Etanru, Taint, etc.

by Erion

Back to Common Grounds.

Gaetele2005-02-01 17:41:55
I logged it, but I can't access it until I get back home. (I'm going off my school computers right now).
Unknown2005-02-01 17:45:42
I heard Bricriu and Erion shouting a lot of crap from unreachable rooms, and then Gaetele throwing a fit whom nobody really cared about.

Sure it was RP but next time - have a point. Saying "Ha, ha! I'm better than you" from the middle of a giant city is not RP. Having people decide on their own to say "I'm going to can't stop I me go....Im going...I'm going guys...I know you want to stop me but you can't...." without any real point is not great RP.

You had a wonderful start - you even had really helpful Divine - but it went absolutely nowhere.
Gaetele2005-02-01 17:47:36
Yeah, it was my attempt at lame RP. I was planning on being "infected" by the Taint with the ending result of me joining Magnagora. Didn't work so well, but I plan on finishing it later on tonight when I go on.

I was ad libbing it with the circumstances, and mine wasn't planned at all. I wasn't even sure whether I was going to do it or not.
Manjanaia2005-02-01 17:49:00
It amuses me that two people fighting in an FFA on the game are reading this topic at the same time.

EDIT- Namely Soll and Vesar
Gaetele2005-02-01 17:50:42
Multitasking. Something I've never been really good at, I'm afraid.

I don't even think that I could do an FFA myself, even without trying to multitask.
Erion2005-02-01 17:55:57
QUOTE(Isntinuse @ Feb 1 2005, 01:45 PM)
I heard Bricriu and Erion shouting a lot of crap from unreachable rooms, and then Gaetele throwing a fit whom nobody really cared about.

Sure it was RP but next time - have a point.  Saying "Ha, ha! I'm better than you" from the middle of a giant city is not RP.  Having people decide on their own to say "I'm going to can't stop I me go....Im going...I'm going guys...I know you want to stop me but you can't...." without any real point is not great RP.

You had a wonderful start - you even had really helpful Divine - but it went absolutely nowhere.

Hold on - It's not RP to do a ritual inside a city's RITUAL room, and then shouting from said ritual room at the completion of said ritual? Are we supposed to step outside the city wearing "Shoot here" signs? And, there was a point. The RP isn't really done yet. Although from now on it's more in the hands of the Celestines, who've got the duty of cleaning up the mess we made.
Rauros2005-02-01 17:59:56
More people joining Magnagora. When are we going to see some Magnagorans or Seren be "enlightened"? Never probably. I mean who in their right mind would want to join Celest? banghead.gif <--- me, every time I see someone leave Celest for another city
Isune2005-02-01 18:01:05
Actually, the RP did have a point. The shouts were just a follow up to a series of small things that had happened both in a sequestered corner of Magnagora and throughout various places in Celest, as were the sporadic back-and-forths over the city channel and Etanru trying to defend himself. Just because there are no world-changing consequences to an RP, no major rewards to a city or an organization, does not mean that such things are useless. Character development and subplots grant depth to the players, their cities, and the world as a whole. Even if it just comes off as a few shouts and CTs to people not present or paying attention to what others have been and are doing...
Bricriu2005-02-01 20:44:11
Aye! I know we all had a blast doing it. I know other people did as well, even Celestians, because I had gone to ask a few privately if they had logged it in tells, and then asked if they had an fun as an afterthought.

In any case, I hope it can keep going a bit longer - the whole situation was amusing. I only wish Bricriu got to roleplay with non-Magnagoran players more often, it's helped me pin down her personality and being that much more.

*Afterthought for Istinuse*
I'm sorry you feel we did a bad job with roleplaying, or did not go anywhere. It seems you are upset with us, as well as Gaetele who decided to play off the fact there was actually some roleplay occuring in Celest, and use it towards something she may have wanted to do previously, but wanted to do it in a fun manner.

We did the ritual AT a ritual chamber in Magnagora. Seeing as how it was a 'tainted' ritual and we needed a 'tainted' area to work with it, I apologize for not running into Celest or Serenwilde, or other areas on prime to use THOSE tainted ritual chambers that must surely exist, somewhere....
Unknown2005-02-01 22:07:58
It felt like a (rather poorly written) play being performed on someone else, somewhere else, by other people to everybody who wasn't either Erion, Bricriu, or Etanru (with the exception of Gaetele who tried something on her own). That's cool, sure, but without any possibility of interaction it's no more than a TV show.

The entire time the locus of control was with Erion/Bricriu. They were the only people who could 'drive' the event, since nobody else could gain access and Etanru was subdued. After the first 15 minutes or whatever, nothing really happened. To really be successful you have to either reach a conclusion -or- move the locus of control somewhere else once you've run out of ideas. Here, neither happened so it all just fizzled, which is a shame after the Divine help you guys got.
Daganev2005-02-01 22:46:16
The Furloch/daganev episodes are the same way. Nobody has any control over the situations save Furloch and Daganev. Just because its happening, doesn't mean your input is requested or required.
Bricriu2005-02-01 23:28:01
Edited for the sake of politeness.

In essence though - Put up or Shut up, Isntinuse. If us using our imagination to roleplay was so horrid and awful, you start something then. People would be more than happy to join in, I'm sure, seeing as how roleplay starved a good deal of Celestians seems to be. A good deal of people enjoyed themselves without being in a starring role. If that is not enough for you, which seems to be the case, design something where you are, then.

We at least attempted - so far, I've only seen you complain.
Unknown2005-02-02 00:04:07
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 1 2005, 06:46 PM)
The Furloch/daganev episodes are the same way. Nobody has any control over the situations save Furloch and Daganev.  Just because its happening, doesn't mean your input is requested or required.

True, and that's cool.

Bringing other organizations in with nothing for them to do is the problem. Furloch/daganev worked fine.

Bricriu: If you wanted others to participate, pass them the ball. Going "We've got him and you can't do anything about it! Ha..ha........hahaha...." (wait 15 minutes) "....ha" is keeping control yourself, without advancing anything, and still (trying to) bring other people/orgs into it. If you had presented some sort of mechanism by which others could have exerted control, or not tried to insuate that others should be exerting control, it work have worked out a lot better.

Anyway, RP that ends up crappy is better than no attempt at all. I give you a "D" for Darn good effort.
Erion2005-02-02 00:40:27
And I give you an "F" for F censor.gif k up.

Seriously. It really WAS supposed to be longer, but Etanru had to go. So we locked him in the manse, under the pretense that we were leaving him there to suffer whilst the Taint ate him alive.

And, Isntinuse. The ball HAS been passed. You'll see it in a few days. But it's out of our hands now. Unless Celest begs Erion and/or Bricriu to help them untaint Etanru. Which has an Angel's chance in Nil.

As far as outside interaction, what exactly did you intend to do? Let's see. Bricriu and Erion commit a ritual on Tainted ground, ie inside Magnagora's necropolis, and after setting the taint inside Etanru's corporeal form, to slowly eat it's way inwards, Bricriu used the active powers of Gorgulu to burn off her body and use her spirit to kidnap Etanru into Magnagora. While she was in New Celest, the painting and ritual sight was moved into her manse, very carefully, might I add, where Etanru and her both returned.

And then Etanru needed to qq, and (mostly) Erion and (not as much) Bricriu shouted pride in their accomplishments.

Note, the notations in parenthesis are simple fact; Erion gloats, Bricriu does not (as much).

RP ain't over yet. I've plenty of time to torture Etanru. biggrin.gif

Edit: In an afternote, I don't see why you've any room to state your opinion. I've seen absolutely 0 attempts by New Celest at any real cross-city RP. If nothing else, I've seen negative attempts, given the Rhysus incident with the kidnapping. And morons like Shiro and Annabelle only seem to degrade the RP capabilities of New Celest. So, really, until I see some decent stuff flying over the walls of New Celest, go back to your cess pool.

Edit #2: Come to think of it, ten bucks says you're one of the aforementioned morons. And since we all know who Guardian_Shiro is, I guess even one with an IQ equivilant to the weight of a small jar of Mayo (In Gigagrams), much as the suspected IC identity of the person being accused possesses, whom the aforementioned suspected identity is. I think.

I believe your proper response would be - Therefore I am?
Unknown2005-02-02 01:58:04
I've stated my points clearly.
Sekreh2005-02-02 02:11:53
Well done guys. Any roleplay that breaks the monotony of bashing, influencing, politicking etc, it welcome. It adds depth to the world and makes it more fun for everyone. Execution aside (and I thought the execution was great) it was a good idea!

People should do this more often, if everyone saw lusternia as more of a roleplaying experience and less like a winning oriented exercise in killing for no reason the way it would appear you do than we'd all be better off. Every little bit helps.