I'm done.

by Unknown

Back to Common Grounds.

Gwynn2005-01-15 02:57:50
I assume that noone else has completed this quest, as I have not seen them here gloating about it on the forums (The most comprehensive way to keep informed about IC events, I might add), so I can see how Amaru, who dislikes Guido and friends, being a Celestian, Celestine, and Terentian, would take offence to someone who embraces the taint and welcomes the return of Kethuru being the first person to recieve such a blessing.

Besides, Guido, you made your bed now you have to lie in it. My character certainly wouldn't think "Oh, there's an enemy I could be harrassing...but he's doing a rather long quest, I'll let him finish it first." I'd be thinking "Now how can I use his involvement in this quest to accomplish my goal with the least risk to me?"

If you want to be able to quest without worry, don't make enemies and don't take such extreme roles.
Hazar2005-01-15 02:58:39
So...don't roleplay in a roleplaying game and expect to be able to do -anything- else? Got it!
Unknown2005-01-15 03:02:40
No, silly. Roleplay being a no-body!
Hazar2005-01-15 03:03:17
Oh, so do anything -but- roleplay and I'll be fine? I get it now.
Richter2005-01-15 03:41:51
"The tallest blades of grass are the first to get cut by the lawnmover."

If you know what that means, in refrence to this... well, you understand my point.
Unknown2005-01-15 03:50:13
I would easily understand Loboshigarus hunting people for bashing monks or doing anything that harms denizens of that place, but not forbidding players to fullfill the task which -> Loboshigaru leader of the monastary himself <- assigns to them.
If Amaru and other Loboshigarus wish to prevent people from entering pits, I hope they realize that doing so they are opposing the will of their spiritual leader.

Unless they don't care about his will and are going to enforce this upon him too.
Like "Shut up old dog, we're making the rules now, nobody's going inside".

And people who went with Amaru to kill the questing team should really think if he can be trusted. Using his authority in his guild/city to gather a team in order to solve his personal problems, and not informing them about the purpose of all of this... I think it would really affect the confidence Celestians have in him. At least of those who are not mindless followers and don't do whatever they're told and never wonder.
Unknown2005-01-15 03:53:09
There's such a thing as having RP, and following it with actions.

There's such a thing as doing actions, and trying to mold them to your roleplay afterwards.

Amaru, you reek of the latter.
Gwynn2005-01-15 03:54:36
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jan 15 2005, 01:58 PM)
So...don't roleplay in a roleplaying game and expect to be able to do -anything- else? Got it!

That was not what I said. What I did say is that you cannot expect to take on such a SERIOUSLY TWISTED AND INFAMOUS ROLE and NOT have your life become a chaotic and constant battle for survival.

A really, really good analogy that i just thought of for Guido's role is that of Osama Bin Laden. Guido wants to do something that is seriously anaethma to the whole rest of the basin, and he would think nothing of commiting any manner of atrocity in its' pursuit. Now, if Osama Bin Laden had been on a several-decade long pilgrammage and was just about to end it and gain enlightenment, and the Americans found out he was up to it, they wouldn't just let him do it out of respect for the effort he's put in, they'd go in there and pump him full of lead.

Then you must understand that what Guido's character wants to happen is essentially WORSE than anything Osama Bin Laden could dream up, he wants to release a Soulless God to consume the world...I don't think you seem to understand how EXTREME this role is. In fact, its so extreme that if I were Estarra, I probably would have disallowed it. I mean, technically, he's declaring war on the Gods, because the Soulless certainly want to destroy them. In that way, he is ASTRONOMICALLY LUKCY not to be a small pile of ashes for the rest of eternity, and should stop whinging about a quest.

Edit: To clarify, I think its horrible BAD roleplay for any sane and reasonably untwisted individual in the basin to let Guido accomplish anything.

P.S. I mean all of that aimed at the role Guido has chosen IC. He's an awesome bloke OOC from what I can tell he just chose a role which should never have been chosen, IMHO.
Estarra2005-01-15 03:56:06
n 1: a person of unquestioning obedience 2: a victim of ridicule or pranks v 1: cruise in slow or routine flights 2: act as the stooge; "His role was to stooge for the popular comedian" 3: act as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner; "He stooged for the flamboyant Senator"

We can call them Amaru's stooges! (Now Ravin won't feel picked on.)

Edit: This was supposed to follow Kashim's post. 30029
Unknown2005-01-15 04:05:42
Gwynn - your one fault is, although Guido wants to raise the Soulless (has he stated this IC?) it's akin to Osama Bin Laden WANTING to attack the US, but not having done so, nor having taken steps to do so. Guido has taken no steps toward bringing back Kethuru, to my knowledge. There are many people who WANT to bring harm to the US, but don't do so. Should we pump them full of lead?
Unknown2005-01-15 04:09:32
We can call them Amaru's stooges! (Now Ravin won't feel picked on.)

Yeah, but do they really want to be called like that?
And be considered as such? wink.gif

And Amaru's behaviour seems kinda similar to spoiled child's behaviour...
Really reminds me of these sea-gulls from "Finding Nemo":

Estarra2005-01-15 04:13:31
QUOTE(Gwynn @ Jan 14 2005, 08:54 PM)
To clarify, I think its horrible BAD roleplay for any sane and reasonably untwisted individual in the basin to let Guido accomplish anything.

I think what I and others have picked up on wasn't that Amaru killed Guido because Guido did bad things in the past. What we picked up on was that wasn't the reason, but rather it was to defend the purity of the loboshigaru. If he had said that Guido had wronged him or his ideals in the past and was with a group of known enemies, I don't think this would have provoked the responses you've been seeing. What he said was that he killed a non-lobo for being on sacred lobo grounds, and used his position or power or influence in his city to get others to help him for the purpose of this racial agenda. Now, if this was an excuse to kill Guido and he wouldn't have attacked anyone else in the monastery pits, then that is--let's be blunt--transparently weak roleplay. On the other hand, if he follows through on this roleplay and begins defending the purity of the monastery (or the pits) against all non-lobos, including those close to him, and perhaps even gathers other lobos to this cause, that could open up some interesting roleplaying.
Richter2005-01-15 04:17:57
The thing is, we cannot kill Osama Bin Laden ourselves. Not because he ha l337 HP, but because we can't get to him. Ever met George Bush? Tony Blair? Gregori, Rhysus or Daevos?

This is one of the things that cannot emulate real life.
Unknown2005-01-15 04:35:49
Heh, well.. if that's the case, Estarra, then I have no desire to finish the quest if I'm going to be hunted for it. However, I just think he wanted to kill Guido and killed the others because they attacked him.

I'm stickin' to it too.
Ethelon2005-01-15 04:51:31
ohhh, look, I found the post finally!

To make something clear, I was not there to stop the quest, though Amaru was. I went to kill certain people I've been hunting and I did, which is what I was meaning to do. I did not know at the time they were doing the quest, though that would be a crap excuse to set aside my hunting just so my enemy can do a quest. For most of you who try and talk about RP is pathetic considering the actions and reasons backing them. Where is the RP when after I fight someone they send nothing but insults and cuss me out then tell others I have no RP. I honestly did not know they were in the Pits, otherwise I'd not have gone in there. I did know they were in the monastery and I ASKED someone there what was going on and I never recieved an answer. Maybe if I was told, "Hey, they are about to enter the pits and do the quest" I would hold off for some reason, though as I said, it doesn't fit really. I'm not protecting the monks, but I will not hesitate killing an enemy because they wish to.
Unknown2005-01-15 05:30:23
Amaru and Riyo are trying to form a clan of pureblood Loboshigaru, actually. Riyo kept offering me gold and credits so that he could get the honours line before anyone else; because it was only 'fitting' that a pureblood Lobo get the line first.

What he didn't seem to grasp was that Guido was in no way in this for teh 1337 honerz line, he was in it for the power that could be gained in completing it; the 'enlightenment' that the Master speaks of. I assume Amaru did this in a desperate attempt to stop me from getting the honours line. Basically...

Guido shouts, "K, I do teh quest now! Hail me!"

Amaru thinks, "Crap, he iz gooing 2 get the line b4 us!"

Guido shouts, "We go in now, power iz mein, kthxbai."

Amaru = Panic?

(Teh Celest) Amaru sez, "OMG ATTACK GUIDO OR WORLD WILL = DEAD!"

Celest thinks, "WTF KILL HIM!"

Celest attacks. Guido = Aww, teh sadness iz mein.

Yes, yes, I understand this sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory, but we're all allowed a few of those.
Karrah2005-01-15 05:42:35
QUOTE(Richter @ Jan 14 2005, 09:17 PM)
The thing is, we cannot kill Osama Bin Laden ourselves.  Not because he ha l337 HP, but because we can't get to him.  Ever met George Bush?  Tony Blair?  Gregori, Rhysus or Daevos?

This is one of the things that cannot emulate real life.

Karrah2005-01-15 05:43:49
And yes, I can understand Guido's anger in this issue. He has spent much effort in this.
Dan2005-01-15 07:42:57
that is true, that is what I use.. but be sure to turn them off when you arent in combat, because sometimes poeple will say things, or stuff will happen that triggers them, wasting your plants... its really annoying.

I feel really bad for you Guido, sorry. Amaru, get a clue how to RP, and when you want to kill someone first, have a reason. What I usually do, when I find someone suspicious in the Serenwilde, is ask them, what City are you of, and what are you doing in the Serenwilde? That is what you should have done with Guido. Your actions went unexplained, sudden, and innapropriate.

And people wonder why the Serenwilde Commune dislikes Celest. Atleast Magnagora is slightly more reasonable with its RP. Celest justifies things with OOC crap a LOT, I have noticed, whereas Magnagora and the Serenwilde (atleast most of us) try to keep it IC, which adds to the enjoyment of the game.

Go Serenwilde!
Magnagora is a city... but for a city, you guys are alright!
Celest... get a clue would you? There are really only like 10 people I know from Celest that have decent RP, most of them being the higher ups in the government. So Amaru, you ought to know better. doh.gif
Unknown2005-01-15 10:05:28
What I find most unfair in the situation was this part:
Jelani tells you, "Can i ask amaru if he'll help too?"

Apparently, that meant Amaru teleported in, pretending he was going to help.
So, he cheated Guido. Cheating is unhonourable (don't know if Amaru's guild has honour in its ideals or not), but f censor.gif ng up the game for other people for no good reason is even more unhonourable.