Unknown2005-02-13 17:58:58
I wrote this a LONG time ago for the the topmudsites.com forums. I just realized that I still had it saved on my computer. It is a parody of all those crappy ROM-based MUDs out there.
Come play the Most Generic MUD Ever!
Our races include:
And check out our extensive class selection!
After going though the detailed created process, join us for some great RP in Midgaard! Here is a sample log from one of our ongoing storylines.
The Scene: Random Homophobic has just slain Satanlover666. |-|@XX0R Mage, a member of Satanlover666's clan, has come to assist him in retrieving his corpse. Pimp Jones is a member of the Aragorn clan, and an ally to Random's clan the 'Burly-Warriorz', and has come to back up his friend against the might of |-|@XX0R Mage. Angsty Teen is a Newbie who gets caught up in the plot, showing just how easy it is for new players in our game to be swept up into the majestic roleplaying storyline. Please NOTE that it is from |-|@XX0R Mage's viewpoint, he's the only one who saved the log.
Market Square
This square is in the middle of the city and is full of people and has trees and has elves and lots of directions start here.
Obvious exits are in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz} (Ghost)
Random Homophobic is here. {Clan Burly-Warriorz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
The corpse of Satanlover666.
You say, "WTF U #######! Why did u kill SaTaN!?"
Random Homophobic says, "uhhh, becuz he wuz GAY. dis game hass 2 many queers!!!"
Angsty Teen says, "Hey, i'm new. Can I join your clan Homo? I'm a warrior too."
Random Homophobic says, "OMG U R CALLING MEEE A HOMO?! AND only giants ar warriorz u dumb . Halflingz r thievz u n00b. Shut up n00b. We're arr-peeing.
Satanlover666 says, "Just get my corpse so we can beat these guys up. Then I will sacrafice them to my sweet lord Lucifer.
A rat walks in from below.
Only-Human-in-the-game walks in from below.
Only-Human-in-the-game's slash bumps rat.
Only-Human-in-the-game's slash shocks rat.
Rat's claw MUTILATES Only-Human-in-the-game.
Rat's claw *** ANNIHILHATES *** Only-Human-in-the-game.
Only-Human-in-the-game is incapacitated and will slowly die if not aided.
Rat's claw DEVASTATES Only-Human-in-the-game.
Only-Human-in-the-game has DIED!
Announce- Only-Human-in-the-game has left the game.
Pimp Jones says, "omg dat guy iz sooo wack! humans r teh SUXX0R!!! jus like halfling warrior, lol. n00b."
Random Homophobic gets 23 gold from the corpse of Only-Human-in-the-game.
|-|@XX0R Mage
Level 600 Obsessed Guy
Random Homophobic
Pimp Jones
Angsty Teen
Random Racist
Ronald Reagon
You OOC "Ronald Reagon, WTF? Aren't u ded?"
Satanlover666 says, "STFU, HAXX0R! Get mah damm corpse"
You say, "KK"
Random Homophobic says, "Heh... KKK! I luv dem."
You say, "STFU"
get all corpse
You don't see anything like that there.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz} (Ghost)
Random Homophobic is here. {Clan Burly-Warriorz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
You say, "Man, I think ur corpse rotted"
Satanlover666 says, "OMFG! DATS IT! UR GONE U NEWB!!!
You have been outcasted from Clan Magicguyz.
Name: |-|@XX0R Mage
Race: Elf
Class: Wizard
Level: 94
EXP: 95,004,462
TNL: 106,294,211
Clan: None
STR- 4 (4)
DEX- 3 (4)
CON- 5 (5)
INT- 800 (10,598)
WIS- 765 (6,890)
CHA- 12
You say, "OMG U . U DIE NOW!!!"
kill satanlover666
Your attacks pass right though him.
Satanlover666 says, "I'm still a ghost you homo."
Random Homophobic says, "Rock on!"
Angsty Teen says, "I just checked the help files- clan Aragorn is for rangers, but there are no rangers. Did you reclass, Pimp Jones?"
Pimp Jones says, "Reclass? wtf iz that? I'm a warrior! Clan aragorn iz jus' cuz he is so pimp. Like me."
Random Homophobic says, "U just think he's hot, ghey boy."
Random Homophobic says, "Only cuz Level 600 Obsessed Guy likes us becuz we r hot."
Pimp Jones says, "STFU! Level 600 Obsessed Guy is the most PWNAGE leader we hav evar had!"
Random Homophobic says, "Watever. I'm gunna go arr-pee with Random Racist."
Random Homophobic leaves to the westwest.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
You utter the magic words 'Gjhskgsjk'
You have charmed Angsty Teen!
order teen kill Satan
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Satanlover666's slash ***** BRINGS AN END TO ALL OF CREATION***** on Angsty Teen.
Angsty Teen is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Satanlover666's fireball \\\\\\Rips though the very fabric of of reality/// on Angsty Teen.
Angsty Teen has DIED!
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
The corpse of Angsty Teen.
Satanlover666 says, "A halfling fighter.... with whips? N00B 2 THE MAX!!!"
Pimp Jones, "OMG BUT did u see how many attacks he made? At hier level he culd PWN any1! I'm gonna go make 1!!!!
Pimp Jones has left the game.
Announce- Pimp Jones has left the game.
You say, "I'll make 1 l8r. Now what?"
Satanlover666 says, "Now I raise my kill count you !!!
Satanlover666's acid blast /\\\\Sears the soul of God himself//\\ to you.
You wish you would stop BLEEDING.
You flee head over heels!
You walk north.
Temple Square
OMG, LOOK! A temple! Kickass!!!
Angsty Teen is here. (Ghost)
Angsty Teen says, "Please help me find my corpse!"
You say, "STFU n00b!"
Go walk south.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "Ronald Reagon?! Aren't you dead?! Don't make be ban you!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme appears.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Ronald Reagon went Wizinvis (How the WTF did he do that?) so i'm gonna slay u guys.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme slays Satanlover666 in cold blood!
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme slays you in cold blood!
You lose -40,000,462 exp
You lose 43 levels.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme gets Satanlover666's corpse
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme gets your corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme eats Satanlover666's corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme eats your corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "That'll teach you guys."
You have left the game! See ya soon!
Come play the Most Generic MUD Ever!
Our races include:
And check out our extensive class selection!
After going though the detailed created process, join us for some great RP in Midgaard! Here is a sample log from one of our ongoing storylines.
The Scene: Random Homophobic has just slain Satanlover666. |-|@XX0R Mage, a member of Satanlover666's clan, has come to assist him in retrieving his corpse. Pimp Jones is a member of the Aragorn clan, and an ally to Random's clan the 'Burly-Warriorz', and has come to back up his friend against the might of |-|@XX0R Mage. Angsty Teen is a Newbie who gets caught up in the plot, showing just how easy it is for new players in our game to be swept up into the majestic roleplaying storyline. Please NOTE that it is from |-|@XX0R Mage's viewpoint, he's the only one who saved the log.
Market Square
This square is in the middle of the city and is full of people and has trees and has elves and lots of directions start here.
Obvious exits are in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz} (Ghost)
Random Homophobic is here. {Clan Burly-Warriorz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
The corpse of Satanlover666.
You say, "WTF U #######! Why did u kill SaTaN!?"
Random Homophobic says, "uhhh, becuz he wuz GAY. dis game hass 2 many queers!!!"
Angsty Teen says, "Hey, i'm new. Can I join your clan Homo? I'm a warrior too."
Random Homophobic says, "OMG U R CALLING MEEE A HOMO?! AND only giants ar warriorz u dumb . Halflingz r thievz u n00b. Shut up n00b. We're arr-peeing.
Satanlover666 says, "Just get my corpse so we can beat these guys up. Then I will sacrafice them to my sweet lord Lucifer.
A rat walks in from below.
Only-Human-in-the-game walks in from below.
Only-Human-in-the-game's slash bumps rat.
Only-Human-in-the-game's slash shocks rat.
Rat's claw MUTILATES Only-Human-in-the-game.
Rat's claw *** ANNIHILHATES *** Only-Human-in-the-game.
Only-Human-in-the-game is incapacitated and will slowly die if not aided.
Rat's claw DEVASTATES Only-Human-in-the-game.
Only-Human-in-the-game has DIED!
Announce- Only-Human-in-the-game has left the game.
Pimp Jones says, "omg dat guy iz sooo wack! humans r teh SUXX0R!!! jus like halfling warrior, lol. n00b."
Random Homophobic gets 23 gold from the corpse of Only-Human-in-the-game.
|-|@XX0R Mage
Level 600 Obsessed Guy
Random Homophobic
Pimp Jones
Angsty Teen
Random Racist
Ronald Reagon
You OOC "Ronald Reagon, WTF? Aren't u ded?"
Satanlover666 says, "STFU, HAXX0R! Get mah damm corpse"
You say, "KK"
Random Homophobic says, "Heh... KKK! I luv dem."
You say, "STFU"
get all corpse
You don't see anything like that there.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz} (Ghost)
Random Homophobic is here. {Clan Burly-Warriorz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
You say, "Man, I think ur corpse rotted"
Satanlover666 says, "OMFG! DATS IT! UR GONE U NEWB!!!
You have been outcasted from Clan Magicguyz.
Name: |-|@XX0R Mage
Race: Elf
Class: Wizard
Level: 94
EXP: 95,004,462
TNL: 106,294,211
Clan: None
STR- 4 (4)
DEX- 3 (4)
CON- 5 (5)
INT- 800 (10,598)
WIS- 765 (6,890)
CHA- 12
You say, "OMG U . U DIE NOW!!!"
kill satanlover666
Your attacks pass right though him.
Satanlover666 says, "I'm still a ghost you homo."
Random Homophobic says, "Rock on!"
Angsty Teen says, "I just checked the help files- clan Aragorn is for rangers, but there are no rangers. Did you reclass, Pimp Jones?"
Pimp Jones says, "Reclass? wtf iz that? I'm a warrior! Clan aragorn iz jus' cuz he is so pimp. Like me."
Random Homophobic says, "U just think he's hot, ghey boy."
Random Homophobic says, "Only cuz Level 600 Obsessed Guy likes us becuz we r hot."
Pimp Jones says, "STFU! Level 600 Obsessed Guy is the most PWNAGE leader we hav evar had!"
Random Homophobic says, "Watever. I'm gunna go arr-pee with Random Racist."
Random Homophobic leaves to the westwest.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
Angsty Teen is here. {Unclanned}
You utter the magic words 'Gjhskgsjk'
You have charmed Angsty Teen!
order teen kill Satan
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Angsty Teen's lashing misses Satanlover666.
Satanlover666's slash ***** BRINGS AN END TO ALL OF CREATION***** on Angsty Teen.
Angsty Teen is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Satanlover666's fireball \\\\\\Rips though the very fabric of of reality/// on Angsty Teen.
Angsty Teen has DIED!
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Pimp Jones is here. {Clan Aragorn}
The corpse of Angsty Teen.
Satanlover666 says, "A halfling fighter.... with whips? N00B 2 THE MAX!!!"
Pimp Jones, "OMG BUT did u see how many attacks he made? At hier level he culd PWN any1! I'm gonna go make 1!!!!
Pimp Jones has left the game.
Announce- Pimp Jones has left the game.
You say, "I'll make 1 l8r. Now what?"
Satanlover666 says, "Now I raise my kill count you !!!
Satanlover666's acid blast /\\\\Sears the soul of God himself//\\ to you.
You wish you would stop BLEEDING.
You flee head over heels!
You walk north.
Temple Square
OMG, LOOK! A temple! Kickass!!!
Angsty Teen is here. (Ghost)
Angsty Teen says, "Please help me find my corpse!"
You say, "STFU n00b!"
Go walk south.
Market Square
Anyone who reads room descs is a total NEWB! in, out, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw, ss, nn, ww, ee, e, n, w, s, left, right, excalibur
|-|@XX0R Mage is here. {Unclanned}
Satanlover666 is here. {Clan Magicguyz}
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "Ronald Reagon?! Aren't you dead?! Don't make be ban you!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme appears.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Ronald Reagon went Wizinvis (How the WTF did he do that?) so i'm gonna slay u guys.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme slays Satanlover666 in cold blood!
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme slays you in cold blood!
You lose -40,000,462 exp
You lose 43 levels.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme gets Satanlover666's corpse
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme gets your corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme eats Satanlover666's corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme eats your corpse.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "That'll teach you guys."
You have left the game! See ya soon!
Unknown2005-02-13 18:00:16
This is another one I wrote after playing Aardwolf for a few days (One of the worst MUDs ever). Took me awhile to scrounge it up, looks like they don't delete any of the threads on their forums.
Episode II- Wherein Level 600 Obsessed Guy discovers the Tier system. From the POV of Level 600 Obsessed guy.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme's Room
This room is the most KICKASS one in the game. There is candy and TV's and naked hot girls and videogames EVERYWHERE.
The obvious exits are NONE.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme is here. {Admin}
Level 600 obsessed guy is here. {Aragorn Leader}
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Okay, you wanted to talk to me?"
You say, "Yeah, I got this great idea for the MUD while I was playing Aardwolf. Lemme find my notes, hold on."
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "WTF! YOU PLAYED ANOTHER MUD?! #######!"
You have been reduced to level 1
You say, "AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 NO!!!! I went in there to make fun of them and spam their channels and advertise for our game!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Oh sweet! I declare you to be awesome!"
You have been increased to level 700
You say, "Thanks, your awesome too, but my new idea is great. Whenever someone gets to a high level, they can restart as a new class and race! They keep all their old skills but get to start earning new one's as a new character!
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Amazing! I'lll ask |-|@XX0R Mage to steal that code from Aardwolf, then fix it up to fit into our game!"
You say, "Woohoo! Also, once you've maxed out EVERY class, you can start the whole #### thing over with special bonuses! You get to use skills and items at 1 lower level each tier!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Cool, we'll do that too! Give me a few hours. Wow, I mean... it would take around 5000 hours of play to max your tiers!"
You say, "Yeah!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "Okay people, the new Tier system in in! Thanks |-|@XX0R Mage!"
|-|@XX0R Mage OOCs "No problem."
Announce: Automated congrats message: Way to go Ronald Reagon for being the first to max your character!
You OOC "GOD ####! I wanted to be first! How did he squeeze 5000 hours into one day! He has less of a life than me!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "I dunno, he somehow can use all the immortal powers but I can't ban him."
The Arena
Holy crap, this place is dangerous looking!
Obvious exits are NONE
Obsessed guy is here. {Aragorn Leader}
Ronald Reagon is here. {~Unknown~}
Ronald Reagon enters his battle stance, eying Obsessed Guy with a glint of determination in his eye. He swiftly draws his blade and holds it before him. "Dare you face me?!" He calls. "Dare you face I, I who am the ruiner of worlds?!" He steps back, and awaits the first blow, that which may determine destiny.
You say, "STFU! Using emotes is against the rules you jackass! IT IS TIME TO TEST THE TRUE POWER OF A FULLY TIERED CHARACTER!"
Your slash ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your stab ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your lashing ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your grip ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your claw ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your swing ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your kick ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your punch ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your slap ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your fireball ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your lightning bolt ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your chaos spell ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your hellfire ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your cosmic blast ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your chain lightning ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Ronald Reagon slays you in cold blood!
You say, "..."
Episode II- Wherein Level 600 Obsessed Guy discovers the Tier system. From the POV of Level 600 Obsessed guy.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme's Room
This room is the most KICKASS one in the game. There is candy and TV's and naked hot girls and videogames EVERYWHERE.
The obvious exits are NONE.
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme is here. {Admin}
Level 600 obsessed guy is here. {Aragorn Leader}
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Okay, you wanted to talk to me?"
You say, "Yeah, I got this great idea for the MUD while I was playing Aardwolf. Lemme find my notes, hold on."
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "WTF! YOU PLAYED ANOTHER MUD?! #######!"
You have been reduced to level 1
You say, "AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 NO!!!! I went in there to make fun of them and spam their channels and advertise for our game!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Oh sweet! I declare you to be awesome!"
You have been increased to level 700
You say, "Thanks, your awesome too, but my new idea is great. Whenever someone gets to a high level, they can restart as a new class and race! They keep all their old skills but get to start earning new one's as a new character!
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Amazing! I'lll ask |-|@XX0R Mage to steal that code from Aardwolf, then fix it up to fit into our game!"
You say, "Woohoo! Also, once you've maxed out EVERY class, you can start the whole #### thing over with special bonuses! You get to use skills and items at 1 lower level each tier!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme says, "Cool, we'll do that too! Give me a few hours. Wow, I mean... it would take around 5000 hours of play to max your tiers!"
You say, "Yeah!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "Okay people, the new Tier system in in! Thanks |-|@XX0R Mage!"
|-|@XX0R Mage OOCs "No problem."
Announce: Automated congrats message: Way to go Ronald Reagon for being the first to max your character!
You OOC "GOD ####! I wanted to be first! How did he squeeze 5000 hours into one day! He has less of a life than me!"
Xilenecrogodofwarsupreme OOCs "I dunno, he somehow can use all the immortal powers but I can't ban him."
The Arena
Holy crap, this place is dangerous looking!
Obvious exits are NONE
Obsessed guy is here. {Aragorn Leader}
Ronald Reagon is here. {~Unknown~}
Ronald Reagon enters his battle stance, eying Obsessed Guy with a glint of determination in his eye. He swiftly draws his blade and holds it before him. "Dare you face me?!" He calls. "Dare you face I, I who am the ruiner of worlds?!" He steps back, and awaits the first blow, that which may determine destiny.
You say, "STFU! Using emotes is against the rules you jackass! IT IS TIME TO TEST THE TRUE POWER OF A FULLY TIERED CHARACTER!"
Your slash ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your stab ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your lashing ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your grip ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your claw ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your swing ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your kick ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your punch ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your slap ***ANNIHILATES*** Ronald Reagon.
Your fireball ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your lightning bolt ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your chaos spell ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your hellfire ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your cosmic blast ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Your chain lightning ++ATOM SMASHES++ Ronald Reagon.
Ronald Reagon slays you in cold blood!
You say, "..."
Shamarah2005-02-13 18:02:29
Heheh, I read that the one time I visited those forums.
Really good job.
Really good job.
Kaervas2005-02-13 18:27:30
Forget playing crappy Lusternia I'm gonna play one of those quality MUDs!!!
Gaetele2005-02-13 18:58:13
Unknown2005-02-13 20:10:21
Our races include:
You missed dwarves... pardon me, darvwes.
Unknown2005-02-13 20:59:29
Ah, but you see, that's part of the joke. In crappy muds there is always, basically, one race that corrosponds to each of the classes. And then humans, which are worthless. It goes:
Humans: Nothing.
Giants: Warriors.
Halflings: Thieves.
Elves: Wizards.
Anything else is for failures.
Humans: Nothing.
Giants: Warriors.
Halflings: Thieves.
Elves: Wizards.
Anything else is for failures.
Typhus2005-02-14 16:52:36
All too true..
Unknown2005-04-17 18:01:35
Too funny to forget. Including the part in which I embarass myself.
Too funny to forget. Including the part in which I embarass myself.
Richter2005-04-18 06:59:49
You're in that?
Unknown2005-04-18 21:20:50
Hahaha, I remember reading that in the TMS forums a few months ago 

Unknown2005-05-04 21:28:27
This one is teh funniest.