Amaru2005-04-09 11:11:46
QUOTE(Genos @ Apr 9 2005, 12:12 AM)
That's because Munsia runs away flailing and screaming when she's not in her demesne. I've seen it with my own two eyes, it was funny.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Munsia gives you the once over.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Munsia snickers softly to herself.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Rose Warrior Munsia D'cente, Nature's Wrath says, "Ready ass?"
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-look
The staging grounds of the Klangratch Tournies.
Shafts of blue light form crisscrossing patterns here. This location is flooded
with shallow, crystal clear water. Racks of various weapons rest against the
caverned walls of this waiting chamber, just outside the main arena, for
warriors to pick and choose prior to their battle. Roughly hewn chairs carved
from stone provide a prequel of restful waiting, and through the gates ahead
the main battlefield looms waiting for a continuum of eternal battles.
Crackling with blue lightning, the Handmaiden of Shakiniel hovers in the air
here. Limned with holy fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating
cloud, regarding you with her sympathetic eyes of light. A magnificent white
unicorn stands here in silence, illuminating her surroundings with a gentle
silver glow. Rose Warrior Munsia, Nature's Wrath is here, shrouded. She wields
a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a golden sickle in her right.
You see a single exit leading out.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-order 69250 follow me
order 77091 follow me
order handmaiden follow me
order 69250 kill munsia
order handmaiden kill munsia
A celestial archangel obediently falls into line behind you.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-softchant
outd aeon
fling aeon at munsia
A magnificent unicorn obediently falls into line behind you.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel obediently falls into line behind you.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You order a celestial archangel to kill Munsia.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You order the Handmaiden of Shakiniel to kill Munsia.
You chant rhythmically under your breath.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You shuffle 1 card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
4534h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4534h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-softchant
outd aeon
fling aeon at munsia
4534h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You chant rhythmically under your breath.
4534h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You bleed 5 health.
4529h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You shuffle 1 card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
4529h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You fling a tarot card at Munsia, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool squirts water at Munsia
from a large flower.
The bells of a jester continue to jingle madly.
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
Munsia takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike
Munsia, whose body quakes upon the impact.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at Munsia, which sinks deep into her skull and makes her reel
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-look
The staging grounds of the Klangratch Tournies.
Shafts of blue light form crisscrossing patterns here. This location is flooded
with shallow, crystal clear water. Racks of various weapons rest against the
caverned walls of this waiting chamber, just outside the main arena, for
warriors to pick and choose prior to their battle. Roughly hewn chairs carved
from stone provide a prequel of restful waiting, and through the gates ahead
the main battlefield looms waiting for a continuum of eternal battles.
Crackling with blue lightning, the Handmaiden of Shakiniel hovers in the air
here. Limned with holy fire, a celestial archangel stands loftily on a floating
cloud, regarding you with her sympathetic eyes of light. A magnificent white
unicorn stands here in silence, illuminating her surroundings with a gentle
silver glow. Rose Warrior Munsia, Nature's Wrath is here, shrouded. She wields
a mystic cudgel in her left hand and a golden sickle in her right.
You see a single exit leading out.
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel raises her shield, which shoots a ball of crackling
blue lightning at Munsia.
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
Munsia looks around vainly for a partner to tango with.
4529h, 3120m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4534h, 3195m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
4534h, 3195m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-softchant
outd aeon
fling aeon at munsia
You chant rhythmically under your breath.
4534h, 3195m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You shuffle 1 card with the image of the Aeon out of your deck.
4534h, 3195m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You fling a tarot card at Munsia, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool squirts water at Munsia
from a large flower.
The bells of a jester continue to jingle madly.
4534h, 3145m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4534h, 3145m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
Bleeding wounds open up on your body, as your soul surges with holy power.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
Munsia gives up a round of applause.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb- outd hangedman
fling hangedman at munsia
You must regain balance first.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb- outd hangedman
fling hangedman at munsia
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at Munsia, which envelops her
in a field of crackling energy.
Bowing her head and crossing her arms, a celestial archangel sends a bolt of
topaz light at Munsia, which sinks deep into her skull and makes her reel
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You must regain balance first.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You aren't holding a tarot card with that image on it.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Rose Warrior Munsia D'cente, Nature's Wrath says, "Amaru."
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb- outd hangedman
fling hangedman at munsia
The Handmaiden of Shakinielraises her hand to her forehead, and closes her eyes
as if in prayor. Then her eyes flash open and she plunges the blade deep into
Munsia's chest.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You shuffle 1 card with the image of the Hanged Man out of your deck.
4530h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You fling a tarot card at Munsia, and a jester appears with a slack jawed
expression. With a mad jingling of his bells, the fool pinches Munsia's nose
and shouts, "WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP!".
The jingling of the bells of a jester fall silent.
The pipe has nothing smokeable in it.
outr faeleaf
put faeleaf into pipe82736
4530h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You bleed 5 health.
4525h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1373.
4525h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You must regain balance first.
4525h, 3170m, 3658e, 10p ekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
outr coltsfoot
put coltsfoot into pipe84517
outr faeleaf
put faeleaf into pipe82736
inr faeleaf
inr coltsfoot
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You remove 1 coltsfoot, bringing the total in the Rift to 781.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
The pipe is full.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-softchant
Passive mode.
smoke pipe82736
starchant judgement munsia
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1372.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You fill your pipe with a stalk of faeleaf.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You store 1 faeleaf, bringing the total to 1373.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You store 1 coltsfoot, bringing the total to 782.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You chant rhythmically under your breath.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4534h, 3220m, 3658e, 10p exkdb-
You call down a beam of brilliant light upon Munsia.
4534h, 2420m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike
Munsia, whose body quakes upon the impact.
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike
Munsia, whose body quakes upon the impact.
4534h, 2420m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
Munsia closes her eyes, curls up into a ball and falls asleep.
4534h, 2484m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel breathes out a cloud of scintillating light, which
engulfs Munsia and makes her pale.
4534h, 2484m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
Bleeding wounds open up on your body, as your soul surges with holy power.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
Munsia opens her eyes and yawns mightily.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
You chant to the Illuminator of Merciful Justice, and his presence manifests as
a column of topaz light. You point at Munsia, and obediently the column of
light moves to envelop her in the light of holy judgment.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p xkdb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
Munsia takes a long drag off her pipe.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
Munsia twitches spasmodically.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
Munsia waggles her eyebrows comically.
4361h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
You bleed 5 health.
4356h, 2884m, 3658e, 5p exkdb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You patiently wait for the rendering of judgment against Munsia, as the column
of topaz light brightens and intensifies around her, making her shudder
4356h, 2884m, 3658e, 6p exkdb-
Visaeris has been slain by the might of Lunatic Narsrim D'cente, Clangorian
You see the death occur at trickling stream.
4534h, 2959m, 3658e, 6p exkdb-
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at Munsia, which envelops her
in a field of crackling energy.
A celestial archangel flings a cobalt blue disc at Munsia, which envelops her
in a field of crackling energy.
4534h, 2959m, 3658e, 6p exkdb-
Your call for judgment against Munsia resolves against her, and the column of
Active mode.
topaz light flares around her in a cold, white light. She screams and her body
drops to the ground in a lifeless heap.
You have slain Munsia.
Munsia drops some golden sovereigns onto the ground.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat
with Munsia.
Soll2005-04-09 11:43:30

Summer2005-04-09 16:03:59
Is it just me or was she probably expecting the fight to take place in the Arena?
Amaru2005-04-09 16:33:26
Then she should watch her mouth.
Jack2005-04-09 16:41:46

Genos2005-04-09 17:08:20
Well, in that case she couldn't run away screaming because it didn't look like she cured any of those afflictions. But if she could've, she would've. 

Manjanaia2005-04-09 17:14:25
Visaeris has been slain by the might of Lunatic Narsrim D'cente, Clangorian
You see the death occur at trickling stream.
You see the death occur at trickling stream.
That amused me, given the content of this thread.