Post About the Poster Above You

by Shamarah

Back to The Funnies.

Silvanus2005-02-21 07:41:41
has the name of a season.
Ialie2005-02-21 07:44:26
Is evilly sexy.
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:44:55
... scares me.
Ialie2005-02-21 07:47:06
is going to be pursued by a lust crazed faeling that screams out loudly to the world "Silvanus come taste my rainbow!"
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:48:06
will kill the faeling on site, since she is half Elfen half Faeweak.
Ialie2005-02-21 07:49:22
Will be pursued anyway
Summer2005-02-21 07:49:41
Reminds me of the "There she is" flash movie laugh.gif
Ialie2005-02-21 07:51:04
Wants to help me pursue Silvanus.
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:51:44
is small.
Ialie2005-02-21 07:52:49
Knows from personal experience that the best things come in small packages
Summer2005-02-21 07:53:46
Might just be right.

I got a couple spare cookies... Maybe you can borrow some love potion from Guido and Jack. biggrin.gif
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:54:15
thinks size doesn't matter.
Summer2005-02-21 07:54:38
Is either slow or lying tongue.gif
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:55:43
said Ialie was correct.
Ialie2005-02-21 07:57:57
fantasizes about faeling orgies.
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:58:40
Ialie Seriously, Today, 01:57 AM 


Group: Lusternians
Posts: 288
Member No.: 112
Joined: 26-October 04

In all seriousess Ialie won't go after you in game. She is rather timid when being anywhere near Magnagorans. So don't really be scared  I on the otherhand will have to hound your sexy self on the forums though 


(well not kidding about the sexy part)
Have fun!

Summer2005-02-21 07:58:58
Edit: Bah... slow again.

Probably kisses and tells
Silvanus2005-02-21 07:59:16
slow and should give up, and said she'd give up, so is obviously lying.
Summer2005-02-21 08:00:11
Is frighteningly perceptive tongue.gif
Silvanus2005-02-21 08:01:04
is wonderfully slow.