Unknown2005-02-06 23:39:31
QUOTE(Gaetele @ Feb 6 2005, 03:07 PM)
Reasons I don't like Chrono Trigger.
2) Frog doesn't have a big enough role (and there should be some side-quest you can do to turn him back into Glenn)
3) Marle is a whiny little twit who can't do anything 'cept heal.
4) Robo is entirely useless.
5) You don't get weapons for Ayla until she hits level 9x.
6) There is no 6.
7) Robo is entirely useless.
2) Frog doesn't have a big enough role (and there should be some side-quest you can do to turn him back into Glenn)
3) Marle is a whiny little twit who can't do anything 'cept heal.
4) Robo is entirely useless.
5) You don't get weapons for Ayla until she hits level 9x.
6) There is no 6.
7) Robo is entirely useless.
1. Actually, no. Both Robo and Ayla deal more damage than Crono with the Rainbow.
2. You CAN turn him back into Glenn. If you kill Magus at the Northern Cape, during the ending the curse will break.
3. Indeed. Actually, Marle can't even heal. Robo's Heal Beam is FAR superior to anything Marle has, as is Frog's Cure 2.
4. Robo is actually the second most powerful character in the game! Equip him with the 'Crisis Arm'. The arm's damage is based off of the last digit of his hitpoints. Robo hits 999 HP very early, so as long as you can keep him at 999 (Or 899, 799, ect.) health he will hit harder than ANYONE (Except level 98 Ayla), and his Uzzi Punch will deal more damage than Luminaire!
5. Ayla, again, doesn't need them. Also her first 'weapon' is at level 68 or so. It is the Iron First, and allows her to confuse enemies. At level 98 you get the Brass Knuckles, which make your criticals do 9999 damage.
The Ultimate Crono Trigger Party:
1. Crono
2. Robo
3. Ayla
Unknown2005-02-06 23:45:11
QUOTE(Veonira @ Feb 6 2005, 04:48 PM)
What makes it a terrible game? I'd really like to know, because I've played many games and there's no way I would say it's terrible. Probably not the best, but not terrible, terrible.
And Chrono Trigger is great, it was my first RPG (at age what..11 I think).
And Chrono Trigger is great, it was my first RPG (at age what..11 I think).
My first was Dragon Warrior (The 1st one, for NES), around age 6-7. Then I moved on to Final Fantasy 2+3. I've practically breathed RPGs my entire life.
Anyway, I found Cross to just be an average, unremarkable turn-based RPG with the Crono slapped on to make it more popular.
Atmos2005-02-07 02:19:19
QUOTE(Guido Flagg @ Feb 6 2005, 06:45 PM)
My first was Dragon Warrior (The 1st one, for NES), around age 6-7.
The real question is, did you finish it?
I got bored with it on the NES, but I semi-recently finished the remakes of Dragon Warrior 1,2 and 3 on the GBC. Sure they were easier than the originals, but all that time spent on the level treadmill has to count for something, doesn't it?
As for Cross, I found the battle system a bit weird at first, but I got used to it. It was a fairly good game, but nothing too special. Of course, I may be a bit biased. Frog wasn't in it. That was strike 1. Neither was Magus. That was strike 2.
Richter2005-02-07 03:06:26
Great story.
Great story.
Unknown2005-02-07 03:38:01
QUOTE(Atmos @ Feb 6 2005, 08:19 PM)
The real question is, did you finish it?
I got to the final dungeon. I think I might have made it to the Dragon Lord's 1st form. At age 7.
Veonira2005-02-07 03:40:54
Hey, I remember that game. It came out when I was what, 2? But I think my brothers got it from a friend who took apart his NES when I was about 5. Yeah, I was pretty much occupied by The Little Mermaid and Barbie when I was younger

Unknown2005-02-07 03:46:29
Note that I only played Chrono Cross for, like, 20 minutes. Kind of like how I only read the first sentence of Veonira's story.
I'm kinda like that.
I'm kinda like that.
Unknown2005-02-07 03:56:17
There were way too many characters in Chrono Cross. You could think it's good, but there was no real story after most of them.
Shiri2005-02-07 17:04:48
...Suikoden series, like 100+ anyone?
Davrick2005-02-07 18:37:04
-shudder- I hated ChronoCross.
The gameplay was ackward to me.
The storyline felt forced and several things that tied it to ChronoTrigger just made absolutely no sense to me. The Masamune getting cursed because the owner went on a rampage? Considering it's made up of a couple of sentient spirit things I really have no idea what the hell happened there. Just a WTF scenario. That and all the timelines that were destroyed in the first one were thrown into some black void of anti-time just made me sad.
The only thing I was happy about was saving the princess at the end. There was still no Magus though, which bit.
The magic/healing/combo system drove me nuts, and why did it go from 4 magic types to 8?
Heh.. as for ChronoTrigger, I still have fun going through and getting all the alternate endings. The cartridge is still the best, having everyone look like frikken DBZ characters in the cutscenes was annoying.
And umm... Nice story!
The gameplay was ackward to me.
The storyline felt forced and several things that tied it to ChronoTrigger just made absolutely no sense to me. The Masamune getting cursed because the owner went on a rampage? Considering it's made up of a couple of sentient spirit things I really have no idea what the hell happened there. Just a WTF scenario. That and all the timelines that were destroyed in the first one were thrown into some black void of anti-time just made me sad.

The magic/healing/combo system drove me nuts, and why did it go from 4 magic types to 8?
Heh.. as for ChronoTrigger, I still have fun going through and getting all the alternate endings. The cartridge is still the best, having everyone look like frikken DBZ characters in the cutscenes was annoying.
And umm... Nice story!
Erion2005-02-07 22:17:18
QUOTE(Guido Flagg @ Feb 6 2005, 07:39 PM)
The Ultimate Crono Trigger Party:
1. Crono
2. Robo
3. Ayla
1. Crono
2. Robo
3. Ayla
Not really. Frog, Magus, and Crono. Kicked ass.
Unknown2005-02-07 23:51:29
QUOTE(Erion @ Feb 7 2005, 04:17 PM)
Not really. Frog, Magus, and Crono. Kicked ass.
Their overall potential to deal damage is FAR less than the team I proposed. I can kill Lavos's 2nd and 3rd forms in a total of about 3 minutes. Maybe a bit less. I win.
As for the Masamune going nuts: What? The Masamune is just the Ruby Blade infused with the power of the Mammon Machine, and thus, the power of Lavos.
Shiri2005-02-08 00:04:16
...I think that's something else. Masamune is made out of those two yellow freaky people that look like the ones from Enhasa, Masa & Mune, you know, that merge into that freaky fat shockwavin' yellow thing?
I actually do Crono, Robo, Frog.
I actually do Crono, Robo, Frog.
Unknown2005-02-08 00:11:30
When Crono throws the Ruby Knife (That Melchior gives you) into the Mammon Machine, it flashes and turns into the Masamune. Frog then says, and I think this is almost an exact quote...
"The- the Masamune?!"
Also, as you travel deeper into the Ocean Palace to run into Masa and Mune quite a few times. Perhaps they entered the sword as well? Maybe they were sent by/are part of the 'entity'.
"The- the Masamune?!"
Also, as you travel deeper into the Ocean Palace to run into Masa and Mune quite a few times. Perhaps they entered the sword as well? Maybe they were sent by/are part of the 'entity'.
Gaetele2005-02-08 00:19:46
=\\ My party at the end of Chrono Trigger was Crono, Ayla, Frog. Slurp Kiss = TEH UBER HEAL YO and Crono and Frog had the mad Dual Techs because they both wielded the shinies.
*plays through it again to see why he hated it so much*
*plays through it again to see why he hated it so much*
Unknown2005-02-08 00:22:16
I don't have to factor healing into my teams; i'm such a high level, and have such good armor, that Lavos's ultimate attack does 50-100 damage to my party, tops. I just use a Lapis or one of my 50 MegaElixers if things get rough.
Yrael2005-02-12 10:45:31
First time I played it through, not cheating, and on an Emulator, I forgot to clone Crono. So I went through with only Ayla and.. the little inventor girl. And Robo. Robo was an awesome character, finished the game for me. Alone. The other two were around level 25 and just stayed there, using items to heal.
Unknown2005-02-12 12:20:49
I was a Magus man myself. Though I once played through with frog just to see if he would get turned back and he never did, pretty lame!
Unknown2005-02-13 04:53:02
FF3, Mario RPG, Sekien Densetsu 3....
I love rpgs <3
FF3, Mario RPG, Sekien Densetsu 3....
I love rpgs <3