My old cooking script.

by Jalain

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Jalain2005-03-25 04:16:33

#CLASS {cooking}
#ALIAS recepes {recipes}
#ALIAS smeal {meal=}
#ALIAS cookstart {#echo The fires in an oven start to flicker and then burn out.}
#VAR meal {44186}
#VAR keyword {bread}
#TRIGGER {Good grief! As you attempt to fire up an oven,} {get mercury from oven;inr mercury;put coal in oven;fire oven;cook @meal}
#TRIGGER {At home in the kitchen, you have no trouble whipping up } {#wait 7000;bake @meal}
#TRIGGER {The fires in an oven start to flicker and then burn out.} {#wait 800;get 20 @keyword from oven;#wait 500;put coal in oven;fire oven;cook @meal}
#TRIGGER {You quickly mix up the ingredients into a batter} {#wait 7000;bake @meal}

Might have to adjust some timers and things.