Gwylifar2005-02-06 19:28:35
IC I have no reason to gripe, so I thought I might gripe here.
The whole thing started so innocently. I talk to denizens all the time and they never answer, so while I was waiting for Irryllia one day I talked to Abeytu about the rumor I'd heard about the long-lost Serenwilde adders. To my surprise he not only answered, but we had a bit of a talk about him thinking he'd seen one, about how they got hunted almost to extinction for their poison (probably clumsiness -- why would that be so valuable?) and how maybe they could come back now if we tended to them carefully.
So I spent hours the next few days trying to get weavers to make me a net, but none of them would. About half the time I had people following me for no particular reason other than that "I want to be in on this" thing that annoys me so much. The other half, I was just patiently plugging away. Nothing came of it.
I come into the realm one day and suddenly, wham, there's adders, they're in a whole different place, it needs the Pool of Stars to revive them, there's an adder in the Magnagora zoo that appears to have just popped out of nowhere, and this harmless little personal pursuit of mine is a big political thing. And no one will tell me anything.
So, roll with it. I spent a good twelve hours the next day figuring out how to get a net, finding where the dead adders are, writing long letters of negotiation to Rhysus and Daevos, having long talks with various people in both Celest and Magnagora, even figuring out a sneaky way to get eggs without Celest's cooperation. Every effort ends up dead-ending at the political negotation stage, even though this is so entirely apolitical, it's not to anyone's benefit. Not even poisonists -- I can't give away charybdon (literally) most of the time, how am I going to sell anatine?
I'm sitting around trying to hatch (no pun intended) daring plots to steal the female adder, evaluating possible paths to negotiate, considering bribes, all kinds of exciting possibilities. But no one will talk to me about anything and I can't find anything I can do alone. Hours and hours of trying to find ways around it that go nowhere. Finally, at 1:00 am I go to bed.
Come back the next morning and, bang, there's adders in the Arboretum, and no one will even tell me how many of them we're supposed to have, let alone how we got them. Two hours of trying to find out and no one will even tell me what happened. I can't even find out if the things I came up with during that twelve hours ended up being part of what happened, whatever it was. Even when I'm trying to bring them all back to the creche I can't get anyone to say how many there are supposed to be. If I didn't see them and hear Abeytu's shouts I don't know if I'd even know that anything even happened in the first place. The only clue I even have is that at one point Daevos asks me how they're doing, so I know that at least Magnagora knows, and maybe that means they cooperated, but then maybe not. Maybe it's to try to trick me into revealing something. Hah! There's no one who knows less to reveal.
I really need to move to the West Coast, or give up the day job, or just contract insomnia or something.
The whole thing started so innocently. I talk to denizens all the time and they never answer, so while I was waiting for Irryllia one day I talked to Abeytu about the rumor I'd heard about the long-lost Serenwilde adders. To my surprise he not only answered, but we had a bit of a talk about him thinking he'd seen one, about how they got hunted almost to extinction for their poison (probably clumsiness -- why would that be so valuable?) and how maybe they could come back now if we tended to them carefully.
So I spent hours the next few days trying to get weavers to make me a net, but none of them would. About half the time I had people following me for no particular reason other than that "I want to be in on this" thing that annoys me so much. The other half, I was just patiently plugging away. Nothing came of it.
I come into the realm one day and suddenly, wham, there's adders, they're in a whole different place, it needs the Pool of Stars to revive them, there's an adder in the Magnagora zoo that appears to have just popped out of nowhere, and this harmless little personal pursuit of mine is a big political thing. And no one will tell me anything.
So, roll with it. I spent a good twelve hours the next day figuring out how to get a net, finding where the dead adders are, writing long letters of negotiation to Rhysus and Daevos, having long talks with various people in both Celest and Magnagora, even figuring out a sneaky way to get eggs without Celest's cooperation. Every effort ends up dead-ending at the political negotation stage, even though this is so entirely apolitical, it's not to anyone's benefit. Not even poisonists -- I can't give away charybdon (literally) most of the time, how am I going to sell anatine?
I'm sitting around trying to hatch (no pun intended) daring plots to steal the female adder, evaluating possible paths to negotiate, considering bribes, all kinds of exciting possibilities. But no one will talk to me about anything and I can't find anything I can do alone. Hours and hours of trying to find ways around it that go nowhere. Finally, at 1:00 am I go to bed.
Come back the next morning and, bang, there's adders in the Arboretum, and no one will even tell me how many of them we're supposed to have, let alone how we got them. Two hours of trying to find out and no one will even tell me what happened. I can't even find out if the things I came up with during that twelve hours ended up being part of what happened, whatever it was. Even when I'm trying to bring them all back to the creche I can't get anyone to say how many there are supposed to be. If I didn't see them and hear Abeytu's shouts I don't know if I'd even know that anything even happened in the first place. The only clue I even have is that at one point Daevos asks me how they're doing, so I know that at least Magnagora knows, and maybe that means they cooperated, but then maybe not. Maybe it's to try to trick me into revealing something. Hah! There's no one who knows less to reveal.
I really need to move to the West Coast, or give up the day job, or just contract insomnia or something.

Shiri2005-02-06 19:31:59
It'll be the day job. I'm British, and I don't have many problems. The reason we wouldn't tell you is because of an hour of influencing followed by 2 hours of arguing. I'm sure you'll get an answer soon enough. I know how ya feel anyway though. *G*
Unknown2005-02-06 19:37:59
I've had this same reaction many times concerning multiple events in the Serenwilde.
Maybe I should have followed you around as I happened to be there when the conversation occured.
Maybe I should have followed you around as I happened to be there when the conversation occured.
Estarra2005-02-06 20:02:29
Just as a general aside, we do like to take player initiated RP and turn it into an event if the situation warrants. Two things to consider: (1) we'll only want events where many people can get involved (i.e., as a rule, we don't really want to design events around one individual or a small group but rather to get the most number of people involved as possible); and (2) setting up events, depending on how complex they are, just physically can't be done in a few hours--it takes design time, coding, etc. which can take a few days. Admittedly, it'd be nice if we can whip up an event on the fly immediately in response to RP, but alas that won't be the case 90% of the time.
Daganev2005-02-06 22:00:55
I think her rant is a valid rant on other players, not the way the administration makes the world a fun and exciting place! 

Shiri2005-02-06 22:02:58
Or his, since, y'know, Gwylifar's a guy. (And so is Cron in case that's who you meant.

Daganev2005-02-06 22:03:54
Since you all failed to save the adders, I'll call all ranters the collective 'she'
Shiri2005-02-06 22:05:45
...that doesn't even make sense!
Daganev2005-02-06 22:06:33
Bitching... a -female- dog... ranters = she
Bitching... a -female- dog... ranters = she
Jasper2005-02-06 22:07:24
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 6 2005, 10:03 PM)
Since you all failed to save the adders, I'll call all ranters the collective 'she'
Have you been trying to save the adders? Because, I only hear talking and not working to save them.
Daganev2005-02-06 22:08:09
I havn't logged in since.. well 3 days ago.
So yeah, its all talk.
Amazing how much a person can glean about the online world without actually being there, isn't it?
So yeah, its all talk.
Amazing how much a person can glean about the online world without actually being there, isn't it?
Unknown2005-02-06 22:18:04
Wow, considering your posting in all the threads about the Serenwilde and Magnagora/Celest controversy.. it sounded like you were insinuating, you know.. had actually been there for it. But you weren't, which explains the ignorant posts.
Daganev2005-02-06 22:19:24
None of my posts really mention specifics, only philosphical and theoretical outlooks.
Gwylifar2005-02-07 01:06:30
I wasn't griping about the administration's running of the event. Sorry if it sounded that way.
I was griping about the other people involved not being willing to tell me anything. *Still* now no one is, for that matter.
I also don't mind other people being involved. In fact, I go out of my way to try to make sure that I'm not doing anything to prevent that (though I do resent the tagalong types who don't bother to roleplay, don't bother to have a reason, just want to be in the events post, but that's a whole 'nother matter).
In fact sometimes I try to find ways to get other people involved. But finding IC reasons for that can be tricky without running into the "don't give away quests" rule. Mostly, though, I trust that the administration will make sure it involves other people, and I just try not to get in the way of that.
And it's no one's fault that the timing happened to, once again, put me out of a lot of the stuff I'd been working to set up. That's fine, it happens. One day I'll be there at the right time. Everyone gets their turn if they're around enough, and gods know I'm around enough.
All I'm griping about is I come back in and find that it's all happened and no one will even tell me how it happened nor tell me what I need to know to keep it moving. And I doubt that there's some RP reason why they're not. I just want to be roleplaying this stuff, and when people flat out ignore you without even having a reason to ignore you, time and time again, there's not a lot of roleplaying you can do that isn't being a shrill and annoyingly frustrated pain in the ass. And that's not who Gwylifar is. I just need people to meet me a little closer to the middle.
I was griping about the other people involved not being willing to tell me anything. *Still* now no one is, for that matter.
I also don't mind other people being involved. In fact, I go out of my way to try to make sure that I'm not doing anything to prevent that (though I do resent the tagalong types who don't bother to roleplay, don't bother to have a reason, just want to be in the events post, but that's a whole 'nother matter).
In fact sometimes I try to find ways to get other people involved. But finding IC reasons for that can be tricky without running into the "don't give away quests" rule. Mostly, though, I trust that the administration will make sure it involves other people, and I just try not to get in the way of that.
And it's no one's fault that the timing happened to, once again, put me out of a lot of the stuff I'd been working to set up. That's fine, it happens. One day I'll be there at the right time. Everyone gets their turn if they're around enough, and gods know I'm around enough.
All I'm griping about is I come back in and find that it's all happened and no one will even tell me how it happened nor tell me what I need to know to keep it moving. And I doubt that there's some RP reason why they're not. I just want to be roleplaying this stuff, and when people flat out ignore you without even having a reason to ignore you, time and time again, there's not a lot of roleplaying you can do that isn't being a shrill and annoyingly frustrated pain in the ass. And that's not who Gwylifar is. I just need people to meet me a little closer to the middle.
Gwylifar2005-02-07 01:16:59
Also, I have some experience in similar things to what the administration has to do to make an event out of something like this, so I really do, scout's honor, appreciate that it takes time. I've done both the creative work and the coding for similar things many times.
Frankly I'm repeatedly amazed at how well Lusternia does at doing stuff like this and how quickly. Credit to everyone involved, and also credit to the people who built a rich and internally consistent world in the first place, because that backdrop is part of what makes it possible to make these things so quickly in the first place. Of course that's probably the same people; but I bet a lot of folks don't realize how big the latter factor is.
Nejii: Sure, I realize Southgard and the post-Southgard discussions were noisy, but it wasn't just that. Even in the midst of that, how hard is it to say "there were five adders" (or not)? How hard is it for *one* person to stop saying the same arguments over and over and send me a tell, probably only one or two sentences? And why didn't anyone explain anything the previous time, when the Arboretum was full of people who wouldn't explain but had nothing else to do? And others have experienced the same thing in other events.
People need to stop playing the "get into the events post" game and just stick to roleplaying. This isn't about limelight, and people will get more chances at fun if they just play along in character instead of metagaming ways to steal more limelight.
Frankly I'm repeatedly amazed at how well Lusternia does at doing stuff like this and how quickly. Credit to everyone involved, and also credit to the people who built a rich and internally consistent world in the first place, because that backdrop is part of what makes it possible to make these things so quickly in the first place. Of course that's probably the same people; but I bet a lot of folks don't realize how big the latter factor is.
Nejii: Sure, I realize Southgard and the post-Southgard discussions were noisy, but it wasn't just that. Even in the midst of that, how hard is it to say "there were five adders" (or not)? How hard is it for *one* person to stop saying the same arguments over and over and send me a tell, probably only one or two sentences? And why didn't anyone explain anything the previous time, when the Arboretum was full of people who wouldn't explain but had nothing else to do? And others have experienced the same thing in other events.
People need to stop playing the "get into the events post" game and just stick to roleplaying. This isn't about limelight, and people will get more chances at fun if they just play along in character instead of metagaming ways to steal more limelight.
Shiri2005-02-07 01:22:42
Maybe if all names were cut from events post it'd help. But then the people who DID deserve it wouldn't get recognition. Mrh. They could just post it on public or something. At least then it's not Divine controlled so the clamour for attention won't be as great, eh? (Also, I'm Shiri, not Nejii.

Annelia2005-02-07 04:35:41
If I knew what happened I would tell you. I tell anyone that doesn't know what is going on. Its not big secret of what happened in the past.. That is one thing that erks me half the time, something going on and everyone you ask just won't bother to take a couple of minutes to say what has happened to bring you upto speed..
So I hope karma works for me and oneday when I have no idea whats going on. That I will either get a tell saying 'I don't know' or 'I will tell you once i get this done'
Good luck Gwylifar in finding out anything. If I hear anything in game, i'll let you know.
So I hope karma works for me and oneday when I have no idea whats going on. That I will either get a tell saying 'I don't know' or 'I will tell you once i get this done'
Good luck Gwylifar in finding out anything. If I hear anything in game, i'll let you know.
Estarra2005-02-07 05:36:03
I notice the adders are back in Oleanvir Valley! Congratulations on those who were involved? So can someone list who were the major players in the event?
Unknown2005-02-07 06:05:17
Gwylifar, uhm.. Daevos (Those two especially), and a lot of minor people who'd pick up the runaway adder. I remember Dahlia, Flynt, Dumihru, um.. a Paladin with an "O" went to retrieve a net when Abeytu went whining about delivering them to the Oleander Valley.
It's more minor helpers than major, though I hear Gwylifar did snap when he found some missing.
Anyone else know?
It's more minor helpers than major, though I hear Gwylifar did snap when he found some missing.

Anyone else know?
Gwylifar2005-02-07 15:09:25
Yeah, I did snap. Bad Gwylifar, no pudding.
The baby adders I'd never managed to find out anything about were gone and no one seemed to know where they were or what was going on with them, and after Gwylifar went a bit nuts, Daevos walked in and dropped the snakes in the creche. He did so again a little later while I was still trying to get things squared away.
After that, Gwylifar, and later Irryllia and their two newborn kits, sat in brood (so to speak) over the babies from then until they matured. Though each time they got out, Dumihru gathered more of them faster than I could, partly because I was lagged but mostly because Dumihru is amazing. Jasper and Terenas also helped keep them in, and Daevos checked in on them from time to time.
When they finally matured, Irryllia and Gwylifar took one of them to the valley to be sure that that's what had happened, and then announced that we were going to be bringing the others, and gathered a good-sized crowd of Serenwilders to watch them being released. There was much jubilation. I don't recall who came along to watch it, though.
I tried to thank everyone who needed thanking in my public post, but I don't know who-all was involved, particularly in the cities, so I hope someone else pipes up.
The baby adders I'd never managed to find out anything about were gone and no one seemed to know where they were or what was going on with them, and after Gwylifar went a bit nuts, Daevos walked in and dropped the snakes in the creche. He did so again a little later while I was still trying to get things squared away.
After that, Gwylifar, and later Irryllia and their two newborn kits, sat in brood (so to speak) over the babies from then until they matured. Though each time they got out, Dumihru gathered more of them faster than I could, partly because I was lagged but mostly because Dumihru is amazing. Jasper and Terenas also helped keep them in, and Daevos checked in on them from time to time.
When they finally matured, Irryllia and Gwylifar took one of them to the valley to be sure that that's what had happened, and then announced that we were going to be bringing the others, and gathered a good-sized crowd of Serenwilders to watch them being released. There was much jubilation. I don't recall who came along to watch it, though.
I tried to thank everyone who needed thanking in my public post, but I don't know who-all was involved, particularly in the cities, so I hope someone else pipes up.