City/Commune RP

by Richter

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Thorgal2005-04-13 15:59:30
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Apr 13 2005, 05:49 PM)
That's what I've been saying! tongue.gif

I've always been telling the Serenwilde leadership not to alienate the Summer Court or Viravain, and to help her where they can, and where it doesn't involve harming them, their spirits, or the Fae. I mean, at times, it seems like there is no reason to behave the way they do, other then the preconceived OOC notion that has been repeatedly drilled into everyone's heads that "Glomdoring and Serenwilde must fight at all times! Rowr!"

Then they'd have to actually accept the taint as something that isn't evil though, so it probably will never happen.
Daganev2005-04-13 16:57:04
If someoen is being deceptive and evil, your not going to see it tongue.gif
Richter2005-04-13 17:10:56
QUOTE(daganev @ Apr 12 2005, 08:03 PM)
but richter won't

Yeah, but they -kinda- got back on topic. I love the posts about how each of the four will affect the others. smile.gif
Llexyn2005-04-13 17:25:36
My take on this is that it seems Serenwilde has become so Anti-Taint that they've lost focus on the fact that they should ALSO be Anti-City. They've taken up defense for or with (I haven't figured out if they actually care about Celest or if Celest just lets Serenwilde do their dirty work cause they're either too afraid to or are lazy or what) Celest just to beat down on Magnagora.

For Serenwilde - they need to put focus into becoming the Commune they should be and not having thugs raid villages and planes just for fun. They're main focus should be PROTECTing forest (while I understand the taint is anti-forest, I think unless someone's actively working the taint over forestal areas, Serenwilde should remain uninvolved. If Serenwilde became anti-city instead of anti-taint, I think the citizens of Magnagora would pretty much leave Serenwilde alone). Serenwilde shouldn't have any influence over ANY village and to be civil, at the least, with the other two cities, make neutralized agreements with them to tithe commodities that they need.

For Celest - all I can say is "Stand up for yourselves!" Celest's citizenry is made of who? They aren't active enough on a Basin-wide capacity. They aren't even actively Anti-Taint. They let Serenwilde do the work against this cause. Doesn't say much for Celest except this: Celest is in a weak pitiful state. Perhaps if the citizens cared enough about being Anti-Taint, there wouldn't be an agreement (and it's a VERY small one) with Magnagora.

For Magnagora - They're very Pro-Taint, which is awesome. Granted, they have a few thugs, too that stand to just cause nuisance to many others. They're a very dominating force in the Basin and they should be but it is sad to see that conflict rises up within the city itself just as much as it does outside. Magnagorans aren't mainly powerhungry people but they have citizens who are adamant about their opinions and that tends to cause arguments many times too much.

I'd like to see Celest and Magnagora be the sole influencers over villages and fight more over RPing the whole Anti/Pro-Taint. I'd like to see Serenwilde take a completely neutral stance against both cities and work to make agreements with the cities for commodities.
Daganev2005-04-13 17:35:51
That makes serenwilde sound way too much like the forestal groups of other IRE games too much.

I don't understand the need for serenwilde to ignore Auskelis's teachings so much.
Malicia2005-04-13 18:04:24
For Celest - all I can say is "Stand up for yourselves!" Celest's citizenry is made of who? They aren't active enough on a Basin-wide capacity. They aren't even actively Anti-Taint. They let Serenwilde do the work against this cause. Doesn't say much for Celest except this: Celest is in a weak pitiful state. Perhaps if the citizens cared enough about being Anti-Taint, there wouldn't be an agreement (and it's a VERY small one) with Magnagora

I agree with Llexyn. The Celestians seem to be concerned with becoming more anti-commune when they are supposedly anti-taint.. (which honestly makes no rp sense). The Serens are more anti-taint than the Celestians are. We are anti-city but over time, we have become a bit more anti-Mag. That can be relaxed eventually.
Daganev2005-04-13 18:11:16
I think celest is tire of getting stuck with only one village from a 'alliance' with serenwwilde. Atleast this way they get a more productive mine.
Malicia2005-04-13 18:18:24
wtf? There was no alliance. We tried to help the Celestians keep their second village. Mag had it all demesned. We died trying. We helped them get the first two they were EVER able to get. Come on.
Nyla2005-04-13 19:30:42
QUOTE(Akraasiel @ Apr 13 2005, 08:52 AM)
Three comments.

Nyla, the Night Coven always needs someone who is willing to stand up and do something. Come my padawan learner, embrace the dark side! Bwahahaha! tongue.gif (hehe I love my Palpatine)


I invented the darkside.

First Nyla doest care about the taint. To him its there. OH well, so what. Second, Nyla still cares for Erion, but wants him dead....a lot. Third, Nyla cant stand Morrigana. Then there is Nyla's dream of turning Ackleberry into den of sin and debauchery.
Shiri2005-04-13 21:15:14
Eh...maybe Serenwilde is too much Anti-Taint and not Anti-City enough.

Thing is, it's hard NOT to be. Since Furloch snarfed Jelani's trade dues to Magnagora so long ago, Magnagora's been attacking us, raiding us on and off (if you don't believe it, just ask Murphy), killing us if we go into their Plane, all sorts.

Celest? Helping us get our villages, generally cordial with our Commune members, and so forth.

If Magnagora wasn't so anti-Serenwilde, we wouldn't need to be anti-Magnagora, and could concentrate on being anti-city more. It's out of necessity that it started, and out of fear that such necessity would rise again that we didn't try to abandon our relatively good relations with Celest in favour of "sticking to the histories" afterwards.

As for whether Glomdoring and Serenwilde will be more allied - well, Crow and Hart hate each other, so I doubt it will happen. ESPECIALLY if the Wiccans there don't use Wicca and summon the same Faeries as us. * pray.gif for Serenwilde keeping a purpose*

Celest, I can't really say I see a problem.
Then again, I don't see an awful lot of Celest in general.
Part of the problem, I think, is that as Terenas says Serenwilde only has a few good fighters (Narsrim, Tuek, a few Serenguard, eh) and Celest has about as many (Amaru, Shamarah, Geb, etc.) but Magnagora has them in the dozens (Daevos, Ixion, Murphy, ands lotsa others.)
Daganev2005-04-13 21:25:11
Each city has just as many good fighters as any other.

Magnagora has more crappy fighters willing to fight.
Shiri2005-04-13 21:35:22
Oh, actually, you're probably right there. I was struggling for names there, but I notice a much larger Magnagoran military than Celestian and Seren militaries, so I just said it anyway! halo.gif
Elryn2005-04-14 01:27:21
QUOTE(Thorgal @ Apr 14 2005, 01:59 AM)
Then they'd have to actually accept the taint as something that isn't evil though, so it probably will never happen.

I don't think Serenwilde gives a damn whether the taint is good or evil in a moral sense. I mean, the Serenwilde is pretty objectively evil itself.

You mean they'd have to accept the taint isn't anti-nature, and all the supplied histories were wrong.
Unknown2005-04-14 01:34:45
Celest + Serenwilde has to go.

And I'm working on it .
Desdemona2005-04-14 02:04:37
For Glomdoring, I really don't want them to take the role of Seren's atagonist too seriously. I want them to be a somber commune of forestals that see in Serenwilde a half that compliments them, and together find that they both perform roles connected within Nature. Glomdoring (Death) and Serenwilde (Ferility). They both could be enemies, but with the understandment that they cannot at all trust the cities, so if not engaging in open conflict with the cities, at least trying to make sure both cities engage on conflict. Also, perhaps Glomdoring could be able to cycle with Serenwilde, hunt/peace or whatever, something that doesn't become completely continous and stagnating. Yes, maybe both communes could engage on a ritualistic battles. Glomdoring hunting Serenwilde, whilst Serenwilde tries to fend off the "predator" in Ethereal and the forests, as sign of reverence to their respective Guiding Spirits, something slightly symbiotic.

For Magnagora, I would also want their rabid dog attitude to be put to rest. Perhaps engaging on campaings to subtly remove the Light, and make the Basin consider them as being erronously antagonized (something that would be extremely difficult to accomplish now). JAlso, working on slowly trying to dim the presence of the Light, while scheming to manage to accomplish what Celest did once in the past, stablishing an Empire, through more arts of artifice rather than pure bloodshed.

For Celest, I'd like to see them fulfill the role of both penitent and sheepherder. A city made ouf ot survivors with ample knowledge that they are considered guilty on the public's eye for the things that happened for the past, and wish to rectify this things while also showing everyone else that the Light is the force to strenghthen and enlighten everyone with the Basin (meaning, trying to convert the Basin into the Light). With always, of course, fond memories of their times of glory and the ambition of trying to recover such gracious glory.

Edit: Also, I would like for Serenwilde to engage on a civil war and be less like a city as we were. We don't need strict guidance, nor stone carved laws... That is my opinion, of course.
Maelon2005-04-14 03:47:14
I'd like to see more RP in general. Sitting at the Nexus talking about RL food or calculating damage is really not necessary. Of the people roleplaying well, I'd like to see them IC more doh.gif. I know they're out there, many are just not near me when I'm logged in...

For Celest, a more willful leadership, leading... to somewhere, would be nice. More roleplaying seeking advice, like asking a priest the best ways to use the dangerous Inquisition, for example, would be really interesting. Some accountability enforcement would be good too. In general, I don't mind alliances with Serenwilde IC, though some members don't ring too fondly with Maelon, he's gotten along with quite a few more. Not the greatest reception visiting, which is great OOC and made him sad IC. I would really like to see the city enforce its own policies, refuse more (huge) former enemies, and unite against Taint more strongly. Conversion with effective preaching of the great ideals of etc and so on should be a higher priority too, but I fear for that one. Our lax defense policy has to go also, IC and OOC. I think the best aspect that could come from the good relationship between Celest and Magnagora during the crisis would be an exhibition of honor amongst those who fought alongside one another. You can understand that you have to fight your enemy, while still showing appreciation at prior respectable deeds, WITHOUT suggesting that they're welcome to dip their Viscanti tails (those with them) in the Pool and have some Merian punch. You know, made from Merians.
Gregori2005-04-14 04:04:58
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Apr 13 2005, 09:49 AM)
That's what I've been saying! tongue.gif

I've always been telling the Serenwilde leadership not to alienate the Summer Court or Viravain, and to help her where they can, and where it doesn't involve harming them, their spirits, or the Fae. I mean, at times, it seems like there is no reason to behave the way they do, other then the preconceived OOC notion that has been repeatedly drilled into everyone's heads that "Glomdoring and Serenwilde must fight at all times! Rowr!"

I have one thing to say to this

Ummm.. when did you ever try and tell Serenwilde leadership anything about the Summer Court or Viravain?

9 times out of 10 Serenwilde leadership can't get you to listen to a thing they say, or do a thing they ask. Have you wondered yet why Narsrim is asked to do things now and you are left out in the cold. Put the pieces together and realise your ego and imaginations of things said don't amount to a whole lot anymore. *prays for the day Narsrim realises he would be a better Champion*
Daganev2005-04-14 06:22:49
If you want to see the most odd collection of people roleplaying... and I mean really ecletic group of roleplayers... hang out at the Ravenwood tree. You get the oddest theories and personalities going around...
*hint* I'm not the normal one.
Unknown2005-04-14 06:26:51
Ummm.. when did you ever try and tell Serenwilde leadership anything about the Summer Court or Viravain?

He has told at least one, several times.
Unknown2005-04-14 10:25:58
QUOTE(Gregori @ Apr 13 2005, 06:04 PM)
I have one thing to say to this
Ummm.. when did you ever try and tell Serenwilde leadership anything about the Summer Court or Viravain?

9 times out of 10 Serenwilde leadership can't get you to listen to a thing they say, or do a thing they ask. Have you wondered yet why Narsrim is asked to do things now and you are left out in the cold. Put the pieces together and realise your ego and imaginations of things said don't amount to a whole lot anymore. *prays for the day Narsrim realises he would be a better Champion*

For one, my comment was a general comment, not directed at you, so why flame?

By 9 times out of 10, and by Serenwilde leadership, you mean you and yourself alone. You ignore every idea I put forth, solely because you have some petty dislike of me, regardless that I try to work with you anyway, but now I prefer to work around you through the other Moon Circle members and keep you out of the loop.

I have discussed with Ibaesha on multiple occasions what would be the best course of action for the Moondancers, and perhaps the Commune as well, as to how to handle the situation with the Summer Court, and Ibaesha even pushed to allow them to continue based on what I had told her. Just because you weren't privy to the conversation doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think you need to drop the ego, and the petty games you like to play. It's a waste of everyone's damned time, maybe you ought to go do something useful, and not forget simple things like making sure there is enough money in the power ministry to place guards?

As for Narsrim and I, we are good friends, we work together for our benefit and our Guilds benefit. You are quite misled, having no knowledge of the internal workings of our guild having been long displaced.

My suggestion to the character Gregori, is to focus on his job and his alone, and to drop the personal vendetta against me. Never seems like he is doing it with the hours upon hours he spends at the start of the QWHO list, daydreaming and idling away his time.