Nayl2005-04-03 19:58:28
Well, this time, I went down a different path in my ad-lib ceremonies
I would get bored too fast doing the same one each time, so
I come up with a new one each time
Same basic formula-ish,
Just details
in any case, ta-da
Within the Iron Maiden
Spikes painfully drive into your flesh.
You follow Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty ether to before the Weeping
Dripping with blood, Serva appears hovering briefly in the air before being
thrown painfully to the ground.
You have emoted: Nayl whimpers, before standing, her tongue dancing along her
bare arm, molten rivulets of blood streaming off of it.
You say to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "M'lady, I bring to ye' a
gift, of my own blood, that you would accept my protege as one of the Iron
Maiden, and mayhaps even one of my aides, if you would allow it."
Before the Weeping Amaranth.
Looking both beautiful and terrible, Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty,
stands poised here with a wickedly sharp and twisted steel instrument in her
hand that she caresses with lingering strokes. A huge archdemon looms here,
surrounded by black mist. Suspended overhead by fine silver wires, the Weeping
Amaranth sprinkles droplets of blood from its open wounds. A fallen archangel
stands guard over a moderate shrine to Raezon. Acolyte Serva, Advocate of
Cruelty is here. She wields a glowing powerstone in each hand.
You incline your head politely to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
You say to Serva, "Torture me."
The ground rumbles and splits open as a malevolent demon crawls out and
scuttles to the side of Serva, cringing and groveling at her feet.
You raise an eyebrow at Serva.
Serva bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a cloud of darkness. She
grips the shoulder of a malevolent demon, whose eyes are briefly covered with
an oily black film.
With a cold smile, a malevolent demon digs his claws into your flesh, sending a
bolt of excruciating pain through your body.
Serva whispers something to a malevolent demon.
A malevolent demon seems to settle down.
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty says, "Are you shackled?"
You curl your lip and sneer arrogantly.
You say, "Shouldn't you know?"
Serva points at you and shoves a malevolent demon towards you. Wicked steel
implements appear in his claws as he jumps on you, then begins to carve deeply
and slowly into your flesh. You scream and convulse in abject agony during this
obscene torture.
Serva nods her head emphatically.
(1k Damage, and about 400 bleeding later)
Serva blushes furiously.
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty says, "Yes, I should."
You say, "Alright."
You have emoted: Nayl dips her fingers into the pool of blood, bringing them up
with droplets of crimson tears falling from them.
You say to Serva, "Are you prepared to become one of the Iron Maiden, to
venture into the True Path of Cruelty, in all it's forms, to do unto others, as
has been done unto you?"
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty watches the High Priestess' movements,
licking her lips before replying 'Yes, High Priestess.'
You have emoted: Nayl motions you to kneel.
Serva kneels onto one knee, demonstrating her humility and respect.
The cackles and growls of numerous demonic beings reverberate throughout the
You have emoted: Nayl places her hand before your mouth, before pausing.
You say, "Then taste, of the splendor to come, that ye may know it's bounty,
and strive for it, evermore."
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty opens her mouth, half-wide, then extends her
small tongue to lick Nayl's hand, her eyes wide and glowing.
You say to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "It is done, another is
bound into your Service, to be abused as needed."
You nod your head at Serva.
Serva stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Serva curtseys respectfully before you.
Serva will now be known as Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden.
You say, "Welcome."
Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden looks up, awe-inspired at Nifilhema.
You say, "With time, you may become an aide."
Serva nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Of course, assuming you prove yourself."
You say, "Now, we must depart."
Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden says, "Of course..."
You curtsey respectfully before Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty roars with rage.
Serva curtseys respectfully before Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty bellows with fury.
I would get bored too fast doing the same one each time, so
I come up with a new one each time

Same basic formula-ish,
Just details
in any case, ta-da
Within the Iron Maiden
Spikes painfully drive into your flesh.
You follow Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty ether to before the Weeping
Dripping with blood, Serva appears hovering briefly in the air before being
thrown painfully to the ground.
You have emoted: Nayl whimpers, before standing, her tongue dancing along her
bare arm, molten rivulets of blood streaming off of it.
You say to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "M'lady, I bring to ye' a
gift, of my own blood, that you would accept my protege as one of the Iron
Maiden, and mayhaps even one of my aides, if you would allow it."
Before the Weeping Amaranth.
Looking both beautiful and terrible, Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty,
stands poised here with a wickedly sharp and twisted steel instrument in her
hand that she caresses with lingering strokes. A huge archdemon looms here,
surrounded by black mist. Suspended overhead by fine silver wires, the Weeping
Amaranth sprinkles droplets of blood from its open wounds. A fallen archangel
stands guard over a moderate shrine to Raezon. Acolyte Serva, Advocate of
Cruelty is here. She wields a glowing powerstone in each hand.
You incline your head politely to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
You say to Serva, "Torture me."
The ground rumbles and splits open as a malevolent demon crawls out and
scuttles to the side of Serva, cringing and groveling at her feet.
You raise an eyebrow at Serva.
Serva bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a cloud of darkness. She
grips the shoulder of a malevolent demon, whose eyes are briefly covered with
an oily black film.
With a cold smile, a malevolent demon digs his claws into your flesh, sending a
bolt of excruciating pain through your body.
Serva whispers something to a malevolent demon.
A malevolent demon seems to settle down.
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty says, "Are you shackled?"
You curl your lip and sneer arrogantly.
You say, "Shouldn't you know?"
Serva points at you and shoves a malevolent demon towards you. Wicked steel
implements appear in his claws as he jumps on you, then begins to carve deeply
and slowly into your flesh. You scream and convulse in abject agony during this
obscene torture.
Serva nods her head emphatically.
(1k Damage, and about 400 bleeding later)
Serva blushes furiously.
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty says, "Yes, I should."
You say, "Alright."
You have emoted: Nayl dips her fingers into the pool of blood, bringing them up
with droplets of crimson tears falling from them.
You say to Serva, "Are you prepared to become one of the Iron Maiden, to
venture into the True Path of Cruelty, in all it's forms, to do unto others, as
has been done unto you?"
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty watches the High Priestess' movements,
licking her lips before replying 'Yes, High Priestess.'
You have emoted: Nayl motions you to kneel.
Serva kneels onto one knee, demonstrating her humility and respect.
The cackles and growls of numerous demonic beings reverberate throughout the
You have emoted: Nayl places her hand before your mouth, before pausing.
You say, "Then taste, of the splendor to come, that ye may know it's bounty,
and strive for it, evermore."
Acolyte Serva, Advocate of Cruelty opens her mouth, half-wide, then extends her
small tongue to lick Nayl's hand, her eyes wide and glowing.
You say to Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty, "It is done, another is
bound into your Service, to be abused as needed."
You nod your head at Serva.
Serva stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Serva curtseys respectfully before you.
Serva will now be known as Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden.
You say, "Welcome."
Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden looks up, awe-inspired at Nifilhema.
You say, "With time, you may become an aide."
Serva nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Of course, assuming you prove yourself."
You say, "Now, we must depart."
Acolyte Serva, of the Iron Maiden says, "Of course..."
You curtsey respectfully before Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty roars with rage.
Serva curtseys respectfully before Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty.
Nifilhema, Queen of Insufferable Cruelty bellows with fury.
Roul2005-04-03 20:23:07
That's just disturbing. =/
Vix2005-04-03 20:53:48
Wow. I have to agree with Roul there.
Manjanaia2005-04-03 20:53:52
I think you missed the Sado out of the thread title.
Roul2005-04-03 21:49:31
You know what's sad? I'm in Nifilhema's Path as well.
But I never did anything like that. lol NO THANK YOU. I'M NOT ALL SICK AND DISGUSTING. I probably should've joined Ashtorath's or Gorgulu's. They would make more sense. Ashtorath's is easy to follow. You get real mad and kill things. And try to overthrow people. Gorgulu you just go crazy and kill things. And eat them. And spit at people.
Nifilhema, you've gotta be all like, into either getting chained up to the wall with 359083459834 hooks in you, or chaining up someone to the wall with 43974309734 hooks in them. Oh baby, that's some hawt stuff.
But I never did anything like that. lol NO THANK YOU. I'M NOT ALL SICK AND DISGUSTING. I probably should've joined Ashtorath's or Gorgulu's. They would make more sense. Ashtorath's is easy to follow. You get real mad and kill things. And try to overthrow people. Gorgulu you just go crazy and kill things. And eat them. And spit at people.
Nifilhema, you've gotta be all like, into either getting chained up to the wall with 359083459834 hooks in you, or chaining up someone to the wall with 43974309734 hooks in them. Oh baby, that's some hawt stuff.
Laysus2005-04-04 00:37:58
Looks like fun 

Nayl2005-04-04 06:41:05
Meh, it's ar-pee.
Not my fault I enjoy it
on Occasion
Not my fault I enjoy it
on Occasion
Jack2005-04-04 07:04:27
It's the only thing I miss from Magnagora.
That, and putrefaction..

That, and putrefaction..

Daganev2005-04-04 08:39:29
If you can't RP that ugly is beautifull, you need some lessons from the RP police.
Nayl2005-04-04 09:13:51
Daga, Crush, Now

Shiri2005-04-04 10:12:43
Heh, I think it's a matter of not wanting to more than not being able to.
Nayl2005-04-04 10:23:53
Heh, I think it's a matter of not wanting to more than not being able to.
I do it because it's something different,
something that's so totally archaic, and out-of-fashion,
And it actually interests me.
Well, your choice, my choice
Shiri2005-04-04 10:36:26
'xactly. Wasn't blaming you, or anything. It's interesting. (Not my thing though.
) But I was defending against Daganev's point that if you can't do it you're screwed up, as the issue is more that you don't want to do it rather than you can't. I could play an evil character if I choose, I just don't want to, and it's the same for most everyone else.
That's all I was saying.

Nayl2005-04-04 10:42:39
Ah, makes more sense now.
Also, incase your wondering, Opus Dei = Bad.
Now, if anyone doesn't know who Opus Dei are, good on ya,
and if your a member
I'll hunt you
For as my friend said when she left
Also, incase your wondering, Opus Dei = Bad.
Now, if anyone doesn't know who Opus Dei are, good on ya,
and if your a member
I'll hunt you
For as my friend said when she left
"For what you have done to me, to my friends...
My hands shall be Hate
My eyes Revenge
My hands shall be Hate
My eyes Revenge
Unknown2005-06-02 04:55:21

Unknown2005-06-03 09:50:57
June 1st ? The frik? How'ed this get up here? 

Manjanaia2005-06-03 10:38:10
Forget about this thread. Kinky.
Nayl2005-06-03 11:10:19
So did I, to tell you the truth.
Back in the day, I was sooo twisted.
Wait, what do I mean back in the day.

Back in the day, I was sooo twisted.
Wait, what do I mean back in the day.

Unknown2005-06-03 14:15:40
I stand by my statement since Open Beta, Demonlords are freaks and supernals rule
Nayl2005-06-03 14:35:57