Gregori as Seneschal

by Silvanus

Back to Common Grounds.

Richter2005-01-23 08:38:09
Lusternian Drow? Wicked!

And I agree with the whole merians only being prince, visacnti only being emperor, etc. Imagine the queen of England being replaced by an American.
Lisaera2005-01-23 13:03:04
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jan 22 2005, 11:56 PM)
Ok, Merians re-founded Celestia, Celestia was built by the Elder Gods.

I'm not sure why you think a Cosmic plane was "founded" by anyone. It was created by Dynara, like the rest of Lusternia.
Ixion2005-01-23 13:17:17
Im pretty much on the same page as Silvanus. Emperor, Marshal, and Prince must be Viscanti, Merian, etc.

Other than that and possibly GM (note: exception Morslade), I don't see a problem with similar races being champions or admins or any other position. For example, the ur'Guard had a Dracnari champion for a while and no one thought twice about it.
Shiri2005-01-23 13:23:35
Why should Morslade be an exception? All or nothing.
Unknown2005-01-23 13:25:08
apart from in serenwilde the only inately racist guild is the Moondancers, it makes sense for them to revere Faeling and Elfen. We generally distrust the "city" races, merian and viscanti, but only due to previous precedent.
Ixion2005-01-23 13:47:24
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jan 23 2005, 08:23 AM)
Why should Morslade be an exception? All or nothing.

Well that's why I said "possibly GM." Morslade, when around, is a fine GM. 'nuff said.

Other than the city/commune leader, I think it doesn't matter much for race, assuming you aren't a city's/commune's excluded race.
Shiri2005-01-23 13:50:40
Exactly, it's the whole "is a fine GM" thing that I'm worried about. The way people propose it it's "is a fine GM...AND the right race." Let alone the best candidate. Meh.
Unknown2005-01-23 16:26:31
Ur'Guard's old champ used to be Dracnari. Ur'guard's guildmaster is aslaran. Envoy's Loboshi. Secretary is tae'dae. Two of the 3 security are non-viscanti. We just kind of.. don't care, I guess?
Ixion2005-01-23 16:55:59
Edit: Due to regaining of memories coming out of the portal, the new ur'guard champ will also not be a viscanti.
Silvanus2005-01-23 18:01:06
The reason why Ur'guard don't care is because they only care about death and do not recognize races over other races. That is why its easy for non-Viscanti to gain power in the Ur'guard.
Unknown2005-01-23 18:36:54
What he said.
Maedhros2005-01-23 21:47:55
If you go by histories stuff, technically then only Orclach should be able to rise to power, not Viscanti.
Silvanus2005-01-23 21:49:14
QUOTE(Lisaera @ Jan 23 2005, 07:03 AM)
I'm not sure why you think a Cosmic plane was "founded" by anyone. It was created by Dynara, like the rest of Lusternia.

It is said in the Histories that the reason why the Soulless did not eat Celestia is because they were made by the Elder Gods, and not made by Dynara and the nameless son of Yudhe, so it wasn't as good of food as the Elder Gods.
Daganev2005-01-23 21:51:36
the ur'guard of the past are not exactly the same as the ur'guard of today... but yes, if Orclach were better suited to being Ur'guard I'm sure they would have more power.

However, I see the viscanti as the Nobles of Magnagora, so they just inhernetly get more respect, but the leadership is often different than the nobles. Same would be true of Merian in Celest.

I'm curious, I havn't seen any indication that the communes are racist as the cities are... am I mistaken?
Silvanus2005-01-23 21:54:50
The reason why I think Serenwilde should be racist is to the "City-oriented races," like Viscanti, Merian, Dwarves, Orclach, Taurian, Trill, Dracnari, Lucidian, and some Mugwump.
Daganev2005-01-23 21:57:54
But dwarves aren't really city people. they are village people and work with the land around them and don't have these huge empiralisitc exansiontist policies.

the only city races i see are Viscanti and Merians, maybe Lucidians, Trills or Drancari in the future.

Mugwumps might have an interesting relationship since they left their homes, but I don't see how Tuarians are in any way a city race, they are just a racist race.
Silvanus2005-01-23 22:01:05
Why does Serenwilde hate the cities before the Taint wars? THey didn't hate them so much, but they disliked them because they disrupted the land they were attempting to heal for centuries after the Vernal wars, using its resources to build grand buildings instead of healing the Basin. The Dwarves are doing the similar thing, with the mining of Southgard/Rockholm.
Shiri2005-01-23 22:01:33
And I don't really see Viscanti as a race to begin with. They're just dodgy versions of other races!

(Village people, eh? biggrin.gif)
Daganev2005-01-23 22:03:14
Many Mythologies or worlds have a conflict between Dwarves and Elves, but I really don't see the different between a Dwarf using Stone and an Elf using wood.
Silvanus2005-01-23 22:03:40
The reason why I said Taurian should be persecuted in Serenwilde is because I believe they were not allowed in large groups since the "Stampede" thing.

As a result, taurians are discouraged from forming groups in
multi-racial civilizations and, therefore, tend to find employment as
individual mercenaries.