Post About the Poster Above You

by Shamarah

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Summer2005-02-23 03:35:15
Is going to sleep happily
Shinza2005-02-23 03:46:16
Haha, just caused me to look at the timestamp on Desdemona's post. tongue.gif

Also wants me to die horribly, or be bopped sad.gif
Unknown2005-02-23 04:14:03
Posted 27 minutes ago.
Silvanus2005-02-23 04:15:27
is lame.
Shinza2005-02-23 04:18:47
Is up to his old tricks again.
Yrael2005-02-23 05:12:38
Has a nasty habit of catching me at EXACTLY the wrong moment for me, and the perfect moment for him. Her. It. Thing.
Shinza2005-02-23 05:16:10
Doesn't follow Sun Tzu's advice to know your enemies. happy.gif
Ialie2005-02-23 05:32:34
Has a nice banner.
Desdemona2005-02-23 05:41:07
Keeps using strange signatures, and likes to twist little kids stuff around.
Shinza2005-02-23 07:28:49
Is right about the signatures and twisted cartoon thing, but should let up on Ialie, because she likes my banner. wink.gif
Unknown2005-02-23 08:22:14
Posted 44 minutes ago.
Shinza2005-02-23 08:25:04
Second times he's done that. Must be running out of things to say about me tongue.gif
Unknown2005-02-23 08:37:14
Posted before someone who wonders if he did that to him last time.
Ialie2005-02-23 08:49:59
Doesn't know how it feels to have their heart ripped out through your nose while you choke on bile that tastes like sweet sweet humilation.

*isn't bitter*
Unknown2005-02-23 09:04:28
Hopefully doesn't either.
Unknown2005-02-23 09:05:06
Scares me. Big time.
celahir2005-02-23 09:28:00
Is scared easily
celahir2005-02-23 09:28:21
Is bored and posting about him self again
Yrael2005-02-23 09:38:57
Has an avatar that makes me think of Gir.
Annelia2005-02-23 09:51:11
Likes cookies