eirene2005-01-27 14:43:52
I also believe that the new cities and glomdoring will greatly decrease burnout. When people have interesting and fun things to do, they will have more fun, and also the new orders and increased participation therein will also help
Unknown2005-01-27 15:42:24
i have gotten burnt out on every IRE game i have ever played most of the time before i was even out of novicehood.
One of the things that causes burnout for me are self arrogant peple who have a certain degree of power within a guild and make you feel like crap for a little screw up you do!
but with the novice system here im amazed! i actually can enjoy myself wether im bashing, chatting, or even just wandering around.
so my main reason for burnout is bastards
One of the things that causes burnout for me are self arrogant peple who have a certain degree of power within a guild and make you feel like crap for a little screw up you do!
but with the novice system here im amazed! i actually can enjoy myself wether im bashing, chatting, or even just wandering around.
so my main reason for burnout is bastards
Gwylifar2005-01-27 20:25:50
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jan 26 2005, 08:56 PM)
I don't think You looked at the right time. During Estelbar, Titania, Gwylifar and I (really the only influencers for our team) used it extensively.
I don't know about the others, but I only used it twice, myself, though I estimate I did over 100 influence battles. But that's not about sanctuary, it's about me. Gwylifar didn't expect to be influencing so he hadn't really investigated the new options. He came to the realm and had barely started bringing up defenses when he was called urgently to duty, so there was no time to read up on them. Thus, I used Sanctuary once when I couldn't remember what it'd do but it sounded like it might be a good idea, and then once more in a similar situation, but doing so blindly.
Now that I've looked into it more, it's a question of whether it's IC for me to use it. I'm, as always, struggling to balance staying IC with the disadvantages it gives me. (For instance, I've finally given up on pretending that chain should be faster than plate armor, when clearly and inexplicably it isn't here, and reluctantly upgraded my armor. It's like that.)
Nyla2005-01-27 21:18:01
Actually the introduction of Glomdoring as it is will cause massive burn out for both Serenwilde and Glomdoring people.
1. Stag and Crow cannot exist at the same time. Killing crow/stag becomes a daily task for both parties and eventually a pain in the ass.
2. Unlike Celestia and Nil, Glomdoring and Serenwilde are connected on the Ethereal plane with Faethorn as the buffer. I cannot for the life of me remember why I said this is bad, but it just seems that way.
I do not believe that anything can really be done about burn out because generally those who are burt out are those who play for hours on end with those who just get tired of dying all the time and what not.
1. Stag and Crow cannot exist at the same time. Killing crow/stag becomes a daily task for both parties and eventually a pain in the ass.
2. Unlike Celestia and Nil, Glomdoring and Serenwilde are connected on the Ethereal plane with Faethorn as the buffer. I cannot for the life of me remember why I said this is bad, but it just seems that way.
I do not believe that anything can really be done about burn out because generally those who are burt out are those who play for hours on end with those who just get tired of dying all the time and what not.
Silvanus2005-01-27 21:27:23
Stag and Crow can exist at the same time. Are you telling me Hart went and attacked Raven every single time?
Shiri2005-01-27 21:37:18
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Jan 27 2005, 09:25 PM)
I don't know about the others, but I only used it twice, myself, though I estimate I did over 100 influence battles. But that's not about sanctuary, it's about me. Gwylifar didn't expect to be influencing so he hadn't really investigated the new options. He came to the realm and had barely started bringing up defenses when he was called urgently to duty, so there was no time to read up on them. Thus, I used Sanctuary once when I couldn't remember what it'd do but it sounded like it might be a good idea, and then once more in a similar situation, but doing so blindly.
Now that I've looked into it more, it's a question of whether it's IC for me to use it. I'm, as always, struggling to balance staying IC with the disadvantages it gives me. (For instance, I've finally given up on pretending that chain should be faster than plate armor, when clearly and inexplicably it isn't here, and reluctantly upgraded my armor. It's like that.)
Now that I've looked into it more, it's a question of whether it's IC for me to use it. I'm, as always, struggling to balance staying IC with the disadvantages it gives me. (For instance, I've finally given up on pretending that chain should be faster than plate armor, when clearly and inexplicably it isn't here, and reluctantly upgraded my armor. It's like that.)
Hm. Well, I know Titania and I were using it, then.
The last bit's sad, sort of, in the same vein as Jerah's refusal to use curses. Ah well...what can you do?
Nyla2005-01-27 22:44:31
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jan 27 2005, 04:27 PM)
Stag and Crow can exist at the same time. Are you telling me Hart went and attacked Raven every single time?
Actually something important doesnt happen if Crow is around. Not to stag but to the Serenwilde.
Akraasiel2005-01-28 02:33:08
Centralization of power is a big issue. When being rogue is such a horrid thing, those who have the power to boot you at a whim can make anyone under them do what they wish or hit the road. This isn't good at all. Perhaps make it so that someone out of novicehood cannot be removed from guild or city without a majority vote by the city council, or the secretaries, gm and admin. It would reduce the number of people getting their RP crushed because someone else disliked it, and reduce a lot of the burnout.
Also, as a Dracnari, I'd like to say, that the eternal statue quest is not conducive to preventing burnout. Either just say it was unsuccessful and make us drop it for a few months OOCly, then have the nomads come through with another 'breakthrough', or allow us some way to develop as a group. Gaudiguch and freeing it were central to my character's RP, but the OOC fact that it just isnt going to happen for IC decades, is forcing me to do one of three things. Either quit altogether (or play an alt), Change my RP for Akraasiel to realize somehow that we went wrong, and going back into a period of research and study, like before the quests in the Skarch began, or give up on it entirely.
As is, Im going with the option of going back to the boards and researching it until I hear some strong rumors that the cities are nearing completion and that it would be good to try to start freeing them again.
Also, as a Dracnari, I'd like to say, that the eternal statue quest is not conducive to preventing burnout. Either just say it was unsuccessful and make us drop it for a few months OOCly, then have the nomads come through with another 'breakthrough', or allow us some way to develop as a group. Gaudiguch and freeing it were central to my character's RP, but the OOC fact that it just isnt going to happen for IC decades, is forcing me to do one of three things. Either quit altogether (or play an alt), Change my RP for Akraasiel to realize somehow that we went wrong, and going back into a period of research and study, like before the quests in the Skarch began, or give up on it entirely.
As is, Im going with the option of going back to the boards and researching it until I hear some strong rumors that the cities are nearing completion and that it would be good to try to start freeing them again.
Drago2005-01-28 03:00:53
I think a big reason for burnout, in Magnagora, was having to do the quests over and over again constantly, now that has been dealt with, things are getting a lot less repetitive.
I think the main problem with conflict in Lusternia, which can lead to burnout, is that each city set itself into the mould of being good/evil/wannabe goodguys which I, personally, find incredibly frustrating.
Its the same thing that happened on Imperian: Magnagora (Stavenn) being labled as the Taint) turns out evil, Celest (being labled as Light) turns out good, Serenwilde (at the begining and now) turns out neutral but prefering good.
The reflection of Imperian I'm seeing is amazing and I'm going to stand by my opinion that it should be possible for a New Celest citizen being a compelte and utter evil bastard and for Serenwilde to stand back and let the two cities massacre each other.
The only reason, I can find, that I'd stop playing Lusternia is this simple thing where everyone is sticking to a mould that really shouldn't be there. Celest should be just as fanatical and self-centered on spreading the light as Magnagora should be on spreading the Taint. Serenwilde should be -extremely- distrustful of both cities.
When Erion went and killed Fae to give them to Supernals, I thought Celest was finally doing something it should be doing.. but the city clamped down on him and stopped people from doing that. Why? Your supernals -want- you to bring them fae so they can be enlightened.
That turned into a bit of a rant but, in my opinion, that's why a lot of people are beginning to burnout, Lusternia is just turning into Achaea mark 2 where its Good vs Evil, and I've always thought that Lusternia was supposed to be Magnagora vs Celest vs Serenwilde.
I think the main problem with conflict in Lusternia, which can lead to burnout, is that each city set itself into the mould of being good/evil/wannabe goodguys which I, personally, find incredibly frustrating.
Its the same thing that happened on Imperian: Magnagora (Stavenn) being labled as the Taint) turns out evil, Celest (being labled as Light) turns out good, Serenwilde (at the begining and now) turns out neutral but prefering good.
The reflection of Imperian I'm seeing is amazing and I'm going to stand by my opinion that it should be possible for a New Celest citizen being a compelte and utter evil bastard and for Serenwilde to stand back and let the two cities massacre each other.
The only reason, I can find, that I'd stop playing Lusternia is this simple thing where everyone is sticking to a mould that really shouldn't be there. Celest should be just as fanatical and self-centered on spreading the light as Magnagora should be on spreading the Taint. Serenwilde should be -extremely- distrustful of both cities.
When Erion went and killed Fae to give them to Supernals, I thought Celest was finally doing something it should be doing.. but the city clamped down on him and stopped people from doing that. Why? Your supernals -want- you to bring them fae so they can be enlightened.
That turned into a bit of a rant but, in my opinion, that's why a lot of people are beginning to burnout, Lusternia is just turning into Achaea mark 2 where its Good vs Evil, and I've always thought that Lusternia was supposed to be Magnagora vs Celest vs Serenwilde.
Vesar2005-01-28 04:43:15
If there was someway to lose the Good/Neutral/Evil (Celest/Serenwilde/Magnagora) aspects, that might do something. I don't pretend to know how or if it will even work.
Sabriel2005-01-28 16:37:54
i've mentioned exactly that in other threads, Drago..
nobody in Celest who wants to RP a religious fanatic can do that because everyone else in the city who has power is too damn concerned with not hurting anybody's fleeings. try to do anything that could potentially harm somebody else in the name of the Light and you can bet on getting in big trouble.
nobody in Celest who wants to RP a religious fanatic can do that because everyone else in the city who has power is too damn concerned with not hurting anybody's fleeings. try to do anything that could potentially harm somebody else in the name of the Light and you can bet on getting in big trouble.
Eldril2005-01-28 17:46:29
Your supernals -want- you to bring them fae so they can be enlightened.
The Supernals don't want dead fae, they want live ones. Hard to enlighten a pile of steaming flesh.
I still don't know where this idea that you can't be a bastard in Celest comes from. Get out there and be a damn bastard, you've got my support. Rascism, hatred and murder for kicks are commonplace. I do it every day. If you think you should be able to run around wielding the black reaver of doom and slaughtering babies, you're just an idiot. It's about making your bastardness look like it belongs. Doing things "in the name of the Light" and all that.
Frickin' pop culture on these forums to badmouth Celest.