
by Unknown

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Unknown2005-02-25 03:35:27
I do realize this might take awhile and basically there are about 100 more lines of the Gloriana/Glom in the Histories but some facts we do know are:

-Sister Lake and Brother Bear were the great spirits
-Gib Gladheart was the High Druid of the time, now he is better known as the Wyrm
-The Ackleberry was in the NE section of prime, inbetween Estelbar and 'Hallifax', and even though you can still see forests from the road, there is no entrance as of yet.
-The Ackleberry was the forest where most of the furrkin, igasho (or the mountains surrounding), tae'dae and all other non faeling and elfen called home.

There is still little known of the Ackleberry way of life, who the Priestess of the Coven there was, what archetypes (variations of the serenwilde ones) resided there, so very much out there unknown, which makes it somewhat exciting. If the Divine did infact have ideas to eventually (down the road) bring the Ackleberry back, it is possible the ideas that can circulate around these threads or in game providing we have enough interest. Who knows?
Desdemona2005-02-25 03:43:39
I am not so sure if the places that are missing will in fact return as adventure cities. Right now we have two cities a commune, Hallifax/Gaudiguch/Glomdoring are the ones missing with the greatest history, of which only Glomdoring has somekind of footing in prime: Glom mobs, the tower. So, I believe it is more probable for Glomdoring to return followed by the other two cities... with high chances of being adventurer places. Whereas Ackleberry, I have the highest impression of the commune being quite the same place as Arcadia.

Still, whatever the case, I am still certain that Brother Wolf took dominance on Ackleberry as Guiding Spirit, stripping Brother Bear of power. tongue.gif
Nyla2005-02-25 04:30:05
I want them to bring back Ackleberry before Glomdoring just to piss people off.
Devris2005-02-25 07:31:49
Just wondering on your approach from an OOC perspective on a potential return of the Ackleberry commune. If I read my history right, they willingly chose to remove themselves from this plane of existence and "could" be out there somewhere. Now, if they chose to remove themselves, are you going to forcefully attempt to bring them back? Or attempt to seek them out on their own plane of existence and convince them to return. My character studies the Ackleberry, but prefers the latter to the prior as far as direction to return it.

Just wondering what the general concensus is.

As much as I would love a non-Serenwilde type commune in, I really think Glomdoring would need to be first. It would be nice if Ackleberry came back as like a third side of the equation eventually. Maybe not tainted, and more nature enthralled than the Serenwilde (see earlier comments on the primitive type commune). They don't like the Glomdoring for their tainted nature, but are not thrilled with the Serenwilde for what they perceive as becoming too citylike or something.
Daganev2005-02-25 08:38:39
I can see ackelberry comming back after the two cities do. Perhaps they are all stuck in the same place. Although I have a funny feeling it got kicked out of existance and didn't do what they wanted to do.