Geb2005-02-12 06:54:17
QUOTE(Murphy @ Feb 12 2005, 06:43 AM)
Until it gets looked at by the furies when I send my envoiy report, then just go around with your legs parried. also I believe if you apply health to legs while down, it will give then next shot a good chance of avoiding being knocked-down
Parrying legs at best gives a 50/50 chance of having the right one parried. If you have both parried at 50%, then you are still given an over all 50% chance of it working. All it takes is one knockdown to get through, and a person can be pretty much screwed.
I really do not think we should have to wait till your envoy report gets looked at. They need to stop the stacking of balance disruption skills now. I could care less about your ability to knock me down, I just think that you should not be able to stack the balance loss. If I am already unbalanced by a previous attack, then a second one should not increase the duration. Nobody should ever be in a situation where a person, acting alone, can keep him/her off-balance indefinitely.
Murphy2005-02-12 07:38:45
I'd like to say again for the record that I am pretty much the only bonecrusher around who can do that. and if you parry legs 50/50 and USE REBOUNDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then you can escape it. if you are also apply health to legs, then the next hit i do wont be a knockdown most likely. If you rebound properly, i should ONLY be able to get one hit in between razes.
But i don't see you or most others for that matter, using rebounding properly. Once you use all the tools required for fighting me, only then can you come back and say its overpowered.
Bear in mind im the only bonecrusher that can do it, im only one person.
Also bear in mind that its almost impossible for a knight to beat tuek as a dwarf, with hexes. or even as a mugwupmp with hexes if he just hexes with paralyse over and over
EDIT: Those last 2 points are meant to say that Tuek is only one person, who happens to be very good at fighting, so don't judge the moondancers on his skill...I happen to be a good bonecrusher (or so I'm told) and i also happen to be the only bonecrusher who can manage their arm balance AND I have the best set of flails in the game which I forged around 90 times to get. Its only vs fighting me.
EDIT: Also, its not my faulth if you can't use the god-given skills available to you to defend. Rebound and apply health to legs are available to everyone. Don't complain about my skills being good when you can't heal to begin with (not applying health to legs is not healing)
But i don't see you or most others for that matter, using rebounding properly. Once you use all the tools required for fighting me, only then can you come back and say its overpowered.
Bear in mind im the only bonecrusher that can do it, im only one person.
Also bear in mind that its almost impossible for a knight to beat tuek as a dwarf, with hexes. or even as a mugwupmp with hexes if he just hexes with paralyse over and over
EDIT: Those last 2 points are meant to say that Tuek is only one person, who happens to be very good at fighting, so don't judge the moondancers on his skill...I happen to be a good bonecrusher (or so I'm told) and i also happen to be the only bonecrusher who can manage their arm balance AND I have the best set of flails in the game which I forged around 90 times to get. Its only vs fighting me.
EDIT: Also, its not my faulth if you can't use the god-given skills available to you to defend. Rebound and apply health to legs are available to everyone. Don't complain about my skills being good when you can't heal to begin with (not applying health to legs is not healing)
Unknown2005-02-12 07:43:54
Here is my suggestion...
apply health to lleg
try "setalias hll apply health to lleg"
Type that in without the quotations.
Then, when you're getting wailed on by Murphy because you didn't defend your legs despite knowing that's what he always goes for, type that in and the odds are you will be able to get up again.
apply health to lleg
try "setalias hll apply health to lleg"
Type that in without the quotations.
Then, when you're getting wailed on by Murphy because you didn't defend your legs despite knowing that's what he always goes for, type that in and the odds are you will be able to get up again.
Unknown2005-02-12 07:45:43
A blademaster can do this exact same thing, only worse, check Amaru's old post about pinleg. The trick is to actually heal your legs.
Murphy2005-02-12 07:46:58
QUOTE(geb @ Feb 12 2005, 04:54 PM)
Parrying legs at best gives a 50/50 chance of having the right one parried. If you have both parried at 50%, then you are still given an over all 50% chance of it working. All it takes is one knockdown to get through, and a person can be pretty much screwed.
I really do not think we should have to wait till your envoy report gets looked at. They need to stop the stacking of balance disruption skills now. I could care less about your ability to knock me down, I just think that you should not be able to stack the balance loss. If I am already unbalanced by a previous attack, then a second one should not increase the duration. Nobody should ever be in a situation where a person, acting alone, can keep him/her off-balance indefinitely.
I really do not think we should have to wait till your envoy report gets looked at. They need to stop the stacking of balance disruption skills now. I could care less about your ability to knock me down, I just think that you should not be able to stack the balance loss. If I am already unbalanced by a previous attack, then a second one should not increase the duration. Nobody should ever be in a situation where a person, acting alone, can keep him/her off-balance indefinitely.
I would like to refer you on this point to the seize shove abliity. It keeps you perma off balance if you have levitation up, if you dont it keeps you perma both legs broken.
Geb2005-02-12 07:56:37
QUOTE(Jello @ Feb 12 2005, 08:45 AM)
A blademaster can do this exact same thing, only worse, check Amaru's old post about pinleg. The trick is to actually heal your legs.
Read up above, I have been pinlegged before. I have no need to repeat what I said though. Also, I know how to heal my limbs. I do not need you to try to insult my intelligence, Jello. If you can't be mature when responding to me, please resist the urge to communicate with me.
And Murph,
Didn't I state all abilities that can cause a person to be continuously off-balance? It seems to me that there is a strong need to keep a skill that is blatantly unbalanced?
I guess I can not expect any of you to be objective about this, so I will have to hope the game administration will be. I will repost my log of the event in the bugs’ thread, and hopefully get it cataloged by the coders.
Murphy2005-02-12 07:58:51
QUOTE(geb @ Feb 12 2005, 05:56 PM)
Read up above, I have been pinlegged before. No need to repeat what I said though.
you missed the point need to be able to heal properly and apply health to legs was his point.
Unknown2005-02-12 07:59:25
I guess I don't want to read that many pages
But I fail to see how knockdown is worse than pinleg, when I'm pretty sure the chance on them is about equal.
But I fail to see how knockdown is worse than pinleg, when I'm pretty sure the chance on them is about equal.
Geb2005-02-12 08:18:38
QUOTE(Jello @ Feb 12 2005, 08:59 AM)
I guess I don't want to read that many pagesÂ
But I fail to see how knockdown is worse than pinleg, when I'm pretty sure the chance on them is about equal.
But I fail to see how knockdown is worse than pinleg, when I'm pretty sure the chance on them is about equal.
Medium level damage for knockdown, heavy damage for pinleg. The chance is not the same.
*Note: Oh and Murphy, please do not act like you are such the great tactician. You died to a guy swinging at you, while you were worried about keeping me off-balance.
Murphy2005-02-12 08:33:02
i'm not saying I am. But if I die in a team fight, where its 2 or 3 vs me, when staer is 85% of me and you are 295% of my might, with someone else in there as well. especially when you both have more HP than me total I'm not doing too bad.
I don't profess to be a great tactician, I am talking about basic healing mate. Basic friggin healing, and you are saying im bignoting myself as a grand tactician?
On that note I would like to see anyone reading this with more knowledge being a bonecrusher pipe up......anyone?
I don't profess to be a great tactician, I am talking about basic healing mate. Basic friggin healing, and you are saying im bignoting myself as a grand tactician?
On that note I would like to see anyone reading this with more knowledge being a bonecrusher pipe up......anyone?
Unknown2005-02-12 09:37:38
Eh, I'm not sure if Bonecrushers suffer from the same crap as Blademaster (I.E. You're unable to do a low level affliction once the person is beyond that wound state), but if you're able to knock someone down while they're already knocked now, thus further unbalancing them then it's pretty buggy. I suppose if they get up and then are knocked down again then it's just a matter of skill, but I don't think that's what the arguement is about.
I guess the best comparison would be a well-timed Shieldstun, or rather a team of shieldstunners repeatedly hitting you with it and letting the balance stack up.
I guess the best comparison would be a well-timed Shieldstun, or rather a team of shieldstunners repeatedly hitting you with it and letting the balance stack up.
Ceres2005-02-12 11:20:41
For some reason, someone hitting my leg can knock me off my mount and to the ground.
Can't it be like sweepkick, and not work if you're mounted?
Can't it be like sweepkick, and not work if you're mounted?
Murphy2005-02-12 13:52:35
Well the admins certainly know about it, that I -can- guarantee you.
So lets quit this bitching and let them deal with in in their order of priority. Seeing as its not a widespread practise, and only those that have damn good weapons, can split their arm balance and actually choose bonecrushers (do you have -any- idea how little bonecrushers there are in the realms?) can actually do it, not to mentioned its stopped by parry, rebound and apply health to legs....I doubt this is high on their must fix things.
Till then if you can't stand it, don't fight Murphy...just like Murphy doesn't fight Narsrim as a dwarf, or tuek at all for that matter, because it doesn't give me any enjoyment, frustrates the hell outta me, and as a damage knight, I'm not doing much damage to them. And just like Murphy doesn't fight ethelon because that handmaiden is overpowered, pick and choose your battles. Fight a bonecrusher who doesn't have a hope in hell of being able to keep you down, then you can win.
OF course Murphy will be fighting Tuek and narsrim in the right circumstances, and even moreso once those elemental runes come in. To beat Tuek you have to be an artiwhore, because he is an artiwhore.
Narsrim is just a good fighter who uses eveything available to him to the best of his ability, and since he's gone dwarf, he doesn't have a hope in hell of finding himself one on one in a fight to the death with Murphy.
So lets quit this bitching and let them deal with in in their order of priority. Seeing as its not a widespread practise, and only those that have damn good weapons, can split their arm balance and actually choose bonecrushers (do you have -any- idea how little bonecrushers there are in the realms?) can actually do it, not to mentioned its stopped by parry, rebound and apply health to legs....I doubt this is high on their must fix things.
Till then if you can't stand it, don't fight Murphy...just like Murphy doesn't fight Narsrim as a dwarf, or tuek at all for that matter, because it doesn't give me any enjoyment, frustrates the hell outta me, and as a damage knight, I'm not doing much damage to them. And just like Murphy doesn't fight ethelon because that handmaiden is overpowered, pick and choose your battles. Fight a bonecrusher who doesn't have a hope in hell of being able to keep you down, then you can win.
OF course Murphy will be fighting Tuek and narsrim in the right circumstances, and even moreso once those elemental runes come in. To beat Tuek you have to be an artiwhore, because he is an artiwhore.
Narsrim is just a good fighter who uses eveything available to him to the best of his ability, and since he's gone dwarf, he doesn't have a hope in hell of finding himself one on one in a fight to the death with Murphy.
Gol2005-02-12 14:14:03
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 12 2005, 12:47 AM)
Yet again you side step the reality of the situation. How do KNOCK DOWN someone who is already prone? And to think, you tried to give me a physics lesson.
And how do you snort spores off your hand when wielding anything, when under attack, when afflicted?
You can't use physics or common sense EVER as an argument on IRE combat. Knockdown is largely random, correct? It won't hti all the time. And parry your frigging legs, and it suddenly stops doing much.
Balance > realism.
knockdown = counterable with parry.
Spores != counterable.
Murphy2005-02-12 14:19:10
Damn right Gol. Knockdown has a greater chance to happen with the legs at higher deepwound damage. So apply health to legs when you get the forst or second knockdown, then the next 2 hits generally wont give knockdown, giving you a chance to web me or somehow shut down my offence
Gwylifar2005-02-12 18:33:46
QUOTE(Jello @ Feb 12 2005, 03:45 AM)
A blademaster can do this exact same thing, only worse, check Amaru's old post about pinleg. The trick is to actually heal your legs.
Pinleg has been downgraded. It's impossible to keep someone pinned unless they're just sitting there asking for it.
Singollo2005-02-12 19:23:37
I find it interesting that many people will whine about things being overpowered, but when their skillset comes under scrutiny they either shut up or vehemently oppose any downgrades, regardless of what they are.
Having been on the short end of the stick as far as skill-downgrades in IRE games more often than not, I will concede that it sucks. However, sometimes its necessary. Keep in mind that I'm a Transcendent Moondancer and I agree that Spores SHOULD be stopped by monolith, as should all methods of quickly travelling across the continent to escape dangerous situations. Anything that can repeatedly beat a balance also needs to be looked at to decide whether it is one person, or if many people are capable of doing it. Open your minds.
Having been on the short end of the stick as far as skill-downgrades in IRE games more often than not, I will concede that it sucks. However, sometimes its necessary. Keep in mind that I'm a Transcendent Moondancer and I agree that Spores SHOULD be stopped by monolith, as should all methods of quickly travelling across the continent to escape dangerous situations. Anything that can repeatedly beat a balance also needs to be looked at to decide whether it is one person, or if many people are capable of doing it. Open your minds.
Singollo2005-02-12 19:29:03
QUOTE(Gol @ Feb 12 2005, 10:14 AM)
And how do you snort spores off your hand when wielding anything, when under attack, when afflicted?
You can't use physics or common sense EVER as an argument on IRE combat. Knockdown is largely random, correct? It won't hti all the time. And parry your frigging legs, and it suddenly stops doing much.Â
Balance > realism.
knockdown = counterable with parry.
Spores != counterable.
You can't use physics or common sense EVER as an argument on IRE combat. Knockdown is largely random, correct? It won't hti all the time. And parry your frigging legs, and it suddenly stops doing much.Â
Balance > realism.
knockdown = counterable with parry.
Spores != counterable.
This arguement was continually used with Achaea's Universe tarot (eventually stopped by broken limbs, webbing etc.) and the Raido rune (still only stopped by monolith, silence, sleep and stunning). Seeing as how spores is pretty much a hybrid of both, it is stoppable, even more so now, whether you are capable of accomplishing it is about your skill.
And you can snort things with your hands full, as you can hold more than one, thing in your hand, thats a poor connection.
Geb2005-02-12 19:37:36
QUOTE(Murphy @ Feb 12 2005, 09:33 AM)
i'm not saying I am. But if I die in a team fight, where its 2 or 3 vs me, when staer is 85% of me and you are 295% of my might, with someone else in there as well. especially when you both have more HP than me total I'm not doing too bad.
I don't profess to be a great tactician, I am talking about basic healing mate. Basic friggin healing, and you are saying im bignoting myself as a grand tactician?
On that note I would like to see anyone reading this with more knowledge being a bonecrusher pipe up......anyone?
I don't profess to be a great tactician, I am talking about basic healing mate. Basic friggin healing, and you are saying im bignoting myself as a grand tactician?
On that note I would like to see anyone reading this with more knowledge being a bonecrusher pipe up......anyone?
Murphy, the fight I am talking about is the one I was continuously put off-balance. It was just you, Kurachi, and I. You could have easily departed. Look at the log, it will clearly show who where in the room and who were not. In that fight, you did not use the basics of healing yourself. You allowed him to wail on you, while you just kept using knockdown on me. Either you had reckless and did not heal it, or you just ignored your health being whittled away by Kurachi. Either way, you did not do that well in that fight.
So, Is "the Pot calling the Kettle black?"
Ceres2005-02-12 20:17:11
QUOTE(Singollo @ Feb 12 2005, 07:29 PM)
the Raido rune (still only stopped by monolith, silence, sleep and stunning).
Actually, prone, webbed etc all stop it now.
Which sucked