus damage. While this is perfectly understandable from
a thematic standpoint (most of the high level denizens are undead or
soulless related) it does present a mechanical imbalance between the
organizations that have access to divinus damage (Celest, Hallifax and
Serenwilde) and those that have access excorable damage (Magnagora,
Hallifax and Glomdoring) as well as an imbalance against Gaudiguch,
which has access to neither effect.
I propose a simple solution to resolve the issue, one that does not
require the addition of new areas or denizens to hunt. Three simple
changes need to be made:
-Change the damage types for some of the attacks made by creatures found
on Astral, Muud and other high-level hunting areas to deal excorable
-Give Magnagora and Glomdoring access to excorable resistance via the
Crow, Night, Necromancy, Geomancy, Shadowbeat and Necroscream skillsets.
-Give Gaudiguch access to both excorable and divinus resistance via
Pyromancy, Paradigmatics and, in the future, our bardic specialization.
This is to balance our lack of both excorable and divinus attacks.
-As an alternative to the above two points, introduce the effects via
constructs. I am hesitant to suggest this due to the fact that it would
introduce a disparity between the constructs owned by various
organizations and present a host of other balancing effects.
I feel that this change would be much easier to implement than the
alternative suggestions made, such as building new areas containing
angelic, vernal or otherwise divinus-affiliated denizens. It is also in
line with the themes laid out in the histories, with excorable-powered
attacks and tactics, such as Fain's Elixir, Urlach's ur'dead warriors,
the Soulless's regeneration and so forth all being of a defensive
nature, while the divinus powered attacks were all primarily of an
offensive nature.
-Iytha, Envoy for the Illuminati
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Vestian, in the year 301 CE.
Date: 7/21/2011 at 21:25
From: Iytha
To : Everyone
Subj: Excorable v. Divinus attacks and hunting.
Currently very few high level denizens are weak to excorable damage or
resistant to divinus damage. While this is perfectly understandable from
a thematic standpoint (most of the high level denizens are undead or
soulless related) it does present a mechanical imbalance between the
organizations that have access to divinus damage (Celest, Hallifax and
Serenwilde) and those that have access excorable damage (Magnagora,
Hallifax and Glomdoring) as well as an imbalance against Gaudiguch,
which has access to neither effect.
I propose a simple solution to resolve the issue, one that does not
require the addition of new areas or denizens to hunt. Three simple
changes need to be made:
-Change the damage types for some of the attacks made by creatures found
on Astral, Muud and other high-level hunting areas to deal excorable
-Give Magnagora and Glomdoring access to excorable resistance via the
Crow, Night, Necromancy, Geomancy, Shadowbeat and Necroscream skillsets.
-Give Gaudiguch access to both excorable and divinus resistance via
Pyromancy, Paradigmatics and, in the future, our bardic specialization.
This is to balance our lack of both excorable and divinus attacks.
-As an alternative to the above two points, introduce the effects via
constructs. I am hesitant to suggest this due to the fact that it would
introduce a disparity between the constructs owned by various
organizations and present a host of other balancing effects.
I feel that this change would be much easier to implement than the
alternative suggestions made, such as building new areas containing
angelic, vernal or otherwise divinus-affiliated denizens. It is also in
line with the themes laid out in the histories, with excorable-powered
attacks and tactics, such as Fain's Elixir, Urlach's ur'dead warriors,
the Soulless's regeneration and so forth all being of a defensive
nature, while the divinus powered attacks were all primarily of an
offensive nature.
-Iytha, Envoy for the Illuminati
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Vestian, in the year 301 CE.
Lilia2011-07-21 21:48:16
QUOTE (Malarious @ Jul 21 2011, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or I am misunderstanding and theres an automatic damage buff to excorable damage against anything without a line against it?
That's what I read it to mean. Maybe people could calm down a bit if this was clarified? Unless you're undead, you're a little bit weak to excorable, was my understanding.
Xenthos2011-07-21 21:52:22
QUOTE (Eventru @ Jul 21 2011, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's just the breaks. While they get better bashing, you get influencing, quests, etc that they can't/won't - so everything goes in circles.
... what the...?
It's not like Celest / Serenwilde / Hallifax don't get quests that the rest of us don't have access to.
And seriously, you're equating bashing with influencing?
Okay, at this point, you've just lost me. I was willing to go along with your promises that things would even out, but you're back-peddling here and saying, "Ok, it's just never going to be balanced, Celest & Serenwilde are just always going to have a great advantage, too bad!"
I'm really disappointed.
Enyalida2011-07-21 21:54:23
QUOTE (Lilia @ Jul 21 2011, 04:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's what I read it to mean. Maybe people could calm down a bit if this was clarified? Unless you're undead, you're a little bit weak to excorable, was my understanding.
But how weak? And it's not just undead.
OH. This just in. Excoro only does extra damage.... to players. It's baseline against mobs.
Xenthos2011-07-21 21:56:33
QUOTE (Enyalida @ Jul 21 2011, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But how weak? And it's not just undead.
OH. This just in. Excoro only does extra damage.... to players. It's baseline against mobs.
OH. This just in. Excoro only does extra damage.... to players. It's baseline against mobs.
Idea: Give all living players and mobs weakness to Excorable, give Excorable base damage to PCs.
Copy Astral, with living things.
Copy Muud, with living things (and less immunity).
Copy Catacombs, with living things.
Unknown2011-07-21 22:00:13
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2011, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Copy Catacombs, with living things.
I don't think we need another bashing area where 50% of the mobs are left alone because of health leeching making them unviable.
Xenthos2011-07-21 22:01:56
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Jul 21 2011, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think we need another bashing area where 50% of the mobs are left alone because of health leeching making them unviable.
Talan actually takes (took?) me bashing Catacomb lifeleechers somewhat regularly, the two of us are all right at beating down their life leeching.
They're just no good solo.
Veyrzhul2011-07-21 23:45:38
How again do you justify excorable type doing more damage against players and wanting to equalize it to divinus damage in terms of bashing?
I somehow feel people would complain all the same if excorable suddenly had a slight disadvantage in pvp...
Also, what is it currently about the astral mania? It's not as if everyone bashes there nonstop, and people make it sound as if it's the one super bashing area all of a sudden. In fact, I'd reckon that the hardcore bashers bash more kephera and uv tunnel trash, but I'm not omniscient, so who knows...
I somehow feel people would complain all the same if excorable suddenly had a slight disadvantage in pvp...
Also, what is it currently about the astral mania? It's not as if everyone bashes there nonstop, and people make it sound as if it's the one super bashing area all of a sudden. In fact, I'd reckon that the hardcore bashers bash more kephera and uv tunnel trash, but I'm not omniscient, so who knows...
Xenthos2011-07-22 00:03:53
QUOTE (Veyrzhul @ Jul 21 2011, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How again do you justify excorable type doing more damage against players and wanting to equalize it to divinus damage in terms of bashing?
I somehow feel people would complain all the same if excorable suddenly had a slight disadvantage in pvp...
Also, what is it currently about the astral mania? It's not as if everyone bashes there nonstop, and people make it sound as if it's the one super bashing area all of a sudden. In fact, I'd reckon that the hardcore bashers bash more kephera and uv tunnel trash, but I'm not omniscient, so who knows...
I somehow feel people would complain all the same if excorable suddenly had a slight disadvantage in pvp...
Also, what is it currently about the astral mania? It's not as if everyone bashes there nonstop, and people make it sound as if it's the one super bashing area all of a sudden. In fact, I'd reckon that the hardcore bashers bash more kephera and uv tunnel trash, but I'm not omniscient, so who knows...
Or just make Excorable not do extra damage to players; who cares? Giving some guilds / organizations a huge advantage to huge swathes of mobs (with one attack being able to hit all of them), while leaving everyone else either screwed or picking between a couple of bad options, is patently unfair.
It is even more unfair when they come out and tell us right in this thread that it's never going to be balanced.

I'm one of those people who preferred to bash kephs for long-term sustainability (no insanity and plenty of them, even though the essence over time was worse than if I was mixing it up), but now I'm screwed there, too.
And guess what, Kephs have no resistance to Divinus! Bypass resistances are a go, even if your other attack is resisted by them.
Edit: I am quite irked that I was assured it would be balanced (and that I bought it), also. :/
Unknown2011-07-22 00:10:10
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2011, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And guess what, Kephs have no resistance to Divinus! Bypass resistances are a go, even if your other attack is resisted by them.
The only players with divinus type attacks that I can imagine ever bashing kephera are researchers. Everyone else is going to run into surefire consequences eventually.
Xenthos2011-07-22 00:12:03
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Jul 21 2011, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The only players with divinus type attacks that I can imagine ever bashing kephera are researchers. Everyone else is going to run into surefire consequences eventually.
Or if they take their skills with them to another org; it's more that they have the option to bypass said resistances completely on every single mob in the game... unless, of course, the mob is weak to Divinus in which case it does more.
Where's the hard choice, here? And why do only some guilds get to ignore resistances entirely if they so choose?
Edit: Excepting maybe Celestian angels, though I don't think they have resistances yet.

Veyrzhul2011-07-22 00:13:50
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 22 2011, 12:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or just make Excorable not do extra damage to players; who cares? I'd wager some people do.
And guess what, Kephs have no resistance to Divinus! Great, except that everyone with access to divinus type damage aside from possibly Hallifax cannot bash them for rp reasons that cannot be ignored if you want to stay friends with your org.
I can feel the annoyance by melee users since they're generally a bit more limited now in terms of choices for damage types than the caster guilds. Especially kephera are tricky, but that doesn't really relate to the excorable/divinus damage unequality. One solution to make Astral more feasible overall is to return the symbol damage to magic type and change radiance/demonweb to pure divinus/excorable.
And guess what, Kephs have no resistance to Divinus! Great, except that everyone with access to divinus type damage aside from possibly Hallifax cannot bash them for rp reasons that cannot be ignored if you want to stay friends with your org.
I can feel the annoyance by melee users since they're generally a bit more limited now in terms of choices for damage types than the caster guilds. Especially kephera are tricky, but that doesn't really relate to the excorable/divinus damage unequality. One solution to make Astral more feasible overall is to return the symbol damage to magic type and change radiance/demonweb to pure divinus/excorable.
Xenthos2011-07-22 00:17:21
QUOTE (Veyrzhul)
Great, except that everyone with access to divinus type damage aside from possibly Hallifax cannot bash them for rp reasons that cannot be ignored if you want to stay friends with your org.
Then they can bash the alternative (Illithoids); who have no Divinus resistance.

I confess that at least some of my frustration is due to being a warrior, but in the end... seriously, some guilds are just not affected by this change at all. And the rest of us... well, we're just the poor schmucks who aren't lucky enough to have access to Divinus attacks.
Xenthos2011-07-22 01:01:12
We have been informed that the Administration is still in a quote "review and (re)design phase" on this, for those of you who have been actively involved and / or concerned.
So, a bit more patience. It is not set in stone as things are.
So, a bit more patience. It is not set in stone as things are.
Malarious2011-07-22 03:17:44
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Jul 21 2011, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have been informed that the Administration is still in a quote "review and (re)design phase" on this, for those of you who have been actively involved and / or concerned.
So, a bit more patience. It is not set in stone as things are.
So, a bit more patience. It is not set in stone as things are.
I believe the easiest/best course for balance would be to remove the new damage types since most skills can deal it but dont resist it and it will take awhile for many skills to all be updated for these new types. Additionally they are the major cause of the imbalance so removing them should fix it no?
Any word on new runes or changes for weapons?
Estarra2011-07-22 03:27:54
QUOTE (Malarious @ Jul 21 2011, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I believe the easiest/best course for balance would be to remove the new damage types since most skills can deal it but dont resist it and it will take awhile for many skills to all be updated for these new types. Additionally they are the major cause of the imbalance so removing them should fix it no?
Oh, come on, we're not going to remove the new damage types. Get real.
These things have to be done in phases, the first phase being adding the new skills and updating the mobs, then we'll see how everything works and listen to feedback, then we'll start on many of the other ideas. It is simply not possible that everything can be done at once and, really, we don't want everything done at once but rather in phases. As I explained to the envoys, we eventually will be addressing the impact caused not only on the new damage types but also on the expansion of previous damage types.
So, as Murphy used to say, harden up!

Sylphas2011-07-22 03:59:51
I forget what the split is on scalpel, but is the bitching mainly just about Radiance? My divinus attack really isn't all that great; a lot of divinus weak mobs have cold resists, and it's a 75/25 split. Moonfire is what, 50/50? I haven't really looked into the rest, but besides two astral spheres, Wildechord isn't amazing.
Enyalida2011-07-22 05:58:00
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Jul 21 2011, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I forget what the split is on scalpel, but is the bitching mainly just about Radiance? My divinus attack really isn't all that great; a lot of divinus weak mobs have cold resists, and it's a 75/25 split. Moonfire is what, 50/50? I haven't really looked into the rest, but besides two astral spheres, Wildechord isn't amazing.
Yes, a lot of it is about radiance, because a tiny subset of the game gets it.
Edit: No, sorry. It's the symbol attack that's 100% divinus, while Nihlists's symbol is 100% excorable which is pretty substantially worse.
Editagain: Keep in mind that nihlists either use symbol or cosmicfire, and 100% excorable is bad because it does baseline damage against everything (just like divinus) but a WHOLE LOT of things are resistant to Exco and even more are weak to Div.
Razenth2011-07-22 06:07:32
Demonweb, 50 poison/50 psychic. What I'm using right now because my symbol is dead due to DL raid.
Tested on Mr. Tentacles, does equal damage to symbol.
Tested on Mr. Tentacles, does equal damage to symbol.