Daganev2005-02-08 02:09:30
The thing I'm kinda looking for would be something along the lines of communication system that would inform one cell of its reletive location to another.
I do know they have discovered a gene that activates a death sequence, which has changed many views on death. That is, your body does not decay as you get older, but rather a gene propigates itself to kill you as you get older.
One reason I love this explanation is that there is a cute thing that says "Why did adam deserve to die for eating from the tree of knowledge?" Because it was at this point that Death was discovered to be a good thing, and so it was created for that purpose.
I do know they have discovered a gene that activates a death sequence, which has changed many views on death. That is, your body does not decay as you get older, but rather a gene propigates itself to kill you as you get older.
One reason I love this explanation is that there is a cute thing that says "Why did adam deserve to die for eating from the tree of knowledge?" Because it was at this point that Death was discovered to be a good thing, and so it was created for that purpose.
Stetson2005-02-08 02:29:52
Ok, I just have to say this. The bible is the word of -God-. It's stuff God said, or God told people to write down. Though I vehemently oppose much of what the old and new testament (not so much the new, it's more hippy-style) say, the people I respect the most are those who are willing to stand by it, even when people don't like what they hear.
-That- is faith.
Faith is not saying "Well, that doesn't really apply to this day and age." or "It would be wrong to discriminate against women/children/egyptians/jewish leaders, because even though the new/old testament says it, I am more right than the word of god."
Also, I hated being taught theories in science at high school. It's just like Daganev said, when I asked "But what -caused- the big bang?" "It just happened" (I was subsequently removed from the class, after a few more comments).
I have no beef with chemicals reacting to other chemicals, and what not. But I deffinately think scientists, and I use the term loosely here, have just been pulling theories out of their hats, in an attempt to thrust science forward.
I was reading a book, you know, because I was bored, and in a library. They described some theory, involving a hydrogen atom being created every X million years, apparently just out of nothing. Now, I don't know about you guys, but for 1. Who counted all the atoms? 2. Who waited the millions of years and counted again?
Now I'm not saying I am a creationist, but there are certainly alot of holes in the evolution theory. For one, why has no one even -stumbled- across a missing link? I mean we have found enough dinosaurs.
I certainly don't think it should be taught in schools.
-That- is faith.
Faith is not saying "Well, that doesn't really apply to this day and age." or "It would be wrong to discriminate against women/children/egyptians/jewish leaders, because even though the new/old testament says it, I am more right than the word of god."
Also, I hated being taught theories in science at high school. It's just like Daganev said, when I asked "But what -caused- the big bang?" "It just happened" (I was subsequently removed from the class, after a few more comments).
I have no beef with chemicals reacting to other chemicals, and what not. But I deffinately think scientists, and I use the term loosely here, have just been pulling theories out of their hats, in an attempt to thrust science forward.
I was reading a book, you know, because I was bored, and in a library. They described some theory, involving a hydrogen atom being created every X million years, apparently just out of nothing. Now, I don't know about you guys, but for 1. Who counted all the atoms? 2. Who waited the millions of years and counted again?
Now I'm not saying I am a creationist, but there are certainly alot of holes in the evolution theory. For one, why has no one even -stumbled- across a missing link? I mean we have found enough dinosaurs.
I certainly don't think it should be taught in schools.
Rhysus2005-02-08 02:36:12
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 7 2005, 09:09 PM)
The thing I'm kinda looking for would be something along the lines of communication system that would inform one cell of its reletive location to another.
I do know they have discovered a gene that activates a death sequence, which has changed many views on death. That is, your body does not decay as you get older, but rather a gene propigates itself to kill you as you get older.
One reason I love this explanation is that there is a cute thing that says "Why did adam deserve to die for eating from the tree of knowledge?"Â Because it was at this point that Death was discovered to be a good thing, and so it was created for that purpose.
I do know they have discovered a gene that activates a death sequence, which has changed many views on death. That is, your body does not decay as you get older, but rather a gene propigates itself to kill you as you get older.
One reason I love this explanation is that there is a cute thing that says "Why did adam deserve to die for eating from the tree of knowledge?"Â Because it was at this point that Death was discovered to be a good thing, and so it was created for that purpose.
You are looking for Ervin Laszlo's theory of the A-field, Daganev. I highly recommend looking into it, it's even highly relevant to Lusternia.
Daganev2005-02-08 02:36:18
Micro evolution is very important to be taught though. I generally use it on a semi weekly basis, and it is a good theory to explain the variations of a specific type of animal, but I guess that falls under genetics more than evolution.
Daganev2005-02-08 02:38:03
Does Ervin Laszlo's theory of the A-field stand up to the rest of the scientific community or is it just another theory thats fun to read? I'll be sure to look into it, but outside of cultural acceptance I have no way to find out if its a valid theory on the net.
Rhysus2005-02-08 02:41:27
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 7 2005, 09:38 PM)
Does Ervin Laszlo's theory of the A-field stand up to the rest of the scientific community or is it just another theory thats fun to read? I'll be sure to look into it, but outside of cultural acceptance I have no way to find out if its a valid theory on the net.
Yes, it's received great applause from numerous leaders in a variety of fields, Alfonso Montuori, Stanley Krippner, Zev Naveh at IST, Fritz-Albert Popp, Laszlo Gazdag, and others. It's definitely stood up to scientific scruples.
Daganev2005-02-08 02:54:38
Why am I finding refrences to the Akashic Field in mostly new-age and yoga sites?
Does this A-field exist in all things or only outside of them? I.e. Is the universe in the Akashic field, or is the Akashic field in the universe?
What is the difference between this A-field and god?
Oh, and the Club of Budapest site, truly scares me.
As fun and interesting as reading his theories were, they are still stuck on the Macro scale. Not only that, but he seems more bend on socialist change via a method of explaning science more than interested in how, why, and in what manner this field stores the information of the universe. The field still seems to imply some sort of intelgence and motivation behind it, even if that is the mechanism.
Does this A-field exist in all things or only outside of them? I.e. Is the universe in the Akashic field, or is the Akashic field in the universe?
What is the difference between this A-field and god?
Oh, and the Club of Budapest site, truly scares me.
As fun and interesting as reading his theories were, they are still stuck on the Macro scale. Not only that, but he seems more bend on socialist change via a method of explaning science more than interested in how, why, and in what manner this field stores the information of the universe. The field still seems to imply some sort of intelgence and motivation behind it, even if that is the mechanism.
Nementh2005-02-08 03:15:19
Ok, just going to break down the 4000 year thing...
Using West Civ first. Roman Kingdom/Early Republic formed around 250-100 BC. There records, further Supported by Greek Records date the first greek city almost 1000 years before this. From now, that is 3000 years. Now, before the Greeks, Eygptians rose, and before them Babalyon.. we are well beyond 4000 years now.
Lets jump to North and South America, the Mayan's and Incan's are proven to have exsisted as many as 3500 years ago by records and carbon dating, as well as translating their own calenders and using them to date back. It takes a long time to get to a civilized point like that, so obvious they were dated further back then 4000 years.
Carbon dating, is very accurate, and the part most people don't pay attention to, is the older something is, the MORE accurate it is. Meaning if we find something 500,000 years old, it is going to be a fairly accurate carbon dating.
Ok, now I am an apprentice pastor, so many of you will be going 'Why does he say this? Its not what the bible says.' And here is what I tell people when they ask me that. The Bible, while telling us the word of God, does not tell us EVERYTHING about God. Not only that, God did not write it, a person wrote it, and with so much translations, and 'alterations' (Look at the NIV, JW Bible, NKJV, and NLV. They all say the same thing, but they all say in such a way which it is easy to interept completely differently.) So when you are debating creation and evolution, you need to ask yourself, "Did God establish Evolution to foster His Creation? Is evolution merely one of His tools to help the world grow, help His creation become more perfect?"
Pastor Nathaniel P. Lussier, Apprentice
If you are interested more, my sermon series right now is on the theory of Evolution and if you are in the Riverside area, I can tell you when and where to go to hear it. Its not an actual mass service, it is an evening service.
I can also go over my it in more detail in IM with my notes present, which they arn't right now.
Using West Civ first. Roman Kingdom/Early Republic formed around 250-100 BC. There records, further Supported by Greek Records date the first greek city almost 1000 years before this. From now, that is 3000 years. Now, before the Greeks, Eygptians rose, and before them Babalyon.. we are well beyond 4000 years now.
Lets jump to North and South America, the Mayan's and Incan's are proven to have exsisted as many as 3500 years ago by records and carbon dating, as well as translating their own calenders and using them to date back. It takes a long time to get to a civilized point like that, so obvious they were dated further back then 4000 years.
Carbon dating, is very accurate, and the part most people don't pay attention to, is the older something is, the MORE accurate it is. Meaning if we find something 500,000 years old, it is going to be a fairly accurate carbon dating.
Ok, now I am an apprentice pastor, so many of you will be going 'Why does he say this? Its not what the bible says.' And here is what I tell people when they ask me that. The Bible, while telling us the word of God, does not tell us EVERYTHING about God. Not only that, God did not write it, a person wrote it, and with so much translations, and 'alterations' (Look at the NIV, JW Bible, NKJV, and NLV. They all say the same thing, but they all say in such a way which it is easy to interept completely differently.) So when you are debating creation and evolution, you need to ask yourself, "Did God establish Evolution to foster His Creation? Is evolution merely one of His tools to help the world grow, help His creation become more perfect?"
Pastor Nathaniel P. Lussier, Apprentice
If you are interested more, my sermon series right now is on the theory of Evolution and if you are in the Riverside area, I can tell you when and where to go to hear it. Its not an actual mass service, it is an evening service.
I can also go over my it in more detail in IM with my notes present, which they arn't right now.
Daganev2005-02-08 03:24:13
Why is everybody fascinated by 4,000 years? The point of interest should be 6,000 years. Most kingdoms did not last more than a few hundred years, so I'm not sure why you say "its well beyond."
If your doing something on Evolution, can you answer what moves something from micro evoultion to Macro evolution?
As I use to tell my friends when they were getting annoying about this... god made dinosaur fossils, not so we would be fooled into thinking the world is older than it is and strengthen our sense of free will, but rather so that we can have fossil fuels!"
If your doing something on Evolution, can you answer what moves something from micro evoultion to Macro evolution?
As I use to tell my friends when they were getting annoying about this... god made dinosaur fossils, not so we would be fooled into thinking the world is older than it is and strengthen our sense of free will, but rather so that we can have fossil fuels!"
Nementh2005-02-08 03:29:39
I am talking about the religious aspects of evolution, I have not done any indepth research, however if what I remember from biology, Micro Evolution is minor changes to adapt to a changing enviornment, where as macro is changes over a species over time, such as the moths in england, or the finchs on the Galapagos.
And yes most civilazations didn't last more then a few hundred years, but for many it took thousands of years to go from roaming hunter/gatherer, to samll village farmer, to collective village farming, to self governing a farming town, to the devolpment of a prodessional class in the town, and the foundation of a city, then the enlargment of self government and the population growth that makes it a city. Then their are hundreds of years for this city to build itself to prominace, most not devolping a written language until they are a huge city. It takes between 1000 and 2000 years for a city to become a 'great city'
And yes most civilazations didn't last more then a few hundred years, but for many it took thousands of years to go from roaming hunter/gatherer, to samll village farmer, to collective village farming, to self governing a farming town, to the devolpment of a prodessional class in the town, and the foundation of a city, then the enlargment of self government and the population growth that makes it a city. Then their are hundreds of years for this city to build itself to prominace, most not devolping a written language until they are a huge city. It takes between 1000 and 2000 years for a city to become a 'great city'
Daganev2005-02-08 03:48:59
Almost all cities that went from Hunter gatherer to Actualy city happened at the same time across the globe.
In my world view, thats the point at which Adam left the garden and stared at the fiery swords.
Edit: oh and when I mean Macro, I mean super macro, like the change from Fish to Land animal, and from Land Animal to Bird, although some people think they went straight from Fish to Bird.
In my world view, thats the point at which Adam left the garden and stared at the fiery swords.
Edit: oh and when I mean Macro, I mean super macro, like the change from Fish to Land animal, and from Land Animal to Bird, although some people think they went straight from Fish to Bird.
Rhysus2005-02-08 03:49:47
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 7 2005, 09:54 PM)
Why am I finding refrences to the Akashic Field in mostly new-age and yoga sites?
Does this A-field exist in all things or only outside of them? I.e. Is the universe in the Akashic field, or is the Akashic field in the universe?
What is the difference between this A-field and god?
Oh, and the Club of Budapest site, truly scares me.
As fun and interesting as reading his theories were, they are still stuck on the Macro scale. Not only that, but he seems more bend on socialist change via a method of explaning science more than interested in how, why, and in what manner this field stores the information of the universe. The field still seems to imply some sort of intelgence and motivation behind it, even if that is the mechanism.
Does this A-field exist in all things or only outside of them? I.e. Is the universe in the Akashic field, or is the Akashic field in the universe?
What is the difference between this A-field and god?
Oh, and the Club of Budapest site, truly scares me.
As fun and interesting as reading his theories were, they are still stuck on the Macro scale. Not only that, but he seems more bend on socialist change via a method of explaning science more than interested in how, why, and in what manner this field stores the information of the universe. The field still seems to imply some sort of intelgence and motivation behind it, even if that is the mechanism.
The Akashic Field is a traditional concept from Hinduism, thus why you'd find plenty of reference to it in yoga and new-age related places. Laszlo borrows the name for his theory because of the similarities to the idea.
Silvanus2005-02-08 03:55:49
We know dinosaurs existed over 65 million years ago, and we know that the first humanoid upright walkers were between 1 million and 3 million years ago, and that civilizations existed of half human/half monkey (Minoan Civilization, 2200 years ago, on the island of Crete).
Daganev2005-02-08 03:57:42
Ha! Crete is still full of half human half monkey people!
Daganev2005-02-08 04:00:02
Did you know our brains have more in common with the African Grey Parrot than they do any form of monkey or ape? Especially when it comes to the language center, and the concept of "You and not me."
I keep on forgetting about this second species of human they keep finding across the globe. Some people think that WWI and was actually WWII and that WWI was between Homosapiens and some other form of human.
I keep on forgetting about this second species of human they keep finding across the globe. Some people think that WWI and was actually WWII and that WWI was between Homosapiens and some other form of human.
Unknown2005-02-08 05:02:58
And then we have the 3.5 billion year old bacteria found in Western Australia.
Unknown2005-02-08 05:57:15
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ Feb 7 2005, 09:02 PM)
And then we have the 3.5 billion year old bacteria found in Western Australia.
That's no way to speak about Gwynn's player.
Anyways, it's too late for me to think, I'll pick up on this again tommorow.
celahir2005-02-08 13:10:06
QUOTE(Aebrin @ Feb 7 2005, 08:08 PM)
One of my brother's friend told me this story once:
For the people who believes in the Big Bang theory:
You are walking along the beach and you find a pocket watch on your way. The watch works in all significant areas - can definitely tell the time accurately, perhaps has an alarm and may even have a calender.
As you ponder at its maker, would you consider the watch to be thrown up and made by the sea with all its intricate workings and functions?
Of course not.
Then how can you define such to a universe with so many functions - physics in place, chemical reaction, so many different life forms. Our Earth itself is at the exact position so that we don't freeze or get burned up.
For the people who believes in the Big Bang theory:
You are walking along the beach and you find a pocket watch on your way. The watch works in all significant areas - can definitely tell the time accurately, perhaps has an alarm and may even have a calender.
As you ponder at its maker, would you consider the watch to be thrown up and made by the sea with all its intricate workings and functions?
Of course not.
Then how can you define such to a universe with so many functions - physics in place, chemical reaction, so many different life forms. Our Earth itself is at the exact position so that we don't freeze or get burned up.
ahah! Thats called Paleys Watch..
Theres also Isac Newtons quote of how only a greater being could create us down to the very fingerprints we have. Only 1 in a billion people can have the same DNA as you excluding twins. How could evolution do this.
celahir2005-02-08 13:16:35
QUOTE(Alyvia Gladheon @ Feb 7 2005, 08:36 PM)
Anything that is not true can be disproven.
True but anything that is true can also be disproven. My mate worked out how to disprove the existence of time.
Shiri2005-02-08 13:22:17
Or prove that 0 = 1. It's actually pretty simple.
As for Paley's Watch - the obvious argument there is - well, of COURSE it looks perfect. Otherwise we wouldn't be here to see it, would we?
As for Paley's Watch - the obvious argument there is - well, of COURSE it looks perfect. Otherwise we wouldn't be here to see it, would we?