Unknown2005-03-25 07:59:04
Prices will be on an individual basis but may be paid via several mediums which will be discussed should you decide to take me up on this nice lil offer.
Seeing as Im bored and I feel like doing something semi useful, anyone who would like a character or family website may contact me. In general what you will get is a custom made layout & graphics and the begining version of your site fully laid out. You may also request free hosting (no ads, its a private server), a subdomain, masking domain, two different types of email addresses, and for some if you dont know html or php (which the sites will be in whichever you choose) I will remain in contact and update your site with whatever regular information you send me.
The offer is open to guilds and all other organizations as well and yes, I'm able to password protect all the places you dont want everyone not in the guild to see -.- I *could* do a membership/login deal buuuuuut that would take a lotta patience for me and heh youd have to pay fer that patience >.<
Web layouts will depend on the amount of content your site is going to have (as is normal) leaving only a little room to grow. So if youre thinking about a character profile (which is usually less than 10 linked pages) dont worry, your site wont look empty -.-
--- If you'd like a character profile/blog mix thats an available option as well
If enough of you show interest Ill alter this to reflect a general price and all the stuff you get with this. (which is... a really freggin long list if you look at the hosting n such)
You can contact me in game via msg or tells, here via pm, email me at hexelfglimmer@gmail.com or by any of the messengers below...
AIM: gaiassoliloquy MSN: The_divine_alpha@hotmail.com
YIM: shortys67smgt500
P.S. : yes, Ive got examples for you to look at -.-
Seeing as Im bored and I feel like doing something semi useful, anyone who would like a character or family website may contact me. In general what you will get is a custom made layout & graphics and the begining version of your site fully laid out. You may also request free hosting (no ads, its a private server), a subdomain, masking domain, two different types of email addresses, and for some if you dont know html or php (which the sites will be in whichever you choose) I will remain in contact and update your site with whatever regular information you send me.
The offer is open to guilds and all other organizations as well and yes, I'm able to password protect all the places you dont want everyone not in the guild to see -.- I *could* do a membership/login deal buuuuuut that would take a lotta patience for me and heh youd have to pay fer that patience >.<

Web layouts will depend on the amount of content your site is going to have (as is normal) leaving only a little room to grow. So if youre thinking about a character profile (which is usually less than 10 linked pages) dont worry, your site wont look empty -.-
--- If you'd like a character profile/blog mix thats an available option as well
If enough of you show interest Ill alter this to reflect a general price and all the stuff you get with this. (which is... a really freggin long list if you look at the hosting n such)
You can contact me in game via msg or tells, here via pm, email me at hexelfglimmer@gmail.com or by any of the messengers below...
AIM: gaiassoliloquy MSN: The_divine_alpha@hotmail.com
YIM: shortys67smgt500

P.S. : yes, Ive got examples for you to look at -.-

Summer2005-03-25 22:18:12
Do the several mediums include in-game payment? If so, how much for the hosting without any other services (Assuming I can update it myself. Otherwise, nevermind.)? I probably won't need more than 500kb of space.
Richter2005-03-25 22:24:16
Summer2005-03-25 22:31:06
It's what I'm using right now. I don't like geocities ads, and most others are worse. 

Unknown2005-03-26 03:26:13
*smile* Yep, in game payments fine and dandy. Contact me via whichever messenger or email and we'll figure out a reasonable price -.-
Karrah2005-03-26 09:39:47
I'll vouch for her website designs. Top quality. She really is bored, she comes up with new website designs like everyday.
Unknown2005-03-26 19:28:50
*eye karrah* I also -run- a premade/linkware layout and graphics site sweety so yes, duh, I make them pretty much every day >.< Makes for a very well stocked and updated website