Unknown2005-01-25 19:40:45
I want to say, I LOVE YOU DIVINE!!. finally, after months of dealing with the monoliths on cancer, it was taken down. You are the best!!!
Vesar2005-01-25 19:42:13
It also has other ramifications, which I'm sure people are posting as I speak.... so I'll just let them post about it.
Unknown2005-01-25 19:43:06
I'm just happy about it.
Unknown2005-01-25 20:27:32
I'm happy too! Thank you Divine!
Though.. could you make it cost a bit more power though? Two per is a bit less i think.. Like this people might just go around and remove all monos because they want the comms
Though.. could you make it cost a bit more power though? Two per is a bit less i think.. Like this people might just go around and remove all monos because they want the comms
Aebrin2005-01-25 20:40:41
What new enchantment ability?
I can't log onto Lusternia because stupid port thing here.
I can't log onto Lusternia because stupid port thing here.
Rhysus2005-01-25 20:59:47
Enchanters can disenchant sigils that they have the ability to enchant, reducing them to component parts.
Aebrin2005-01-25 21:06:36
Unknown2005-01-25 22:29:32
Damn, now I can't drop flamed underwear all over Deepnight to enrage Richter.
Aebrin2005-01-25 23:07:43
No but when I get a manse you can come and flame women's underwear in it and then I can bring guests over and say "Oh that's left over from last night, the night before, and the night before that..."
Unknown2005-01-25 23:19:46
Meh, I'm disappointed. There are hundreds upon hundreds of sigils, very few enchanters, and Serenwilde does not have enchanters. The new way is just a pain.
Unknown2005-01-25 23:23:14
On the bright side, with the new rule you can't be summoned out of your commune by anyone except other serenwilde. You can get comms back from the monos
Shiri2005-01-25 23:37:23
It's annoying TECHNICALLY, but not only do we have the alchemy thing, and this makes enchantments more useful by comparison - also, it means that Magnagora, if they want to be mobile if they raid us - will have to spend a tonne of money on monoliths for every room they even consider attacking for fear of will'o'the wisps.
Kaileigh2005-01-25 23:38:46
Of course shiro is happy he just got a fortune's worth of free comms.
Shiri2005-01-25 23:43:30
Actually, looking at it, his point doesn't make sense, I thought I agreed with him. How is that any different from before, Shiro? We can't destroy the sigils ourselves, so we're in the exact same position. We don't get comms back, either, the enchanter does. We can't get enchanters in Serenwilde.
Erion2005-01-26 00:41:53
Garsp.You mean the Serenwilde is now at the mercy of... a city? Garsp egads. You don't NEED to break those monos, like we don't NEED refills.
Unknown2005-01-26 01:45:07
I think you're garsping at straws, Erion, searching for the word 'gasp'.
Garsp isn't a word.
Garsp isn't a word.
Shiri2005-01-26 01:46:39
...I'm pretty sure that was intentional.
Unknown2005-01-26 01:57:24
They should give alchemists the ability of Dilute. It is the equivalent of the new enchantment ability.
Only kidding though.
Only kidding though.
Erion2005-01-26 02:00:34
bingo, Shiri. As always. Get the bloody HELL out of my head.
Shiri2005-01-26 02:01:26
Oh come on, no need to be sarky *dozes off*