by Estarra

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Estarra2005-04-14 02:13:26
QUOTE(Shiri @ Apr 13 2005, 05:47 PM)
Nooo! The poor Furrikin! This is why it should've been a male Furrikin damnit! I don't want the coolest race in the game getting all messed up! *doesn't want images of awesome kitsunebito ruined by some sort of furry art :/*

I think you will be well pleased with the female squirrel furrikin. She actually exceeded my furrikin expectations!

Anyway, I wanted half the races to be female and half to be male, so in the end there will be 9 male and 9 female depictions. I pretty much chose the sex of the races randomly. I think I started going down the list male/female/male/female then half way through mixed it up to be different.
Daganev2005-04-14 03:29:37
damn.. never realized we had 18 races...

so who's tae'dae is better? and is the Tae'dae female? cause that would rock..
Summer2005-04-14 04:07:15
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Apr 14 2005, 09:16 AM)
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the Mugwump's sexyness exaggerated.

Only the Mugwump? tongue.gif
Estarra2005-04-14 04:24:45
QUOTE(daganev @ Apr 13 2005, 08:29 PM)
damn.. never realized we had 18 races...

so who's tae'dae is better?  and is the Tae'dae female?  cause that would rock..

Aslaran - Male
Dracnari - Female
Dwarf - Male
Elfen - Female
Faeling - Male
Furrikin - Female
Human - Male
Igasho - Female
Krokani - Male
Loboshigaru - Male
Lucidian - Female
Merian - Female
Mugwump - Female
Orclach - Male
Tae'dae - Male
Taurian - Female
Trill - Male
Viscanti - Female
Karrah2005-04-14 04:39:28
Then spend more of the credit money on the opposite genders in different guilds. biggrin.gif
Unknown2005-04-14 05:20:32
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Apr 13 2005, 03:16 PM)
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the Mugwump's sexyness exaggerated.

That depends. Anyone else find Kethuru's connectedness to reality overpowered and in need of a nerf? If so, yes.

Good artist, though he really seems to like drawing the female upper torso...
Daganev2005-04-14 06:37:38
I don't know if everyone is trying to be PC or not, but the mamaries on these drawings are fairly small for a fantasy artist.
Summer2005-04-14 07:02:50
They are? blink.gif I'd say they are D cup at least. If not larger.
Unknown2005-04-14 07:04:12
I don't look at much fantasy art... those just seem rather large compared to most real life ones I've seen. Though it could be that outfit (or lack thereof).

Edit: Summer = ninja.gif
Daganev2005-04-14 08:47:28
Not sure if you can compare the perfect firmness fantasy charachters have to real life comparrisons (unless your looking at the adult industry) but just do a google image search for 'Sorceress' and you'll see what I mean.

edit: Oh wait, I live in california.. its all different here. I keep forgetting that.
Murphy2005-04-14 08:54:46
Man make the dracnari as a male, and give him my description.
Iridiel2005-04-14 08:57:51
Well, fantasy artists have a tendency to draw half naked women with lots of curves, little cloth and big weapons... Must be the touristic pictures they put in the inns to atract adventurers.
I wonder how useful is that startegically situated piece of armour when somebody intends to kill you. Amateurs! tongue.gif
Niara2005-04-14 09:25:08
You have never seen a chainmail bikini, did you?
It just depends on the skill of the woman to twist and turn her body fast enough so the mean guy with the big sword only hits the metal parts.
Iridiel2005-04-14 10:44:47
What about a female tae'dae? She surely cannot move fast enough! tongue.gif
Shoshana2005-04-14 10:56:33
Yeah, but a tae'dae in a bikini would be kinda pointless seeing as they have all that fur anyway... Hehe, the tae'dae shoulda been female, I want to see what this guy would come up with!
Iridiel2005-04-14 11:19:02
A big bear with balloons on her chest and dressed on small pieces of ethereal silk with a big mace.
Or Daganev avatar in a mail chain bikini tongue.gif
Unknown2005-04-14 12:46:13
I wanted to see female tae'dae and orclach, just for the heck of it. Ah well. You can't win 'em all.
Narsrim2005-04-14 14:33:30
QUOTE(Richter @ Apr 13 2005, 04:31 PM)
Mmmm bearded women.

Read Help Dwarf
Unknown2005-04-14 14:46:50
It's a lie. Propaganda.

Dwarven women DO have beards. Or at least moustache.
Shiri2005-04-14 16:25:34
QUOTE(Estarra @ Apr 14 2005, 03:13 AM)
I think you will be well pleased with the female squirrel furrikin. She actually exceeded my furrikin expectations!

Hm. Well, that makes me feel better. We'll see, I guess. biggrin.gif *is still imagining in his head a less screwed up version of the kitsune from CHK though*