Post About the Poster Above You

by Shamarah

Back to The Funnies.

Silvanus2005-02-21 20:04:58
is egotistical in calling herself the Chief Regulator.
Silvanus2005-02-21 20:05:21
is going to make one more post.
Jack2005-02-21 20:05:27
Has a suspect list as long as when he was a Nihilist.

Is therefore VERY frightening.
Silvanus2005-02-21 20:05:32
just hit 200 posts in this thread, and is now retiring.
Shiri2005-02-21 20:05:46
Has Iname in her avatar, not some stupid kitten! (This had better be Des. >_>)
Annelia2005-02-21 20:05:59
are you sure?
Jack2005-02-21 20:06:14

Annelia2005-02-21 20:11:32
Desdemona2005-02-21 20:12:12
Is my ingame sister... "unofficially". Curses to sibling system tongue.gif
Desdemona2005-02-21 20:16:16
Has no more competitors and should be leaving...
Annelia2005-02-21 20:18:57
That is not allowed Des, you must troll the forums more
Rauros2005-02-21 22:03:47
has that over used Shrek 2 avatar... but it's still cute!!
Erion2005-02-21 22:21:17
Needs a solid beating with a rose. >.>
Desdemona2005-02-21 22:24:12
Has a strange signature that should be expanded with bold letters and font size.
Rauros2005-02-21 22:24:39
Has an even weirder avatar
Erion2005-02-21 22:29:31
Has room to talk.
Rauros2005-02-21 22:31:09
Needs a new cousin
Desdemona2005-02-21 22:32:30
Should take a closer look at my Avatar

Iname Death Aspect

and opposite of my Avatar:

Iname Life Aspect
Shamarah2005-02-21 23:36:21
Is one of the chief conspirators in making this the second-longest thread in the boards.
Shiri2005-02-21 23:42:38
is only helping, y'know.