Erion2005-02-10 01:57:29
Finally! An upgrade to the repeatedly nerfed skill! 
Here's to Roark and Estarra.

Here's to Roark and Estarra.

Daevos2005-02-10 02:08:00
I second that
Unknown2005-02-10 02:15:43
Can trueheal be upgraded to withstand Instant kills now?
Drago2005-02-10 02:17:34
If you trueheal before the instakill starts, it should.
There's no way it should once its already started though.
There's no way it should once its already started though.
Unknown2005-02-10 02:18:24
It doesn't protect before the instant kill starts, I was killed by chasm after Trueheal was up for a couple of mins.
Drago2005-02-10 02:19:20
So.. bug it?
Murphy2005-02-10 02:19:53
yeah, heil Roark and Estarra
Unknown2005-02-10 02:20:09
I did, someone told me that it wasn't made to stop instant kill shots.
Daganev2005-02-10 02:22:10
its amazing how much better 8 int is over 7
Shiri2005-02-10 02:22:26
Well, I guess that means the Divine thing Lich is balanced as is, or they would've changed it in general. 

Drago2005-02-10 02:22:45
Well then, there's your answer.
As you're an Imperian Merian, i'll take that to mean your a celestine. Fling catacombs/touch delport is faster then chasm. Hey, you can even starchant trueheal/fling catacombs/touch delport if you're a bit buggered up
Back to lichdom: Yay to the person who changed it.
As you're an Imperian Merian, i'll take that to mean your a celestine. Fling catacombs/touch delport is faster then chasm. Hey, you can even starchant trueheal/fling catacombs/touch delport if you're a bit buggered up

Back to lichdom: Yay to the person who changed it.
Unknown2005-02-10 02:23:41
Truthfully, I don't like Lich being upgraded; where its stats are Better.
Silvanus2005-02-10 02:23:55
Actually, it wasn't until they noticed that day time was 65% of an hour.
Shiri2005-02-10 02:29:35 took Them this long to notice that? Like heck. People've been on about it months. 

Daganev2005-02-10 02:30:59
They didn't believe them.
Unknown2005-02-10 02:31:53
Thanks for the change, good to see there's logic behind the code 

Shiri2005-02-10 02:32:20, fine. 

Davrick2005-02-10 02:36:08
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 9 2005, 06:30 PM)
They didn't believe them.
Roark: You're -sure- the day isn't half and half?
Everyone: Very. -sagenod-
Roark: -gripe-
Was funny.
Unknown2005-02-10 02:42:08
I suppose me calling for an upgrade to the Moondancer skills dependent on the night might get me a bit of a flaming?
I suppose me calling for an upgrade to the Moondancer skills dependent on the night might get me a bit of a flaming?
Drago2005-02-10 02:44:01
*predict future with tarot cards*
I predict that it will.
I predict that it will.