
by Hazar

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Unknown2005-02-21 21:03:39
It makes it not wait for a carriage return (nocr) and treats it as a prompt instead. Seems to me like they're redundant, but I'm sure Zugg sees them as different somehow.
Rauros2005-02-21 21:36:26
Here's my attempt at zMUD 4.62 health bars... the bars are set to turn red when you lose health. I'm hesitant to add too many bars so not to put strain on my computer.
Unknown2005-02-22 04:01:54
It matches it on the prompt, without a new line being received.

Because with most triggers, the trigger actually fires on the next line after it is received -- but there is no recieved after the most recent prompt, and it is therefore needed.

If you took away that extra bit for this trigger, the trigger would only fire once something comes after the prompt, so all your statistics will represent the information from the second-to-last prompt recieved, not the latest.
Rauros2005-02-22 12:43:10
Hmm, that probably explains why I need a linebreak for my triggers to work. I'll try that nocr thing and see if it makes a difference.

And another question: why does #gag delete the last 2 lines instead of 1? It always cuts off the line above the gag line for some odd reason.
Unknown2005-02-22 12:58:08
Not for me it doesnt.
Unknown2005-02-23 03:29:49
Maybe you're doing #GAG 2, or something?
Eyod2005-08-16 12:00:25
I just can't get my prompt trigger to work, I'm using Singollo's one.
I enter it and it's not doing anything or updating the variables.

Eyod2005-08-16 12:35:43
this seems to work fine if I turn off prompt and turn on new line
or is that bad?
Unknown2005-08-17 07:37:04
QUOTE(Rauros @ Feb 21 2005, 12:12 PM)
I use a simple
#TRIGGER {(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)} {#VAR health %1;#VAR mana %2;#VAR ego %3; #VAR equilibrium %4}

Works for me, similar to Zaltan's I guess.

You know, oddly enough I see what your doing here. I am new to this ZMUD stuff, only programming experience is very limited visual basic from 5 years ago when I started teaching myself.

Okay, so now that we have defined the variables, how do we place these babies on a nice little window, with bars(defining colors.. like red when health is low etc).

My other question is a see people putting these into nice little graphical gui's using their own artwork. How is that possible?
Unknown2005-08-18 20:16:25
click on the button that says "Buttons", make a new one, set the type to "guage" and go to the last tab, set the value to @health, the max to your maxhealth (set up a trigger for @maxhealth wink.gif) and the third for the "low" value, repeat.

All in one sentance!