Gwylifar2005-03-25 22:18:22
Actually best I could determine, that never happened again. I'm not convinced it really was the eye sigil, but I suppose we'll never know what it really was.
Sylphas2005-03-25 22:33:36
Pretty sure it was. Last time a coven I was with stood on an eye sigil, it rezzed the person on the spot they died. Probably something like the code trying to bring the soul there, then rezz it, and the eye sigil screwed the "bring soul to coven" part.
Gwylifar2005-03-26 04:50:38
That was a time other than the legendary time referred to above with Malicia in the deathtrap? I've asked but only ever heard of that one. Guess it must have been fixed fast; I had a resurgem on an eye the next RL day work fine.