Casilu2011-07-19 06:24:23
You are the cast of an incredibly raunchy animated TV show. Kids are banned from watching you, church groups protest you, many people find your humor disgusting. In fact, some groups may try to shut you down...
Still alive:
1. Ssaliss
2. Jack
3. Phoebus
4. Bali
5. Xikue
9. Ilyssa
10. Llesvelt
12. Ileein/Akeley
Killed off:
8. Ayisdra ( Steven, town- talks to anyone)
11. Razenth (nobody, town)
6. Vendetta (wildcard, town-vigiliante)
7. Rika (Town, doctor)
We'll be starting at EPISODE 1 (DAY). Roles are going out now, don't post before you get your role because you might have a post restriction. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Still alive:
1. Ssaliss
2. Jack
3. Phoebus
4. Bali
5. Xikue
9. Ilyssa
10. Llesvelt
12. Ileein/Akeley
Killed off:
8. Ayisdra ( Steven, town- talks to anyone)
11. Razenth (nobody, town)
6. Vendetta (wildcard, town-vigiliante)
7. Rika (Town, doctor)
We'll be starting at EPISODE 1 (DAY). Roles are going out now, don't post before you get your role because you might have a post restriction. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Casilu2011-07-19 06:51:05
Rules Which I Have Stolen (And Edited) That You Must Read Despite The Obnoxious Title Capitalisation, Mother
Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote. Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’. I will say reasonable as 24 hours, unless I know you will be gone for that time, message me if you will and exceptions will be made
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. Only talk at night with your PMs. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
If someone talks to you and your role doesn't say you can talk to them, don't respond to them. Maybe even rat them out.
And with that, roles should all be out. If you didn't get a role, PM me. If you have a question, PM me.
It is now EPISODE 1 (The Pilot) : Day.
With 12 alive, you need 7 to lynch.

Voting is required to be in the format Vote: Fain. Abbreviations and/or IG names are okay as long as they are comprehensible and widely known. Voting must be bolded to count.
Please unvote if you wish to change your vote. This is encouraged so as to make vote-counting easier, but I won't penalise you for revoting without including the unvote. Day lasts until one of the following happens: a player has a majority of votes, no lynch has a majority of votes, or a deadline comes.
Once a player or no lynch hits a majority, it is Twilight. No amount of unvoting will make any difference. You may continue to talk until I post the results of the lynch and declare that it is Night.
I reserve the right to call a deadline at any time if a day is taking too long. At deadline, the player with most votes will be lynched. In case of a tie, no one will be lynched.
After the day ends and the lynching occurs, it is Night. At this point, if your role allows it, you may talk to people via PM or PM your night choices to me. If you do not declare your night-choice within a reasonable window of time, I will count that as ‘No Action’. I will say reasonable as 24 hours, unless I know you will be gone for that time, message me if you will and exceptions will be made
Day will restart as soon after Night deadline as possible.
Do not quote anything relevant to the game from outside the thread. That includes PMs or parts of PMs from me, PMs from people you can talk to at night, or random observations third parties make elsewhere.
Do not talk about this game outside the game, unless your role permits. Only talk at night with your PMs. The conditions under which you may talk will be included in your role PMs.
Do NOT edit your posts. Ever. Period. Even to fix typos. Double post if you have to.
If you're not going to be available for more than 72 hours, let me know. If you're not going to be available for more than a week, I reserve the right to find a replacement.
I reserve the right to modkill anyone who breaks either the game or these rules. They really aren't very hard. If you are unsure as to whether you are breaking a rule, PM me to clarify.
I am always right, except when I'm not.
As a note, I'm not going to be modkilling people for determining scum by looking at people's profile views. It's your own fault if you get caught that way. Don't PM via the profile, because everyone can see you visited theirs.
If someone talks to you and your role doesn't say you can talk to them, don't respond to them. Maybe even rat them out.
And with that, roles should all be out. If you didn't get a role, PM me. If you have a question, PM me.
It is now EPISODE 1 (The Pilot) : Day.
With 12 alive, you need 7 to lynch.
Shiri2011-07-19 07:53:59
I am not entirely sure about this one, please don't make me dump the entire thread 

Unknown2011-07-19 13:34:04
It shouldn't be too bad, from what I can see.
All the more incentive to quickly and efficiently take out the trash and move the :censor: on.
Vote: Razenth until a more suitable vote comes around, since I don't want him jinxing us with constant reminders of previous games, the
All the more incentive to quickly and efficiently take out the trash and move the :censor: on.
Vote: Razenth until a more suitable vote comes around, since I don't want him jinxing us with constant reminders of previous games, the

Unknown2011-07-19 14:14:20
What the yotz is with this set-up. 

Jack2011-07-19 14:17:46
Vote Shiri for spoiling our fun. Cur!
Hurrr. So judging by the flavour text of the opening post, the mafia in this game is going to consist of people trying to shut us down. I predict evangelism. It's almost like people don't like cutesy cartoons crossbred with adult themes!
Hurrr. So judging by the flavour text of the opening post, the mafia in this game is going to consist of people trying to shut us down. I predict evangelism. It's almost like people don't like cutesy cartoons crossbred with adult themes!
Unknown2011-07-19 16:06:21
:censor: peeps I am officially the best animated character that ever lived
Llesvelt2011-07-19 16:19:26
Scientologists are a-holes.
Unknown2011-07-19 16:28:10
Answer or dont. Upto you!
1. What do you think of your posting restriction?
2. What do you think of Jack's analysis of "mafia in this game is going to consist of people trying to shut us down"
3. Do you think Casilu is a bastard mod?
2. What do you think of Jack's analysis of "mafia in this game is going to consist of people trying to shut us down"
3. Do you think Casilu is a bastard mod?
Answer or dont. Upto you!

Jack2011-07-19 18:59:40
1 - what postin restriction mang
cuz frankly none are springin to mind
2 - I suspect Jack may be one of the most prodigal mafia players of our time. We have no reason to doubt his asstute analysis. (Butt)
3 -
cuz frankly none are springin to mind
2 - I suspect Jack may be one of the most prodigal mafia players of our time. We have no reason to doubt his asstute analysis. (Butt)
3 -

Unknown2011-07-19 19:02:02
Hey guys. I'm alive!
Ayisdra2011-07-19 19:37:24
I'm here, Bali is doing some odd claiming over there...
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
Unknown2011-07-19 19:49:52
1. Restrictions are for 
2. Jack is just dabbling with the
3. Yet to be determined.
Also, I'm going to be working under the assumption that Bali is just dumb as
and will be continuing to role claim constantly.

2. Jack is just dabbling with the

3. Yet to be determined.
Also, I'm going to be working under the assumption that Bali is just dumb as

Jack2011-07-19 19:56:37
I'm assuming pulling a retarded roleclaim every post is his restriction. Or that's what he wants us to think, anyway.
Unknown2011-07-19 20:05:04
I might not have a posting restriction exactly, but at least I'm not dead! I don't know who we will be up against, but they haven't killed me yet!
Ayisdra2011-07-19 20:11:11
Phoebus says she doesn't have a restriction exactly, yet both times, she has a reference to her not being bead in italics...
such lies to us is not good for the soul.
such lies to us is not good for the soul.
Llesvelt2011-07-19 20:15:31
Seriously, though, scientologists suck.
Unknown2011-07-19 20:30:20
Wow Jack STILL READS QC. What a hipster shitbag.
I'm here, Bali is doing some odd claiming over there...
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
Unknown2011-07-19 20:32:53
Unknown2011-07-19 20:38:18
But anyway, look at this:
Predatory way of casting Phoebus in a negative light without really saying anything.
Why would I explain that. Yes its odd, why do you feel the need to say its odd? Again, a sort of a nervous sniper approach.
Scum caught, moving on.
i'm so good.
QUOTE ("Ayisdra")
Phoebus says she doesn't have a restriction exactly, yet both times, she has a reference to her not being bead in italics...
such lies to us is not good for the soul.
such lies to us is not good for the soul.
Predatory way of casting Phoebus in a negative light without really saying anything.
QUOTE ("Ayisdra")
I'm here, Bali is doing some odd claiming over there...
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
care to explain what exactly your claiming does, if anything?
Why would I explain that. Yes its odd, why do you feel the need to say its odd? Again, a sort of a nervous sniper approach.
Scum caught, moving on.