
by thakin

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thakin2005-04-02 20:13:53
Why can't I adopt children after founding a family with a sibling? sad.gif
A wife wouldn't be so bad, but knowing me, that isn't gonna happen.

Edit: Or can we? The help file doesn't say that we can, and I haven't tried yet, so I doubt it.
Silvanus2005-04-02 20:16:06
Because the adopted child is not blood related to you.
thakin2005-04-02 20:18:16
A merian coming from a loboshigaru and an elf isn't blood related either?
Silvanus2005-04-02 20:19:31
You adopted a child.

They had a child. I agree, that is bad RP, but its still possible.

You adopted it, it wasn't born because of you.
thakin2005-04-02 20:20:12
Nerf families! ninja.gif
thakin2005-04-02 20:36:07

Silvanus! You're a history guru right? I just finished reading the book The Gates Of Fire, and in different parts it talks about Achilles and the battle of Troy and all that. But in the movie Troy, different parts of it talks about the battle of Thermopylae, so which was first, and who messed up?
Silvanus2005-04-02 20:36:42
Ashteru2005-04-02 21:40:06
The Greeks messsed up.
Erion2005-04-02 21:50:12
Trojan War was the first War among Men, caused when Eris rolled the Golden Apple up the mountain and into the courts of Olympus, where Pelius was wed to a sea goddess, Achille's mother and father. This is WAY before the existance of Sparta and Athens. We're talking the Ionian greeks versus pre-Darian invasion greeks. I've always referred to them as pre-greeks, some refer to them as proto-greeks. The Gates of Fire happened when the Persians were invading Greece. It was when the Spartans held off a the invading persian army with a stunningly small number of men (I want to say only a few hundred), using the bodies of the fallen to close the gap between the pass's walls. Eventually a turncoat sold them out, and the persians went around and pinned 'em. sarks.

Anyway. Yea. Gates of Fire was second. It's recorded history. Trojan War was considered nothing more than lore up until the, what, early/mid 1900s. When ruins were discovered. So we've no real idea as to what happened.

And why the HELL were you paying attention to the plot of that movie? It's like porn. We all watched it for Brad Pitt's body, NOT for the story-line.
Silvanus2005-04-02 21:58:03
Troy was discovered in the last 1800s.
Lyren2005-04-02 22:27:17
-cough- Back to the point of the thread, adoption is a perfectly viable reason to bring someone into a family - looking at the HELP CHILDREN file, it says, "The parents you find may be your parents by blood or the ones who raised you. They could be couples of different races or even a same sex couple".
Erion2005-04-02 23:37:14
Adoption is viable - they just want there to be two people for said adoption.