
by Shiri

Back to Meet and Greet.

Shiri2005-02-17 18:37:54
Can't wait biggrin.gif
Gaetele2005-02-17 21:10:41
Whee! I want to talk to the Lusternian people too!

I can't determine whether or not I have an accent, but I stutter. A lot. Sometimes, when I'm trying to get a word out, I'll say the first syllable 10-15 times before I finally manage to spit it out. It's kinda freaky, but nothing compared to my friend. Whatev.

Anywho... message me on AIM (Gaetele) if you really want to talk to me. MSN is okay, too ( )

Or something.
Shiri2005-02-17 21:12:17
Gaetele, I just put that MSN in and it said it wasn't a passport acct. Add me instead. tongue.gif
Gaetele2005-02-17 21:26:32
Dude. What. The. Bloody. Hell?

I had just made that account literally SECONDS after I posted, and you already got the error message?

Shiri2005-02-17 21:28:31
Bahaha. biggrin.gif Go me!
Gaetele2005-02-17 21:31:34
Hey, Shir, y'know, maybe soon you'll just be able to match the number of Posts on all the Divine's accounts!

< < It COULD happen...
Shiri2005-02-17 21:34:50
I wish. They cheated. sleep.gif
Gaetele2005-02-17 21:43:56
If you square the number of posts you have right now, you'll have more.

All you have to do is do what you've done so far. That many more times.

^^;; Of course, they'll just give themselves more then.
Shiri2005-02-17 21:45:24 encouraging.
Summer2005-02-18 08:18:14
Oh, got booted before I could comment more last night, but Shiri sounds more like a Tae'dae than a tiny Furrikin biggrin.gif Think you'll reincarnate any time soon, Shiri?
Shiri2005-02-18 16:29:06
:/ I...think that was an effect of the phone. Or maybe I was just hoarse or something. (Or you're used to lighter voices.) My voice ain't that deep, meh. How the heck have you people been calling me anyway? Running into some problems with and , and none of the numbers I thought it was work. :/ It's 0044 right?
Shiri2005-02-18 17:23:04
Ah, no, turns out it was 01144 . ...'cause that's the one number that did "You can't call overseas" instead of "Busy" >_< Oh well, worth a try. Apparently my English accent is cute, yarr. tongue.gif Makes up for how I look (I hope.)
Summer2005-02-18 18:11:33
Or if your phone's like mine, you start with +44...
Unknown2005-02-18 21:47:09

If I find my mic, I'll record my voice and post it somewhere. But I'm weird with phones.
Shiri2005-02-18 21:51:21
Eh, come on, if I can cope with it, you can! happy.gif
Summer2005-02-18 21:52:37
Aww, just recording? How about a real-time conversation? *urge*
Shiri2005-02-18 23:11:17
Well, someone found me a site that can do...stuffs. And tell you what number you need to call. So it's all good. 3 conversations with people reading this thread so far, and 3 pending. Yay! biggrin.gif
Raezon2005-02-19 10:33:06
I wonder what you'd all do with Raezon's cell phone number...

Is this Raezon?
*deep voice* Yessss
Okay, I think I just lost part of my soul, goodbye.

actually, more than likely it'd be...

Uhhh Raez, I can't find my ice cream?
Do what?
My ice cream, I think it reset or something.
You there?
*dial tone*
Daganev2005-02-19 10:54:53
what is up with dairy deserts? *peer*
Has Isune posessed Raezon?
Shiri2005-02-19 11:08:54
Harrr, Raezon, think I'd call wherever the heck you live just to annoy you? I don't have that much money. :/