Unknown2005-02-05 13:05:18
QUOTE(Zaltan @ Feb 5 2005, 04:38 AM)
Also, were you asleep at the time of this post?
I never sleep.
But yes.
Ialie2005-02-05 13:09:32
Will I give birth to an Australian love child?
Unknown2005-02-05 13:09:56
Unknown2005-02-06 04:34:18
Did you know that low-riding originated from male prisons, where it showed "availability"?
(Pfft. I got one letter wrong in antidisestablishmentarianism. Oh-no!
Thanks for pointing that out.
(Pfft. I got one letter wrong in antidisestablishmentarianism. Oh-no!
Thanks for pointing that out.
Annelia2005-02-06 06:07:43
Nooo not that word again, that word drove me insane for about a year..
Question 1 - Is Rammstein ever going to come to Adelaide in 2 years time?
Question 2 - Is there any such thing as pink bunnies?
Question 3 - Why didn't for the question of Why, answer why not? since that is a full mark answer for University?
Question 1 - Is Rammstein ever going to come to Adelaide in 2 years time?
Question 2 - Is there any such thing as pink bunnies?
Question 3 - Why didn't for the question of Why, answer why not? since that is a full mark answer for University?
Unknown2005-02-06 06:22:16
What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
Unknown2005-02-06 06:58:55
QUOTE(Zaltan @ Feb 5 2005, 11:34 PM)
Did you know that low-riding originated from male prisons, where it showed "availability"?
(Pfft. I got one letter wrong in antidisestablishmentarianism. Oh-no!
Thanks for pointing that out.
(Pfft. I got one letter wrong in antidisestablishmentarianism. Oh-no!
Thanks for pointing that out.
Yes but No.
Unknown2005-02-06 07:02:41
QUOTE(Annelia @ Feb 6 2005, 01:07 AM)
Nooo not that word again, that word drove me insane for about a year..
Question 1 - Is Rammstein ever going to come to Adelaide in 2 years time?
Question 2 - Is there any such thing as pink bunnies?
Question 3 - Why didn't for the question of Why, answer why not? since that is a full mark answer for University?
Question 1 - Is Rammstein ever going to come to Adelaide in 2 years time?
Question 2 - Is there any such thing as pink bunnies?
Question 3 - Why didn't for the question of Why, answer why not? since that is a full mark answer for University?
Yes. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8167081137&rd=1
Unknown2005-02-06 07:03:06
QUOTE(Isntinuse @ Feb 6 2005, 01:22 AM)
What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
54 or children. Your choice.
Unknown2005-02-06 07:35:03
What is German for 'face'?
Shiri2005-02-06 10:52:48
Pff...Rexali, 6 multiplied by 9 is 42. I thought you knew that!
Ialie2005-02-06 11:03:13
Okay another question..
Why does this video arouse me?
Why does this video arouse me?
Unknown2005-02-06 16:34:00
QUOTE(Ellara Feyranti @ Feb 6 2005, 02:35 AM)
What is German for 'face'?
das Angesicht
das Aussehen
das Gesicht
das Zifferblatt
der Gesichtsausdruck
der Ort (Bergbau)
die Bildseite
die Dreistigkeit
die Fassade
die Fläche
die Fratze
die Front
die Grimasse
die Larve
die Miene
die Oberfläche
die Unverschämtheit
die Vorderseite
die Wand (Berg)
die rechte Tuchseite
die äußere Form
Unknown2005-02-06 16:35:09
QUOTE(Shiri @ Feb 6 2005, 05:52 AM)
Pff...Rexali, 6 multiplied by 9 is 42. I thought you knew that!
Only in base 13.
Daganev2005-02-06 16:36:25
What does "Ani Lo Yodea" (sounded out phonetically) Mean in the hebrew language?
Unknown2005-02-06 17:15:24
It means - "I don't know."
Daganev2005-02-06 17:24:00
Ha! you don't know!
*runs back under his third grade desk*
*runs back under his third grade desk*
Nyla2005-02-06 23:50:29
When will Jude Law or Sean Mcguire become my love slave?
Why are bunnies so evil?
Why are bunnies so evil?
Shamarah2005-02-07 00:35:17
I say there, Rexali, what's twelve by pies?
Silvanus2005-02-07 00:41:11
Is there a pole up Nyla's rear-end?