
by Shiri

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Shiri2005-03-30 21:12:28
Of that mess just now. SCRY BEFORE YOU TESSERACT. roflmao.gif

EDIT: Whoah, I got kills on Rakor, Yukari, and Imadis, and I didn't even notice, rocks. biggrin.gif
Unknown2005-03-30 21:44:41
Log please? wink.gif
Shiri2005-03-30 21:48:02
I'd have done it if I had JAVA. The funniest bit was that at the start, everyone was following me after the defilement, and the tess started on Moralis. Everyone was yelling "MOVE" at me, but there were so many guards and a totem, I just stayed there and...that happened.

...someone have a log, pleeease. biggrin.gif
Richter2005-03-30 22:02:54
Think it's on another thread. Close it if that's the one, hm? happy.gif
Shiri2005-03-30 22:04:52
That's not all of it. That's just a little part.
Yukari2005-03-30 22:39:39
You got a kill on me...? blink.gif
Shiri2005-03-30 22:40:42
Er...possibly Yuniko. One of you two anyway.
Yukari2005-03-30 22:41:12
No, it wasn't her. She wasn't there. And I thought I died to Gwylifar and Lomdomian...
Shiri2005-03-30 22:42:27
Well, Lomdomian went up and checked and he said it was me, so did Gwylifar on CLT. Heh.
Yukari2005-03-30 22:45:11
I think they're wrong! Or I'm delusional. I know Lomdomian killed me the second time though. You may've the first. Well, I'm pretty damn sure Lomdomian did the second time. harhar1.gif
Shiri2005-03-30 22:50:33
Psh...well, I got one kill on ya anyway! biggrin.gif But the whole circumstance was funny. I'm sure someone has a log. tongue.gif (Munsia perforating Rakor's soul was pretty amusing too.)
Yukari2005-03-30 22:51:42
It would've been funnier if I hadn't died! I'm still trying to get back up to level 72... and I've fallen again to level 70
Shiri2005-03-30 22:56:53
Did you REALLY have to be in a team that huge to kill Moralis, anyway? tongue.gif
Marsu2005-03-30 23:16:41
The totem was fun soooo much spam. I didn't have rebounding up but I deflected all the blows biggrin.gif. You all need to handle spam a bit better though, there was only Imadis left stood there when I sat cured up and ghosted off without being hit tongue.gif

I had no idea the location we were tessing to though =/ It was follow Imadis, yes we love you Imadis

I should go sleep
Shiri2005-03-30 23:25:52
Hahah, go Imadis. Alright. I was handling spam fine! I just did EN and moonburst repeatedly! halo.gif
Typhus2005-04-01 13:22:25
Anyone have the log?