Post About the Poster Above You

by Shamarah

Back to The Funnies.

Shiri2005-02-22 00:41:07
Is HIGHLY pessimistic. angry.gif Probably right though, knowing me.
Desdemona2005-02-22 00:42:32
Is an evil moderator! Tampered one of my polls sad.gif
Shamarah2005-02-22 00:56:15
probably didn't mean "confusing" as a compliment, but it was taken as one.
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:05:20
Is wrong.

I meant confusing as a bad way, but if you want to consider a compliment being confused by a female thanks to the name... go for it. quickexit.gif
Shiri2005-02-22 01:14:08
Was mistaken for a man by Silvanus, so can't talk.

(Then again nor can I. But I'm not trying.

Well Silvanus has some real gender issues anyway, so whatever. tongue.gif)
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:16:08
Talks a lot about Magic, but doesn't play it... Maybe he should. wink.gif
Shamarah2005-02-22 01:22:08
didn't make it clear she was talking about genders.

Meh, I should pay more attention to context.
Shiri2005-02-22 01:26:33
Is talking to someone who...doesn't know I play Magic! Sure I do! :/ *cheats slightly, but not really!*
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:33:34
His favorite toy during infancy was the handpuppet, that is why he has it as an Avatar.
Shiri2005-02-22 01:35:52
Actually about right, though I don't think she knows it, and is just messing around. It was from my grandad, it's special. happy.gif
Yuniko2005-02-22 01:37:45
QUOTE(Shiri @ Feb 21 2005, 08:35 PM)
Actually about right, though I don't think she knows it, and is just messing around. It was from my grandad, it's special. happy.gif

has jsut made it on my "normal" list
Shiri2005-02-22 01:39:15
Was absent -forever and ever- from the boards. I mean, a whole month, geez. tongue.gif

Also, wait, I'm on your normal list? Should I be scared? fear.gif
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:40:41
Has a strange criteria for normal. Am I normal?

(Nah, Shiri, assumed it would be some kind of memento, just not which type)
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:41:17
Was fooled by Shiri
Shiri2005-02-22 01:43:42
...was fooled by Shiri how? (It's a comment about the person above sort of, it's still legal. Or, well, whatever.)
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:44:34
Posted before me, making what I said irrelevant as it wasn't directed to... "IT"
Unknown2005-02-22 01:47:58
doesn't appear to be in the moderators GROUP.
Yuniko2005-02-22 01:49:31
Said something I couldn't comprehend
Unknown2005-02-22 01:50:35
Is clearly quite dull. What is there not to understand about Desdemona not being in the moderators group?
Desdemona2005-02-22 01:51:19
Must like "I dream of Geanie" and her previous post was probably directed at me