Power up the council

by Akraasiel

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Laysus2005-04-09 18:58:36
related to this, it sure felt like the Wyrm had gotten a boost recently, when he slaughtered me after I'd solo'd him with relative ease twice a short time before that.
Shiri2005-04-09 19:05:48
Although when me, Laysus, Vix and Lomdomian can take them all on unaided in about a minute you know something's going wrong. :/
Erion2005-04-10 01:05:34
I agree with the idea, though, that depending on the # of council members raised, there should be a room-wide attack to glor/glom enemies.

And I was level 67 or so, but was down to 58 when I left mag, and like, 36 now, because of that damn event, and suicide-mass links on Astral w/out Conglute.
Daganev2005-04-10 03:41:02
People who spend a lot of time comming up wih complicated charachters with political aspirations, or RP asprirations normally don't have the time or desire to sit there killing monsters or find the need to waste Money on Skills they don't see themselves ever using.

The post politically powerfull charachter I have played was the one with the lowest level, and least amount of gold or credits put into them. (i.e no real money spent on credits)
Singollo2005-04-10 23:23:13
QUOTE(Erion @ Apr 9 2005, 09:05 PM)
I agree with the idea, though, that depending on the # of council members raised, there should be a room-wide attack to glor/glom enemies.

And I was level 67 or so, but was down to 58 when I left mag, and like, 36 now, because of that damn event, and suicide-mass links on Astral w/out Conglute.

I believe he was referring to your skills as well. Considering I've been around half as long as you, have changed from guardian to warrior and you're still 25% of my might, you need more skills. We only want leaders with skills... You know, like bowhunting skills.. nunchuck skills.. computer hacking skills.
Singollo2005-04-10 23:24:25
QUOTE(daganev @ Apr 9 2005, 11:41 PM)
People who spend a lot of time comming up wih complicated charachters with political aspirations, or RP asprirations normally don't have the time or desire to sit there killing monsters or find the need to waste Money on Skills they don't see themselves ever using.

The post politically powerfull charachter I have played was the one with the lowest level, and least amount of gold or credits put into them. (i.e no real money spent on credits)

That's bullcrap. Achaea was an excellent case-study of how this is wrong, back when people did RP there.
Shiri2005-04-10 23:26:07
Take a look at Rhysus, for example.

I don't even know what he DOES with that 165% my might, but he sure as hell isn't killing people with it. blink.gif
Erion2005-04-10 23:56:04
QUOTE(Singollo @ Apr 10 2005, 07:23 PM)
I believe he was referring to your skills as well. Considering I've been around half as long as you, have changed from guardian to warrior and you're still 25% of my might, you need more skills. We only want leaders with skills... You know, like bowhunting skills.. nunchuck skills.. computer hacking skills.

Erm, I've always been guardian. I was a Celestine, then a rogue Celestine, then a Nihilist. And when I was a Nihilist, it was temporary, so I never put much in my skills, and dropped the guild skills when I left, so that I wouldn't be enemied.

Thus, I'm running around with like, Master/vert/master skills. tongue.gif Cosmic, rituals, and Tarot. No fun. tongue.gif So I'm just waiting for the Glom, then to dump all of my lessons (and then some, as I'll probably be buying credits) into those skills. So then I can resume bashing. As it stands, I have A) no vials (or, more correctly, very few - most of them decayed), and none of the remaining ones are not health/mana/bromide, cool.gif censor.gif int, nice con, but not for the field of mobs that I should be bashing, as my int sarks! C) too pre-occupied with Glom stuff TO spend time bashing, unless it's for the glom. tongue.gif

EDIT: Watch your language. ~Shiri~

RE: EDIT: Meh - see, I'm paying no attention to my typing. wink.gif