Enemy List

by Vesar

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Vesar2005-04-02 01:51:23
I know this has already been expanded, but would it be possible to expand our enemy list further? I just make too many enemies....

As a Magi, all our demesne effects work off our enemy list, and sometimes our enemies throw more than 30 people at us....
Drago2005-04-02 02:02:38
Oh no, a Mage can't completely stop an entire team by itself.

Whatever shall we do?
Vesar2005-04-02 02:13:01
Well, we can, I just don't want to code it...
Faethan2005-04-02 02:14:56
It seems reasonable to say that your magics can only target 20 people at a time. Of course, I could say its just as reasonable to make that number 30 or 50 or 2. Is the size of the enemy list really creating game imbalance?
Drago2005-04-02 02:19:56
Ok, imagine walking into a demesne of a mage who has 50 enemies.

He declares you all.

You all start getting stunned, blackedout, put to sleep, paralysed, knocked prone, broken limbs, etc, etc, etc.

Increasing the size of your enemy list isn't the answer to the few problems mages have.
Vesar2005-04-02 02:23:09
I'm not saying it's a huge problem. Just something that would be nice.
Silvanus2005-04-02 02:25:00
And if that happens:

2338h, 3472m, 2374e, 10p, 13515en, 16260w exk-help karma

14.3 KARMA

- Karma Cost: 0
- See your karma status and any blessings or curses upon you.
- Karma Cost: 50
- Gain a karmic blessing while standing before a Great Seal.
- Karma Cost: 0
- Remove a karmic blessing while standing before a Great Seal.
- Karma Cost: 0
- Find out how much karma it costs to curse someone, and how much karma
they will initially need to lift that curse.
- Karma Cost: *Special. See below.
- Invoke a karmic curse on a suspect while standing before a Great
- Karma Cost:*Special. See below.
- Remove a karmic curse while standing before a Great Seal.

-The cost to curse someone depends on how many people have suspect on
the curse's target at the time of the curse, calculated at 80 karma
minus 5 karma per suspect. This includes the suspect status you hold
(which will be removed after cursing), so the maximum cost to curse is
75 karma. The minimum curse cost will never fall below 5 karma.

-The cost to initially remove a curse depends upon how many people have
suspect on you at the time of the curse, calculated as 20 karma plus
5 karma per suspect. This includes the suspect status of the person
cursing you (which will be removed after cursing), so the minimum it
will cost to remove a curse is 25 karma. The maximum can never go
above 100 karma. The cost is reduced by 5 karma per online hour to a
minimum of 5 karma.

Both blessings and curses last for 25 hours of online time. There