Shiri2005-02-10 02:44:07
Yes. Don't even try it, man, seriously. 

Silvanus2005-02-10 02:44:17
QUOTE(Davrick @ Feb 9 2005, 08:36 PM)
Roark: You're -sure- the day isn't half and half?
Everyone: Very. -sagenod-
Roark: -gripe-
Was funny.
Everyone: Very. -sagenod-
Roark: -gripe-
Was funny.
Psh, it went.
Me: Plus, the disadvatnage is 65% you are -2/-2
Roark: Are you sure?
Daevos; Yes, I'm pretty sure.
Yrael2005-02-10 04:15:13
Uhm, whats the change? I'm all a tinglin' with anticipation to find out, despite the fact I dont have lich, being only at Mythical. I dont want to wait the 45 minutes until I get home, blar.
Silvanus2005-02-10 04:16:22
During the day you get -2/-2, Roark realized that the day is 65% of an hour, not 50/50, so now you get -1/-1 during the day.
Edit: I hate Brona. I wish I was a Nihilist again.
Edit: I hate Brona. I wish I was a Nihilist again.
Yrael2005-02-10 04:18:04
It is the shiny, and makes me jump for happiness. Perhaps I should use the 50 dollar note being weighed down by a shoe for it.
Nementh2005-02-10 06:06:14
Now can they fix Druid Fusing.. please... pretty please?
Roark2005-02-10 18:46:54
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 9 2005, 10:30 PM)
They didn't believe them.
No. Actually no one told us and we assumed it was 50/50. I heard the notion that it might not be 50/50 for the very first time about 10 minutes before the change was loaded. (Yes, turnaround was that fast.)
Auseklis2005-02-10 19:00:14
And what did we learn today, boys and girls?
Never assume We know what you do. If in doubt... BUG.
Never assume We know what you do. If in doubt... BUG.
Shiri2005-02-10 19:01:48
Ah, but we've been talking about it on the forums for AGES! I guess You all don't have time to read every single topic multiple times like me though. 

Terenas2005-02-10 19:31:56
Some of the things that we've bugged for ages now still haven't been fixed. Cloak/robes elemental proofing is a prime example. Also, the wrong/missing cures for justice, slitthroat, puncturechest, mangled limbs, and even coals/tints getting used up inside the arena are still not fixed (or have been and we haven't been told). Is there a priority as to what bugs will get fixed first since Lich was changed 10 minutes after it was found out, but these bugs have been around since Lusternia started, and have been bugged repeatedly.
Auseklis2005-02-10 19:40:54
Yes there is a priority. The more potentially abuseable, dangerous or unbalancing a bug is, the more likely it is to get fixed.
Having said that, we have a LOT of bugs that have been reported, and it does take a lot of time for the limited number of coders to go through even the most urgent of them.
Having said that, we have a LOT of bugs that have been reported, and it does take a lot of time for the limited number of coders to go through even the most urgent of them.
Daganev2005-02-10 19:45:40
Figuring out why a particlar cure isn't working or a real bug is much harder to fix than a simple change of -2 to -1. 

Terenas2005-02-10 19:47:33
QUOTE(daganev @ Feb 10 2005, 07:45 PM)
Figuring out why a particlar cure isn't working or a real bug is much harder to fix than a simple change of -2 to -1. 

Yeah, probably. But it can't be that hard to update HELP CURELIST to actually list the right/missing cures. Things like myrtle curing deafness, wormwood curing insomnia, coltsfoot curing insomnia, the codes are in, just have to change some help files.
Roark2005-02-10 20:03:03
QUOTE(terenas @ Feb 10 2005, 03:31 PM)
Some of the things that we've bugged for ages now still haven't been fixed. Cloak/robes elemental proofing is a prime example. Also, the wrong/missing cures for justice, slitthroat, puncturechest, mangled limbs, and even coals/tints getting used up inside the arena are still not fixed (or have been and we haven't been told). Is there a priority as to what bugs will get fixed first since Lich was changed 10 minutes after it was found out, but these bugs have been around since Lusternia started, and have been bugged repeatedly.
I've posted here before that things which are of very high importance should go through envoys, who can notify us in their news area. The bug list does not get processed very fast due to its size and also the volume of garbage bugs that really are not bugs and end up wasting time.
As for coals on runes, is it not the case that you keep the rune on the weapon after you leave the arena? If that is the case then it ought to be consumed since the affect continues after the arena; otherwise its a loophole that allows free runes. This is why it has been ignored. And if it is not the case, that's again a situation of information not getting to the proper ears. (Bad information is also a reason why bug filing can get ignored. A bug filing that says "Coals don't work in the arena" is useless yet, sadly, quite common. A bug filing that says verbosely "Coals get consumed in the arena when runing a weapon, but the rune gets wiped out after leaving the arena thereby causing a net loss to the player" is more useful.)
Terenas2005-02-10 20:07:54
QUOTE(roark @ Feb 10 2005, 08:03 PM)
As for coals on runes, is it not the case that you keep the rune on the weapon after you leave the arena? If that is the case then it ought to be consumed since the affect continues after the arena; otherwise its a loophole that allows free runes. This is why it has been ignored. And if it is not the case, that's again a situation of information not getting to the proper ears. (Bad information is also a reason why bug filing can get ignored. A bug filing that says "Coals don't work in the arena" is useless yet, sadly, quite common. A bug filing that says verbosely "Coals get consumed in the arena when runing a weapon, but the rune gets wiped out after leaving the arena thereby causing a net loss to the player" is more useful.)
Um, actually, this is essentially verbatim of the bug I sent in but also posted on the Idiots section of the forum.
I'm curious as to why deffing up in the arena doesn't use up herbs and charges on enchantments, but using tints to paint face or coals to sketch on weapons do. Even more, the runes and face paint that I sketched on all my weapons and armors and face don't come out with me out to the arena, and neither does the coal or tints. Seriously, what's the point of fighting in the arena if those things get used up?
But if the admins are aware of the actual problem, it would be great if small things like that can be fixed.

Unknown2005-02-10 21:01:33
QUOTE(Auseklis @ Feb 10 2005, 02:40 PM)
Having said that, we have a LOT of bugs that have been reported, and it does take a lot of time for the limited number of coders to go through even the most urgent of them.
I'm available for part-time coder work.

Unknown2005-02-11 00:58:34
QUOTE(Auseklis @ Feb 10 2005, 03:40 PM)
Yes there is a priority. The more potentially abuseable, dangerous or unbalancing a bug is, the more likely it is to get fixed.
Having said that, we have a LOT of bugs that have been reported, and it does take a lot of time for the limited number of coders to go through even the most urgent of them.
Having said that, we have a LOT of bugs that have been reported, and it does take a lot of time for the limited number of coders to go through even the most urgent of them.
*cough cough* Hire more coders! *point resume in mail, with experience working for online companies*
Edit: Curse you Zarquan!
Silvanus2005-02-11 01:32:57
On Aetolia, they allowed you to look at Bugs, and it had the bug-type-thing that lets you look - L is Low Priority, M is Medium Priority, H is High priority, T is Typo, and D is Design. At the 8 bugs I reported, 2 were High, and those 2 were fixed a week after I reported them, and the rest were low, and half of those still don't work.
Terenas2005-02-11 01:34:53
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Feb 11 2005, 01:32 AM)
On Aetolia, they allowed you to look at Bugs, and it had the bug-type-thing that lets you look - L is Low Priority, M is Medium Priority, H is High priority, T is Typo, and D is Design. At the 8 bugs I reported, 2 were High, and those 2 were fixed a week after I reported them, and the rest were low, and half of those still don't work.
I've heard that Shatter has never been fixed in Aetolia and every fighter and their mothers are abusing it.

Silvanus2005-02-11 01:36:33
It was fixed, because they got forums too (exactly like these, with different names for the background), but yeah, that was true, no one bugged it though.